COMPLETE[PLAYS]One Act Play Collection 019 - thw

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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Post by ToddHW »

One Act Play Collection 019, by Various
Here, in our 19th collection, are 10 One Act Plays for your enjoyment. (Several of the plays took longer than one section and had to be split into two parts.) They range from a ghost story on the moors to dancing lawyers in the courtroom, from an appeal to patriotism to outright farce. All short gems to make you laugh, cry, think, or all three. (NOTE: Percy Mackaye died in 1956, Gertrude Jennings in 1958, Laurence Housman in 1959, and Effa Preston in 1975. Their plays are not PD for listeners in Europe and/or Australia, and other countries which observe copyright of author's death +70 years.) - Summary by ToddHW
This project is complete. All audio files may be found on our Librivox catalog page at

This is collection 19. This collection will be limited to 10 plays. Once we have 10 this will be closed to further additions.
We now have 10 plays offered and cast so this collection is full of plays. (A new collection will start up when this collection gets finished.)

I expect all these plays to be Gender Neutral so as to avoid casting problems.

Please see the posted list below in the thread for previous plays. It would be nice to have new ones to add to the collection.

Please Note: Some plays are not PD for readers in Europe and/or Australia, and other countries which observe copyright of author's death +70 years. These are identified below and in the MW.

1. [COMPLETE] Sam Average by Percy Mackaye (1875–1956). BC for this play is ej400
NOTE: Mackaye died in 1956. This story is not PD for readers in Europe and/or Australia, and other countries which observe copyright of author's death +70 years.
Link to the text:
And a link to the collection it's in (1875–1956)
Original publication date: 1912

2. and 3. (too long for one section) [COMPLETE/FULL] The Widow of Wasdale Head by Arthur Wing Pinero (1885-1934). BC for this play is toddhw
PD text link:
IGNORE THE MARKUPS IN THE SCRIPT - Just say what is actually printed
Link to author on Wikipedia:
Original publication date: 1912

4. [COMPLETE] An Eligible Situation: An Eccentricity in One Act by Thomas Archer (1789-1848) and J.C. Brough (1834-1872). BC for this play is stepheather
Thomas Archer, 1789?–1848 (couldn't find him on Wikipedia:; J.C. Brough, 1834–1872 (
This edition is from 1870

5. [COMPLETE] The Snow man: A metrical play in one act by Laurence Housman (1865-1959). BC for this play is Ambsweet13
NOTE: Housman died in 1959. This story is not PD for readers in Europe and/or Australia, and other countries which observe copyright of author's death +70 years.
Play published in 1916

6. and 7. (too long for one section) [COMPLETE] The Man of Destiny by George Bernard Shaw (death: 1950). BC for this play is tefavidal
Text link:
Author wikipedia link: (death: 1950)
Play wikipedia link:
Publication date: 1897

8. [COMPLETE] The Free Selector by Rolf Boldrewood (Thomas Alexander Browne) (1826 - 1915). BC for this play is Algy Pug
PD Text link: (for PL and the etext link for listeners)
Link for script to use for reading:
Publication date: 1903

9. A Thanksgiving Dream: A One Act Play for Primary Children By Effa E. Preston (1884-1975). BC for this play is norahnelson
NOTE: Preston died in 1975. This story is not PD for readers in Europe and/or Australia, and other countries which observe copyright of author's death +70 years.
The link to the book:
Or a color-coded text:

10. Five Birds in a Cage by Gertrude E. Jennings ( - 1958). BC for this play is jennlea
NOTE: Jennings died in 1958. This story is not PD for readers in Europe and/or Australia, and other countries which observe copyright of author's death +70 years.
* PD text link:
* Link to author on Wikipedia:
* Death Date: 1958
* Number of roles (including narrator) this project will have: 6
* Original publication date: 1915

11. [COMPLETE] Trial by Jury by W.S.Gilbert (1836-1911). BC for this play will be alanmapstone
We will only do the 4 pages of text (spoken not sung), not the Vocal Score.
Wiki: ;
Original publication date: 1911

12. [COMPLETE] The Judgement of Indra by Dhan Gopal Mukerji (1890-1936). BC for this play is Inkell
PD text link:
Link to author on Wikipedia (died July 14th 1936):
Original publication date: 1920 (I think)

Readers: to find a section to record, simply look at the sections in the MW below. All the ones without names beside them are “up for grabs.” Click "Post reply" at the top left of the screen and tell us which section you’d like to read (include the section number from the left-most column in the reader list, please). Read points below the MW for what to do before, during and after your recording.

Please note: All Librivox recordings are in the public domain. When you submit your recording, you will be placing your recording in the public domain as well.

Is there a deadline?
We ask that you submit your recorded sections within 1-2 months of placing your claim. Please note that to be fair to the readers who have completed their sections in a timely way, if you haven't submitted your recording(s) after two months, your sections will automatically be re-opened for other readers to claim, unless you post in this thread to request an extension. Extensions will be granted at the discretion of the Book Coordinator. If you cannot do your section, for whatever reason, just let me know and it'll go back to the pool. There's no shame in this; we're all volunteers and things happen. Please do not sign up for more sections than you can complete within the two month deadline.

New to recording? Please see our Newbie Guide to Recording for further instructions. A quick guide to our required technical settings can be found here. When you post your file, please tell the BC what name you would like to use in our catalog.

Prooflistening level: Standard
Prospective PLs, please see the Guide for Proof-listeners.

Please don't download or listen to files belonging to projects in process unless you are the BC or PL. Our servers are not set up to handle the greater volume of traffic. Please wait until the project has been completed. Thanks!

Magic Window:

BC Admin
This paragraph is temporary and will be replaced by the MC with the list of sections and reader (Magic Window) once this project is in the admin system.
  • Project Code: C8E0kf4G
  • Link to author on Wikipedia (if available):
  • Link to title on Wikipedia (if available):
  • Number of sections (files) this project will have: 50
  • Does the project have an introduction or preface: No
  • Original publication date (if known):
  • If you are a new volunteer, how would you like your name (or pseudonym) credited in the catalog?
  • Do you have a URL you would like associated with your name?:

Genres for the project: Plays

Keywords that describe the book: one act plays


How to volunteer to BC a play
This is a great opportunity for anyone who's always wanted to BC a dramatic reading but isn't quite ready to do a full-length play. (Of course it's open to experienced BCs as well!) Please note that if you propose a play for inclusion in the collection, you are responsible either for editing, proof-listening and coordinating it yourself, or for finding other volunteers to fill these roles. Volunteers outside the USA: Be aware that some of the plays are still protected by copyright law some places, like Europe, where copyright is author's death plus 70 years, Australia (author's death plus 70 years for authors who died after 1955) or Canada (author's death plus 50 years).

Please look at the list of plays that have previously been submitted before choosing a play to co-ordinate. Please claim your play in the thread; You will be the BC for your play. I will put files in the MW and keep that up to date but you are expected to Proof Listen submitted parts and then edit the play together when all parts are submitted. This collection is capped at 10 plays. Each BC needs to provide the following information about each play:

* Title and author
* PD text link
* Link to author on Wikipedia, and death date, if known
* Link to title on Wikipedia
* Number of roles (including narrator) this project will have
* Original publication date
* The list of characters in your plays so when we have a MW I can set up your sections properly!

If you would like to claim a role yourself please do so. Below are some resources you can use to find a play, but don't feel limited to these. Also, remember to check what has already been recorded in the previous One-Act Play Collections (see next post in this thread)

Fifty Contemporary One-Act Plays:

The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays:

Washington Square Plays:

Comtemporary One Act Plays

Voces Populi by F Anstey

King Arthur's Socks and Other Plays by Floyd Dell Not PD for Europe/Australia

Project Gutenberg also has a list of many authors who have written one-act plays:

LibriVox recording settings: mono (1 channel), 44100 Hz sample rate, 128 kbps constant bit rate MP3. See the Tech Specs

For individual roles:
Submit one file per act. At the beginning of the first file, say:
"Character, read by your name."
Leave 3-5 seconds of space between your lines (room noise, not generated silence).

For narration/stage directions:
Leave 0.5 to 1 second of silence at the beginning.

"Play # of One Act Play Collection 019" followed by "[name of play] by [author]". Followed by "This is a LibriVox recording. All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer, please visit"
At the end of each file say:
"End of" "[name of play] by [author]."
If you are recording the final section of the book, add:
"End of One Act Play Collection 019, by Various."
Leave 5 seconds of silence at the end.

For individual roles: titleinoneword_charactername_aurthorsurname.mp3 (all lower-case)
e.g. punchandgo_electrics_galsworthy.mp3
For final files: oneactplays019_##_various_128kb.mp3 where ## is the play number. (e.g. oneactplays019_01_various_128kb.mp3)

Upload to the LibriVox Uploader:
(If you have trouble reading the image above, please contact an admin)

MC to select: toddhw

Copy and paste the file link generated by the uploader into a new post in this thread along with the file duration (mm:ss). Watch this thread for prooflistening notes.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Just post in this thread.

Thanks, Todd
Out of town until mid-September. No access to forum, MW, nothing. Carry on!
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Post by ToddHW »

Previous Collections

Plays already recorded in previous collections

One Act Play Collection 001 Author
The First and the Last- John Galsworthy
A Marriage has been Arranged- Alfred Sutro
The Swan Song- Anton Chekhov
Trifles- Susan Glaspell
War Brides- Marion Craig Wentworth
Wurzel Flummery- A.A. Milne

One Act Play Collection 002 Author
Before Breakfast- Eugene O'Neill
The Buller Podington Compact- Frank Richard Stockton
The Dark Lady of the Sonnets- George Bernard Shaw
The First and the Last- John Galsworthy
How he Lied to her Husband- George Bernard Shaw
The Outside- Susan Glaspell
The Parlor Car- William D Howells
Riders to the Sea- John Millington Synge

One Act Play Collection 003 Author
Eugenically Speaking- Edward Goodman
The Pot Boiler- Alice Gerstenberg
A Good Woman- Arnold Bennet
The Sun- John Galsworthy
The Bear- Anton Chekov
The Tenor- Frank Wedekind
The Pretentious Young Ladies- Moliere
Lonesome Like- Harolod Brighouse
Enter the Hero- Theresa Helburn
A Proposal Under Difficulties- John Kendrick Bangs

One Act Play Collection 004 Author
The Bicyclers- John Kendrick Bangs
The Dark Lady of Sonnets- George Bernard Shaw
Eolaus, A Dramatic Poem- James Allen
Fame and the Poet- Lord Dunsany
Is She His Wife- Charles Dickens
King Lear's Wife- Gordon bottomley
The Land of Heart's Desire- William butler Yeats
Mr Nightingale's Diary- Charles Dickens
The Stronger- August Strindberg
Trifles- Susan Glaspell
War Brides- Marion Craig Wentworth
Woman's Honor- Susan Glaspell

One Act Play Collection 005 Author
Abstraction- Basil Hall Chamberlain
The Constant Lover- St John Hankin
The Day of the Boomer Dukes- Frederik Pohl
Forgotten Souls- David Pinski
Overtones- Alice Gerstenberg
Supressed Desires- Susan Glaspell and George Cram
Tides- George Middleton
The Twelve Pound Look- J.M. Barrie
When Shades Assemble- Marjory Benton Cooke
Zenobia- Hereward Carrington

One Act Play Collection 006 Author
Madame Butterfly- David Belasco
The Hunting of the Snark- Lewis Carroll
Something to Vote For- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The Sightless- Maurice Maeterlinck
Punch and Go- John Galsworthy
The Falcon- Alfred Lord Tennyson
Night At The Inn- Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett Dunsany
A Midsummer Dance Dream- Anna Bird Stewart
Zenobia- Hereward Carrington
A Question of Sex- Arnold Bennett

One Act Play Collection 007 Author
The Stepmother- Arnold Bennett
The Woman Tamer Louis Esson
Dead Timber - Louis Esson
The Wedding - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
The Anniversary - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Grotesques- Cloyd Head
A Tragedian in Spite of Himself - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
The Slave With Two Faces - Mary Carolyn Davies
The Masque of the Two Strangers - Lady Alix Egerton
Fourteen - Alice Gerstenberg
Moonshine - Arthur Hopkins

One Act Play Collection 008 Author
The Hour Glass - WB Yeats
Human Nature - Floyd Dell
At a Garden Party- F Anstey
Not Smart - Wilbur Daniel Steele
Cinderella - Florence Bell
The Sacred Place - Louis Esson
The Second Story Man - Upton Sinclair
Daniel and the Devil - Eugene Field
The Pierrot of the Minute - Ernest Dowson
The Exchange - Althea Thurston

One Act Play Collection 009 Author
Phipps - Stanley Houghton
Fancy Free - Stanley Houghton
Attuned- Alice Gerstenberg
Where But in America - Oscar M Wolff
The Good Samaritan - Rita Benton
In 1999 - William C Demille
The Story of Rachel - Lady Florence Bell
The Dance of Death - Gustave Flaubert
Answering the Phone - Elizabeth Guptill
A Dramatic Evening - John Kendrick Bangs
The Fatal Message - John Kendrick Bangs

One Act Play Collection 010 Author
Mosada - William Butler
The Belles of Canterbury - Anna Bird Stewart
The People- Susan Glaspell
Close the Book - Susan Glaspell
Cathleen Ni Houlihan - WB Yeats and Lady Gregory
The Proving of Abraham - Rita Benton
Household Gods - Aleister Crowley
Box and Cox - Maddison Morton
What Christmas did for Jerusha Grumble - John D Macdonald
The Fourth Act - Basil MacDonald Hastings

One Act Play Collection 011 Author
Chitra - Rabindranath Tagore
The Vampire Cat - Gerard Van Etten
The Countess of Escarbagnas - Moliere
Playgoers - Arthur Wing Pinero
The Far-Away Princess - Hermann Sudermann
Food A Tragedy of the Future - William C. de Mille
A Day Well Spent (the play that became Hello Dolly) - John Oxenford
Bridges - Clare Kummer
Efficiency - Perley Poore Sheehan and Robert H. [Hobart] Davis
Biscuits and Bills - O.B. DuBois

One Act Play Collection 012 Author
The Flying Doctor by Moliere
At Saint Judas' by Henry Blake Fuller
The Grandmother by Lajos Biro
Everybody's Husband by Richard Ryan
A DOLLAR by David Pinski
Why the Chimes Rang by Elizabeth Apthorp McFadden
The Line of No Resistance by Percival Wilde
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern by W. S. Gilbert
First Come, First Served by John Maddison Morton
Wanted, A Male Cook by George Melville Baker

One Act Play Collection 013 Author
Love Magic by Gregorio Martinez Sierra
He Said and She Said: A One-Act Play by Alice Gerstenberg
DONE The Hartleys, a Play in One Act by Arthur Eckersley
The Sicilian, or Love Makes the Painter, by Moliere
When Witches Ride - A Play of Folk-Superstition, by Elizabeth Lay (Greene)
The Woman Tamer, by Louis Esson
The Cyclops, by Euripides
"Dod Gast Ye Both!" a Comedy of Mountain Moonshiners, by Hubert Heffner
An Irish Engagement, by Walter Watts
Damon, or True Friendship, by G E Lessing

One Act Collection 014 Author

The Lover by Gregorio Martinez Sierra
England's Easter by George Logan
“The Bloomer Costume; or The Figure of Fun” by Edward Stirling
"Short and Sweet" by Adolphus Charles Troughton
"Hester's Mystery" by Arthur Wing Pinero
"Sweet and Twenty" by Floyd Dell
Heirs of Slavery: A Little Drama of Today by Katherine D. Tillman
In 1999; a problem play of the future by William Churchill De Mille
Retained for the Defence by John Oxenford.
Lady Geraldine's Speech by Beatrice Harraden

One Act Collection 015 Author

Re-Taming of the Shrew: A Shakespearean Travesty in One Act by John W. Postgate
The Jealousy of Le Barbouille by Moliere
A Photographic Fix by Frederic Hay
Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady by J.R. Planch
The Roadhouse in Arden by Philip Moeller
In the Shadow of the Glen by John Millington Synge
The Last Rehearsal by Irene Jean Crandall
The Trysting Place: A Farce in One Act by Booth Tarkington
The Diabolical Circle by Beulah Bornstead
Spreading the News by Augusta Gregory

One Act Collection 016 Author

Hyacinth Halvey by Lady Augusta Gregory
Barbara by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman
Which is The King? by Walter Watts
Cocaine by Pendleton King
Freezing a Mother-in-Law by Thomas Pemberton
Isosceles by Walter Ben Hare
"The First Act of a Comedy" by Jane Austen
The Day After the Wedding by Maria Theresa Kemble
Sganarelle: or The Self-Deceived Husband by Moliere
Comedy and Tragedy by W. S. Gilbert

One Act Collection 017 Author

Tradition, by George Middleton
The Trumpeter’s Daughter, by Joseph Stirling Coyne
Who Kissed Barbara by Franz Rickaby
Pariah, by August Strindber
Hagoromo by unknown, a Japanese noh play, translated by Ernest Fenollosa
The Forced Marriage by Moliere
Helena's Husband By Philip Moeller
(In Russian) Самоубийца. Аркадий Тимофеевич Аверченко
Cousin Cherry by Henry Spicer
Countess Julie by August Strindberg

One Act Collection 018 Author

The School for Wives Criticised by Moliere, translated by Henri Van Laun
The Loan of a Lover by J.R. Planche
Poor Jack, by James Branch Cabell
Gentlemen Boarders by Arthur Eckersley
Mansions by Hildegarde Flanner
Augustus Does his Bit by George Bernard Shaw
The Birthmark, by Jack London
A Wicked Woman, by Jack London
The Reckoning by Percival Wilde
The Game of Chess by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman
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Post by ej400 »

Hello Todd! I'd like to do:

Sam Average by Percy Mackaye
Link to the text:
And a link to the collection it's in (1875–1956)
I'll need 6 roles
Original publication date: 1912 (I believe, there's no link to it on wikipedia, this comes from the copyright on gutenberg for it).

And characters:
Sam Average (appears as "The Figure" in the text).
The Voice

I'll do the editing and PL parts :thumbs:
Let me know if there's any additional information I need!
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Post by tefavidal »

Hi! This will be my first play :D I would like to do

The Man of Destiny by George Bernard Shaw
Text link:
Author wikipedia link: (death: 1950)
Play wikipedia link:
Publication date: 1897
Roles: 4
- Giuseppe
- Napoleon
- A Lady
- Lieutenant

I'll do the stage directions, editing, and part PL :)
Back until end of August.
Catching up on some recordings
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Post by Inkell »

I would like to do a one act play, including handling the editing of course but PLing is quite difficult for me so would anyone be willing to serve as a DPL for my project? This would be for the individual roles not just for the final edit
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Post by ToddHW »

Thank you ej400 and tefavidal for your plays. In the MW.
Inkell wrote: February 26th, 2023, 6:10 am I would like to do a one act play, including handling the editing of course but PLing is quite difficult for me so would anyone be willing to serve as a DPL for my project? This would be for the individual roles not just for the final edit
Great. You will have more luck asking for DPL help if you provide info about the play so a prospective volunteer can look at the script.

Thanks, Todd
Out of town until mid-September. No access to forum, MW, nothing. Carry on!
My Librivox Quixote Part 1 Shakuntala Porgy Falstaff Basset 1 Act 20 Silver Age Thunderbolt Truculentus Contrivance
Posts: 1789
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Post by Inkell »

ToddHW wrote: February 26th, 2023, 6:49 am Great. You will have more luck asking for DPL help if you provide info about the play so a prospective volunteer can look at the script.

Thanks, Todd
Alright, I guess I will come back when I have decided on a play then, I thought it would be best to see if anyone was interested in being DPL first. I compiled a list of ones from your links ruling out non-PD ones or ones already done, Alan also suggested one but I don't know if he intends to do it himself and someone else suggested one but I haven't looked at that collection yet or your last link to gutenberg authors who did one-act plays, it is quite time consuming but I am getting there slowly
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Post by GregGiordano »

May I read The Figure in "Sam Average?"

May I also read Giuseppe in "Men of Destiny?"

Thank you!

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Joined: August 14th, 2011, 4:24 am

Post by ToddHW »

Thank you.

Out of town until mid-September. No access to forum, MW, nothing. Carry on!
My Librivox Quixote Part 1 Shakuntala Porgy Falstaff Basset 1 Act 20 Silver Age Thunderbolt Truculentus Contrivance
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Post by ej400 »

How many One Act's could I do in this collection? I've just discovered another one I'd like to do. :D

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Post by ToddHW »

Two would be fine here.

Thanks, Todd
Out of town until mid-September. No access to forum, MW, nothing. Carry on!
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Post by stepheather »

Another question for you, Todd--how many is TOO many roles for a one-act play? I have one that has 11, including stage directions. I wondered if I got it listed early in the play collection if we'd be more likely to fill it, but...I also don't want to hold up an entire play collection for a couple of roles.

Current solo:
Life among the Piutes

Native American history--Come read about removal plans, education, and laws:
Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, December 1837
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Post by ToddHW »

11 is not too many. Having a lot of roles increases the effort to edit, but it also makes the roles a bit shorter and perhaps more enticing to some people to select.

The "last" play in collection 18 is one of the shorter ones there, with only 4 roles. You never know what will get done first.

Thanks, Todd
Out of town until mid-September. No access to forum, MW, nothing. Carry on!
My Librivox Quixote Part 1 Shakuntala Porgy Falstaff Basset 1 Act 20 Silver Age Thunderbolt Truculentus Contrivance
Posts: 1789
Joined: July 10th, 2022, 2:52 pm

Post by Inkell »

ToddHW wrote: February 26th, 2023, 6:49 am Great. You will have more luck asking for DPL help if you provide info about the play so a prospective volunteer can look at the script.

Thanks, Todd
Okay the play I would like to do is The Judgement of Indra by Dhan Gopal Mukerji ( which is 3167 words with 4 characters plus stage directions, it's basically about a monk having his faith tested.

Runners up are The Clod by Lewis Beach ( and The Proposal by Anton Chekhov (, I'd be willing to do either of these instead if someone would be willing to serve as my DPL but just not for Judgement of Indra
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Post by alanmapstone »

Inkell wrote: March 13th, 2023, 7:27 am Okay the play I would like to do is The Judgement of Indra by Dhan Gopal Mukerji ( which is 3167 words with 4 characters plus stage directions, it's basically about a monk having his faith tested.
Hi Inkell
I can DPL this for you. Looks like an unusual play but will be interesting :wink:
the sixth age shifts into the slippered pantaloon with spectacles on nose
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