[COMPLETE]Within and Without by George MacDonald-mtf

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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Post by mightyfelix »

Within and Without: A Dramatic Poem, by George MacDonald (1824 - 1905)

This project is now complete! All audio files can be found on our catalog page: https://librivox.org/within-and-without-by-george-macdonald/
Brother Julian became a monk because he thought that was how he would find God. But now, feeling further away from God than ever and rejected by his brother monks, he decides to break his monk's vows and re-enter into the world and the complicated relationships it holds.

This dramatic poem was MacDonald's first published work. While it was not a financial success, it is interesting to a student or fan of MacDonald, because it explores themes and ideas that would continue to characterize his work later in life. (Summary by Devorah Allen)

(Readers, please see second post, below, for specifics about claiming and organization in this project.)
Source text (please read only from this text!): https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/9543

Deadline: Please submit your recording within 2 months of placing your claim. If you cannot complete the recording within this time, please post in the thread to relinquish your claim or to ask the BC for an extension. If your recording is not completed by the deadline, your claim may be reassigned at the BC's discretion.

Claiming roles: Look in the Magic Window below for the list of available roles. Post a reply in this thread asking for the role you would like to record.
Please note: All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain. When you submit your recording, you will be placing your recording in the public domain as well.

New to recording? Please see our Newbie Guide to Recording for further instructions. A quick guide to our required technical settings can be found here. When you post your file, please tell the BC what name you would like to use in our catalog.

Prooflistening level: Standard
Prospective PLs, please see the Guide for Proof-listeners.

Please don't download or listen to files belonging to projects in process unless you are the BC or PL. Our servers are not set up to handle the greater volume of traffic. Please wait until the project has been completed. Thanks!

Magic Window:

BC Admin

Genres for the project: Dramatic Readings; Poetry/Narratives

Keywords that describe the book: relationships, death, marriage, dramatic poem, monk, monastery, life after death


LibriVox recording settings: mono (1 channel), 44100 Hz sample rate, 128 kbps constant bit rate MP3. See the Tech Specs

For individual roles:
Submit one file per act. At the beginning of the first file, say:
"Character, read by your name."
Leave 3-5 seconds of space between your lines (room noise, not generated silence).

For narration/stage directions:
Leave 0.5 to 1 second of silence at the beginning.

"Act # of Within and Without: A Dramatic Poem, by George MacDonald. This is a LibriVox recording. All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer, please visit librivox.org."
At the end of each file say:
"End of Act #."
If you are recording the final section of the book, add:
"End of Within and Without: A Dramatic Poem, by George MacDonald."
Leave 5 seconds of silence at the end.

For individual roles: withinandwithout_role_#.mp3 where # is the act number. (e.g. withinandwithout_romeo_1.mp3)
For final files: withinandwithout_#_macdonald_128kb.mp3 where # is the act number. (e.g. withinandwithout_1_macdonald_128kb.mp3)

Upload to the LibriVox Uploader: https://librivox.org/login/uploader
(If you have trouble reading the image above, please contact an admin)

MC to select: mightyfelix

Copy and paste the file link generated by the uploader into a new post in this thread along with the file duration (mm:ss). Watch this thread for prooflistening notes.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Just post in this thread.
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Post by mightyfelix »

I will narrate and edit this DR. I will also PL parts, but I need a volunteer to PL the final edited sections.

I would like for some of the roles in this play to be gender specific, but not all of them. I have indicated this in the MW by using M/F/N in the notes field. The only roles that may not be double cast are Julian, Lilia, and Lily. This is indicated by an asterisk next to their name. If you are reading anything else, you may pick up multiple roles, as long as they are not in the same section. I may later on reconsider this on a case-by-case basis (as well as making more roles gender neutral if needed), but I would like to stick to this scheme for initial claims.

Part 4 is very long and will need to be split into two sections. However, for simplicity's sake, please record all of your part 4 lines in the same recording. I'll put them where they need to go when I edit.

Thank you! I look forward to getting to know this poem very well over the coming year-ish! 8-)

EDIT: Oh, forgot to mention, many characters have songs at various points in the play. Generally speaking, I would like these songs read as poetry rather than sung. But if you really want to sing, let's talk! :D
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Post by alanmapstone »

Hi Devorah
This looks like an intriguing work :wink:
Can I put in an early claim for Brother Stephen?
We can discuss later how to organise the songs.
the sixth age shifts into the slippered pantaloon with spectacles on nose
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Post by mightyfelix »

alanmapstone wrote: January 8th, 2023, 8:29 pm Hi Devorah
This looks like an intriguing work :wink:
Can I put in an early claim for Brother Stephen?
We can discuss later how to organise the songs.
I thought you would like him. :D You're in!
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Post by silverquill »


I've taken some time to peruse this, and it is full of pathos, delving into some deep places of the heart and soul.

I would like to undertake the role of Julian, if you would approve. What a range if thought and emotion to express!

~ Larry
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Post by mightyfelix »

Wonderful! :clap:

I was wondering who would be intrepid enough to be our Julian! He has quite a lot to say.

I had a hunch you would show up here before too long. Happy to have you. :D
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Post by redrun »

And if I may, I'd like to take the role of Brother Robert, in his struggle between a kind heart and a harsh imperative. :cry:
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Post by mightyfelix »

redrun wrote: January 8th, 2023, 9:48 pm And if I may, I'd like to take the role of Brother Robert, in his struggle between a kind heart and a harsh imperative. :cry:
He is a great character. You're in!
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Post by svonb002 »

Hello. May I claim the role of the Abbot?
~ Stefan V.
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Post by mightyfelix »

svonb002 wrote: January 8th, 2023, 10:50 pm Hello. May I claim the role of the Abbot?
Sure thing, thank you!
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Post by Salvationist »

This is a great idea for a DR, Devorah! May I read the second servant?

Current focus: Acadia, The Watsons, and Pollyanna of the Orange Blossoms
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Post by mightyfelix »

Salvationist wrote: January 9th, 2023, 3:26 am This is a great idea for a DR, Devorah! May I read the second servant?
You're in! Let me know if you want another role.
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Post by mightyfelix »

Moving to Readers Wanted.
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Post by GregGiordano »

May I claim Lord Seaford?

Thank you!

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Post by mightyfelix »

You're in, thanks! :D
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