[COMPLETE] The History of a Lie: "The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion", by Herman Bernstein - kaz

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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Post by mleigh »

The History of a Lie: "The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion", by Herman Bernstein (1876 - 1935)

This project is now complete. All audio files can be found on our catalog page: https://librivox.org/the-history-of-a-lie-by-herman-bernstein/
A presentation and deconstruction of the "Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion", an anti-Semitic work fabricated in order to brand Jews as dangerous and evil people, depicting the fictional secret Jewish world organization which aims to concur the modern world. (Summary by Nathan Lewin)
Source text (please read only from this text!): https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/19200

Deadline: Please submit your recording within 2 months of placing your claim. If you cannot complete the recording within this time, please post in the thread to relinquish your claim or to ask the BC for an extension. If your recording is not completed by the deadline, your claim will be reassigned at the BC's discretion.

Claiming sections: Look in the Magic Window below for the list of available sections. Post a reply in this thread asking for the section you would like to record.

New to recording? Please see our Newbie Guide to Recording for further instructions. A quick guide to our required technical settings can be found here. When you post your file, please tell the BC what name you would like to use in our catalog.

Prooflistening level: Standard
Prospective PLs, please see the Guide for Proof-listeners.

Please don't download or listen to files belonging to projects in process unless you are the BC or PL. Our servers are not set up to handle the greater volume of traffic. Please wait until the project has been completed. Thanks!

Magic Window:

BC Admin
LibriVox recording settings: mono (1 channel), 44100 Hz sample rate, 128 kbps constant bit rate MP3. See the Tech Specs

Intro to recording:
Leave 0.5 to 1 second of silence at the beginning.

"Chapter # of The History of a Lie: "The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion". This is a LibriVox recording. All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer, please visit librivox.org." [Optional: "Read by your name."] "The History of a Lie: "The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion", by Herman Bernstein. Section Title."
End of recording:
"End of chapter #." [Optional, and if not stated in the intro: "Read by your name, city, date."]
If you are recording the final section of the book, add:
"End of The History of a Lie: "The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion", by Herman Bernstein."
Leave 5 seconds of silence at the end.

Filename: historylie_##_bernstein_128kb.mp3 where ## is the section number. (e.g. historylie_01_bernstein_128kb.mp3)

Upload to the LibriVox Uploader: https://librivox.org/login/uploader

MC to select: Kazbek

Copy and paste the file link generated by the uploader into the relevant Listen URL field in the Section Compiler, enter the duration in the Notes field, and post in this thread to let your PL and MC know that you have uploaded a file. You may also post the file link in the thread.
LibriVox Admin Team
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Post by Kazbek »

Hi Nathan,

The MW is up. As soloist, you will also be the BC (book coordinator) for your project, and will be in charge of filling out the Magic Window. Before you can access a Magic Window for the first time, you will need to set up a password for logging into the workflow system, as described here:

How to log in to the workflow system for the first time

Other instructions for managing the Magic Window can be found on this wiki page:


In a solo project, you don't have to worry about the things that BCs do in group projects for other readers. You just need to do the following:

1) Fill out the Title column, which will be used in the catalog (hit Enter to save).
2) Put file durations (mm:ss) into the Notes column (click Save to save).
3) Copy file URLs from the uploader and paste them into the Listen URL column (hit Enter to save).
4) Update the status to "ready for PL" and "ready for spot PL", as appropriate.

Let me know if you have any questions. I'll leave this thread here on the Launch Pad for a couple of days before moving it to the Going Solo forum, to see if a DPL (Dedicated Proof-listener) volunteers. I look forward to working with you!

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Location: Israel

Post by NatantheLV »

Hi Michael,

I'm very glad you picked up the project. I look forward to working with you as well!

I updated the chapters of the Magic Window, and uploaded the first two sections, which I had already recorded.
This is my first time working on a solo project, so let me know if there are any problems with the Magic Window or the uploads.
- Nathan
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Post by Kazbek »

Looks good. We'll leave the thread on the Launch Pad for a couple of days to see if we can attract a DPL.

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Post by mleigh »

I'll DPL this for you if you'd like as long as you are not planning on reading the Russian.

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Post by NatantheLV »

No, I'm skipping the Russian transcriptions and transliterations (anything in the gray boxes), as I'm fairly certain that those are the transcriber's notes (plus, I can't speak Russian – the names are challenging enough!)
- Nathan
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Post by Kazbek »

Great, moving to Going Solo.

If you look at a scan of the book, the Russian text appears in illustrations, which we don't normally read. The transcriptions and transliterations were added by PG. I could help with the Russian, but it doesn't sound like it will be needed.

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Post by mleigh »

You are doing a great job with the reading, including all the Russian names. It has been interesting to listen to so far.

I have one small comment on the forward, section 0.

at about 1:37 sounds like "selfish means" in "their own dastardly and selfish ends" which does change the meaning.

Chapter 1 is PL OK.


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Post by Kazbek »

Nathan, are you still working on this?

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Location: Israel

Post by NatantheLV »

Hey Michael,

Sorry for the long silence, uni got the better of me.
I don't think I'll be continuing the project in the foreseeable future. I might come back to it sometime, but there's no point in keeping it open as of now.
(plus, rainy season is starting up, and my tin roof makes it hard to record...)

Thanks, hope to see you in future projects,
- Nathan
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Post by Kazbek »

NatantheLV wrote: January 15th, 2023, 11:53 pm Hey Michael,

Sorry for the long silence, uni got the better of me.
I don't think I'll be continuing the project in the foreseeable future. I might come back to it sometime, but there's no point in keeping it open as of now.
(plus, rainy season is starting up, and my tin roof makes it hard to record...)

Thanks, hope to see you in future projects,
Hi Nathan,

If you're intending to come back to the project, I can put it "on hold", so it will be kept for you in its current state. Otherwise, I'll mark it as "abandoned", in which case someone else can finish it or open it up as a group project. Let me know your preference.

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Post by NatantheLV »

Hi Michael,

I've done some thinking, and decided I will be finishing the recordings.
I found a partially edited version of chapter two, and should be able to find some time for recording the others. I think it'll be a waste to abandon it, and putting it on hold will probably just leave it motionless.

I'll do my best to finish editing the chapter and send it in the following weeks, and hopefully start on the next chapters as well.

Many thanks,
LibriVox Admin Team
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Post by Kazbek »

Sounds good!

LibriVox Admin Team
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Post by Kazbek »

Nathan, are you still working on this project?

Posts: 23
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Location: Israel

Post by NatantheLV »

Hey, sorry again for the long silence; between school, work, bad weather (having a tin roof has its drawbacks), sickness and just general depression, I haven't had a good chance to sit down and properly respond. I've been battling and debating myself what to do with this reading, as well as how to respond.

The main problem I've been facing with this reading (besides my own incompetence) is the text itself: I think that this book is extremely important, since it presents and deconstructs various antisemitic texts that were the basis of extreme attacks against Jewish communities throughout history. However, looking at the few recordings I have of the main parts of the book, a vast majority of them are just a dramatic reading of antisemitic texts that have lead directly to the deaths of tens of thousands of people, and indirectly to waves of antisemitism that influenced ethnic genocides that number casualties in the millions. Several of the texts in the book are still used to this day to instigate attacks against Jewish communities around the world and fuel antisemitic rhetoric that is sadly increasingly prevalent online. The texts are difficult to read on their own (especially for myself, having grown up on stories of the horrors of European antisemitism, much of which was instigated by these very texts), and, to be honest, I genuinely fear these free and available recordings of my own voice might be taken out of context (much like the fabricated stories themselves) and used to fuel further hatred against others. While this may seem far-fetched and goes against the very nature of the book, it is a fear that I cannot drive out of my head.

I will not be continuing the recordings. I have an edited version of the Forward (based on PL notes) that I will be uploading sometime soon, but the rest of the chapters can be opened to other readers. I truly think that this text is important, but I do not feel comfortable in reading it myself. Besides, I think I bit off a little more that I can chew for a first solo project; I'll try my hand at a few simpler (and less charged) texts moving forward.

Many thanks, hope to see you in future projects,
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