[FOUND] ISO a German speaker for a dramatic role

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LibriVox Admin Team
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Joined: August 7th, 2016, 6:39 pm

Post by mightyfelix »

Hello, everyone. I am posting here because I have a dramatic project that is almost fully claimed, and one of the outstanding roles requires a fair bit of German. So far, no one has volunteered to take this on, and I don't want to let the project languish for lack of this one role, if I can help it. The project is here: viewtopic.php?t=96125

The role is "Organ Boy," and he has a few lines in English, as well as the following poem:
Wenn ich höre dich mir nah',
Stimmen in den Blättern da;
Wenn ich fühl' dich weit und breit,
Vater, das ist Seligkeit.

Nun die Sonne liebend scheint,
Mich mit dir und All vereint;
Biene zu den Blumen fliegt,
Seel' an Lieb' sich liebend schmiegt.

So mich völlig lieb du hast,
Daseyn ist nicht eine Last;
Wenn ich seh' und höre dich,
Das genügt mir inniglich.
UPDATE: The role has been filled. Thank you!
Devorah Allen
Out of town May 27-June 2.

Readers wanted for:
A Cabinet of Gems, Sir Philip Sidney and George MacDonald
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