[SOLO] The Yoruba-speaking peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa, by Alfred Burdon Ellis

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Post by FaithAE »

Is this the code I am meant to paste here for consideration?
Let me know! Thank you.

The Yoruba-speaking peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa , by Alfred Burdon Ellis (1852 - 1894)
British Army officer and ethnographer, known for his writings on West Africa. Final publication takes anthropological magnifying glass to lives of Yoruba peoples in west Africa. The subtitle reads: " their religion, manners, customs, laws, language, etc : with an appendix containing a comparison of the Tshi, Gã, Ęwe, and Yoruba languages". Across fifteen chapters, he writes about different aspects of 19th century social organisation- language, belief systems, governance, pedagogy and social practices. (Summary by Faith Abiola-Ellison)
Source text (please read only from this text!): https://archive.org/details/b21781370/page/n5/mode/2up

Target completion date: 2027-08-31

Prooflistening level: Standard
Prospective PLs, please see the Guide for Proof-listeners.

IMPORTANT - soloist, please note: in order to limit the number of languishing projects on our server, we ask that you post an update at least once a month in your project thread, even if you haven't recorded anything. If we don't hear from you for three months, your project may be opened up to a group project if a Book Coordinator is found. Files you have completed will be used in this project. If you haven't recorded anything yet, your project will be removed from the forum (contact any admin to see if it can be re-instated).

Please don't download or listen to files belonging to projects in process unless you are the BC or PL. Our servers are not set up to handle the greater volume of traffic. Please wait until the project has been completed. Thanks!

This paragraph is temporary and will be replaced by the MC with the list of sections and reader (Magic Window) once this project is in the admin system.
  • Project Code: fLXmyJdp
  • Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Burdon_Ellis (Alfred Burdon Ellis)
  • Link to title on Wikipedia (if available):
  • Number of sections (files) this project will have: 25
  • Does the project have an introduction or preface: No
  • Original publication date (if known): 1894
  • If you are a new volunteer, how would you like your name (or pseudonym) credited in the catalog? tbc
  • Do you have a URL you would like associated with your name?: catalog page

Genres for the project: *Non-fiction

Keywords that describe the book: 19th century, west africa, yoruba, orisha, british ethnography


LibriVox recording settings: mono (1 channel), 44100 Hz sample rate, 128 kbps constant bit rate MP3. See the Tech Specs

Intro to recording:
Leave 0.5 to 1 second of silence at the beginning.

For the first section, say:
"Section (or Chapter) # of The Yoruba-speaking peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa . This is a LibriVox recording. All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer, please visit librivox.org." [Optional: "Read by your name."] "The Yoruba-speaking peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa , by Alfred Burdon Ellis. Section Title."
For the second and subsequent sections, you may use the shortened intro if you wish:
"Section (or Chapter) # of The Yoruba-speaking peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa , by Alfred Burdon Ellis. This LibriVox recording is in the public domain." [Optional: "Read by your name."] "Section Title."
End of recording:
"End of section (or chapter) #." [Optional, and if not stated in the intro: "Read by your name, city, date."]
If you are recording the final section of the book, add:
"End of The Yoruba-speaking peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa , by Alfred Burdon Ellis."
Leave 5 seconds of silence at the end.

Filename: yorubaspeakingpeoplesoftheslavecoastofwestafrica_##_ellis_128kb.mp3 where ## is the section number. (e.g. yorubaspeakingpeoplesoftheslavecoastofwestafrica_01_ellis_128kb.mp3)

Upload to the LibriVox Uploader: https://librivox.org/login/uploader

MC to select: xxxx

Copy and paste the file link generated by the uploader into the relevant Listen URL field in the Section Compiler, enter the duration in the Notes field, and post in this thread to let your PL and MC know that you have uploaded a file. You may also post the file link in the thread.
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Post by silverquill »

I will be glad to join you as DPL.
I hope we can finish up The Moravians in Jamaica though.

~ Larry

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Post by FaithAE »

Hi Larry
Thank you for responding. Does this mean I need to await someone who agrees to listen before starting?
Could you kindly point me to who/how I can section the chapters to start chunking the work? Sure it is written somewhere!

Noted- request to post a communication every month (can put reminder on my phone)
Noted- I have given 3 years to complete as a solo project- but may complete sooner!
RE Moravians,my sister is determined to complete her sections, so I am leaving that with her to commit and finish.
If, at any time she says "help" then I will step in to support.

But for now, I have completed by agreed sections on that project and so feel able to branch into another project.

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Post by silverquill »

Good to hear from you, Faith!

First, an MC will pick up this project and put me in as DPL, so I will proof listen all of your recordings.
The MC will set up the MW with the number of sections you requested. You can easily add more if you need them, but only an MC can delete extra sections.

The chapters in this book seem to be fairly long, by estimate about 10,000 words with some maybe longer. I think a comfortable length on this book would be about 12 pages, which would be three sections per chapter, but you could go with just two sections per chapter which would be about about 17- 18 pages, or about 5 - 6,000 words. Actually length would depend on your reading speed. Not all sections need to be equal, so you can divide chapters where there are major headings, of in any way that seem logical to you.

You would then name the sections for the MW like "Chapter 2, Major Gods, Part 1" etc.
If you want an easy way to keep track of where you are dividing the chapters, just enter something in the Notes field something like, "Read through ...." Or "read from .... through" "read from . . . to end" That will help everyone keep track.

If you need any help setting up the Magic Window, just let me know. I'm here for you!

~ Larry

Today, May 26, is my 11 year anniversary with LibriVox. What a journery!
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Post by FaithAE »

Thanks Larry. I am interested in thus project because it offers me learning about a culture I want to explore. But there are some flaws I.e we have more east a 100 years on.
The major drawback is that Ellis has not used accents on his words. As a tonal language, this may undermine the meaning and sense of some of his explanations. Tough sections to read and I suspect listen to are introduction ( he is a boring Lister of dates) the language section ( even with Google translate to hand, I am never 100% confident that his explanation is accurate) .

So, do we offer this reading with a 'health warning'? Do I write an accompanying critique to balance its flaws from our modern perspective? Feels like it would be important to understand exactly how the work came about and his sources..., he looks like vhe sure had time on his hands as a military officer.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by annise »

You need to discuss this with your MC when one picks the project up - it is a complex project for you to start when you have not BCed a catalogued project yet.
But you can not add anything to the original text. We record all texts as they are written - they are products of the writers and the times. If you think it is not understandable in its present form then think hard about recording it at all.

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Post by FaithAE »

Hi Anne
Thanks for your comments.
I think I may back away from the project only because I do think there needs to be more contextualisation of the detail and as I mentioned, the writer has not given critical tonal Mark's to the yoruba words, which is problematic for me ( first in correct pronunciation and thus true meaning).

Larry kindly offered to be DPL.
What Is the process for withdrawing the request to do this solo project on Librivox?

I may read and critique it as a separate action.

Let me know. Thanks
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Post by FaithAE »

BCed a catalogue? Meaning..? Thanks
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Post by silverquill »

Hi, again, Faith!

What annise has to say is very pertinent. We do have to record everything as it is written, without omissions or additions.

Wow, I had not looked at the chapter on language! Unless you have some familiarity with that language and pronunciation, I think it would be more than a challenge. But, if you think you have enough of a grasp to read it somewhat accurately, then certainly go for it. You are a skilled reader, so I have no doubts about your ability in that regard.

I have PLd a number of solo works for someone whose specialty and expertise is African folktales, Laura Gibbs, who might be able to help in someway. Maybe even read the chapter. I would be glad to run this by her.

The only way to add explanatory information is in the summary. I think what you have is good, but you could add a short paragraph to it for further explanation, but not anything too long. You would have to let your MC know because it would have to be added to the database.

There are some great chapters here, so I hope you can pull it off!

~ Larry

Today, May 26, is my 11 year anniversary with LibriVox. What a journery!
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Post by redrun »

BCed a catalogued project = completed a previous project, as the Book Coordinator (BC). The reader of a solo project is also the BC, and we'd recommend doing a simpler book for your very first time in that role.

It is up to you, but in answer to your question about withdrawing: all you have to do is say you're not doing this project, and an admin can clear away the discussion thread. You're welcome to post again later, whenever you're ready to give it a go. :D
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Post by annise »

Book coordinators are able to set up projects the way they wish as long as it follows a few rules, some brought about by the needs of the software. So what I am now saying are ideas not "rules"
Looking at the book - or books as the author keeping referring to it - maybe he "published" it with ? chapters as separate leaflets ?
And the "chapters" about geography and language seem hard to read and listen to. But the chapters on proverbs and customs etc are different.
They could be read separately for the nonfiction collection viewtopic.php?t=101992 if they fitted there (read the first post) and are not too long
Or it may be possible to set up a solo as "selections from the Yoruba" type thing.

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Post by annise »

I've popped this in the on hold project proposals so people can chat about it. Anne
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Post by FaithAE »

Thanks Anne and others for considered reply. I thought it was " all or nothing" situation. But if I have the option to read just selected chapters then this works for me as there are so.e really interesting chapters.

Please let me get back to the team with a proposal for some chapters and my approach and we take from there?
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Post by silverquill »

I'll be here for you, Faith!

And, you DO have some experience with reading long sections, and with the MW, so you are not a totally newbie. Just waiting on the other half of your duo. :)

~ Larry

Today, May 26, is my 11 year anniversary with LibriVox. What a journery!
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Post by Rapunzelina »

Hi Faith! Have you come up with a plan for this book? I am available to set up your project once you're ready
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