[COMP] Parallel Lives of the Noble Greeks/Romans 1 - km

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Post by kmerline »

Parallel Lives of THE Noble Greeks and Romans Vol 1 by Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus , translated by Bernadotte Perrin.

This book was cataloged on October 19, 2008. The audio files have been transferred to Internet Archive, and may be accessed at: http://librivox.org/plutarchs_parallel_lives_vol_1/

Parallel Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans is a series of biographies of famous men, arranged in tandem to illuminate their common moral virtues or failings. The surviving lives, contain twenty-three pairs of biographies, each pair consisting of one Greek and one Roman, as well as four unpaired, single lives.

Plutarch was not concerned with writing histories, as such, but in exploring the influence of character, good or bad, on the lives and destinies of famous men. The first pair of lives the Epaminondas-Scipio Africanus no longer exists, and many of the remaining lives are truncated, contain obvious lacunae and/or have been tampered with by later writers.

His Life of Alexander is one of the five surviving secondary or tertiary sources about Alexander the Great and it includes anecdotes and descriptions of incidents that appear in no other source. Likewise, his portrait of Numa Pompilius, an early Roman king, also contains unique information about the early Roman calendar.

In this copy-right expired 11-volume translation from the Loeb Classical library, the order of the paired lives is rearranged to present the Greek lives in chronological order. Vol 1 presents the paired lives of Theseus and Romulus, Lycurgus and Numa, and Solon and Poplicola. (Summary adapted from Wikipedia by Karen Merline.)

Link to title on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_Lives
Link to author on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plutarch
  1. How to claim a part:
    To find a section to record, look at the sections in the box below. All those without names beside them are available. Click "Post reply" at the top left of the screen and tell us which section you’d like to read (include the section number from the left-most column in the reader list, please). Read points 6 to 8 below for what to do before, during and after your recording.
  2. New to recording?
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  3. Is there a deadline?
    Target completion date of this project: July 26, 2008, but try to send your recordings as soon as you can. I will note the date you volunteer for a chapter, and if you haven't recorded or posted about the progress of your chapter(s) in a month from the date you sign up, I will put it back to the pool. This doesn't mean you have to record in the month, just be sure to keep in touch to let me know how things are going. If you cannot do your section, for whatever reason, just let me know and it’ll go back to the pool. There’s no shame in this; we’re all volunteers and things happen.
  4. Where do I find the text?
    Source text: http://ia300021.us.archive.org/1/items/plutarchslives01plut2/plutarchslives01plut2_djvu.txt
    But please read only from the individual text files linked to the box below.
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    (BC admin)
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    Bit Rate: 128 kbps
    Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
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    Please leave 5 seconds silence at the end of your recording, or 10 seconds for files longer than 30 minutes!

    Also, please remember to check this thread frequently for updates!
  8. AFTER recording:
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    Listen to your file through headphones. If you can hear some constant background noise (hiss/buzz), you may want to clean it up a bit. The new (free) version 1.3.3. of Audacity (Mac/Win) has much improved noise-cleaning. See this LibriVox wiki page for a complete guide.

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    Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
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    Add the following tags to your .mp3 file (how you do this depends on which software you use – if you are unsure about ID3 tags, send me a message). Please mind upper and lower case!

    Title: 00 - Introduction
    Title: 01 - Theseus pt. 1 (etc.)
    Title: 04 - Comparison of Theseus & Numa
    Artist: Plutarch/Perrin
    Album: Parallel Lives Vol. 1

    Please ignore tags for Genre and Track Number - these will be filled in automatically at the cataloguing stage.

    Transfer of files (completed recordings)
    Please always post in this forum thread when you've sent a file.
    Also, post the length of the recording (file duration: mm:ss) together with the link.
    • Upload your file with the LibriVox Uploader (when your upload is complete, you will receive a link - please post it in this thread):
      (If you have trouble reading the image above, please message an admin)
      You'll need to select the MC, which for this project is: km - kmerline
    • If this doesn't work, or you have questions, please check our How To Send Your Recording wiki page.
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Last edited by kmerline on October 19th, 2008, 4:30 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Post by kmerline »

Open for business! :)
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Post by ontheroad »

I think you know that I'll be happy to tackle this one! I'll do the last 3 sections 18-20

Thanks for putting this together.
veni vidi vici
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Post by kmerline »

ontheroad wrote:I think you know that I'll be happy to tackle this one! I'll do the last 3 sections 18-20

Thanks for putting this together.
OTR, I'm glad you like this! I was delighted to find that this translation was public domain. Of course, I'm signing you up. I wonder how old we will be when this gets done? :wink:
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Post by AGSec »

I'd quite like to read the sections on Solon (having recorded the relevant parts of Bury's History), but before volunteering, I'd like to be assured that the translation is out of copyright in the UK.

Graham :?
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Post by Starlite »

Bernadotte Perrin: 1847-1920

Looks good for you.

"Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable
people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress,
therefore, depends on unreasonable people." George Bernard Shaw
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Post by kmerline »

hehehe. I had a moment of terror after I prepared this. I preferred this translation, read about the copyright not having been renewed. Then, at the last minute, I realized I needed to check Perrin's dates. I googled, and got a very recent article about "Bernadotte Perrin" becoming the new president of Yale U.

Well, think once. A man who translated Plutarch in 1914, 94 years ago, would have to be at least 120 years old - probably not the same one assuming the presidency of Yale, even if still alive. Must be his - grandson?

Lezer gently showed my the translator's dates from the Library of Congress. I would have posted the "Dryden" translation of Perrin's dates were not right, because so many of our wonderful "classics team" are Europeans.

Graham, you have Solon. I'm delighted to have you - thank you for volunteering.
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Post by lezer »

Hi Karen,
Looks like a great text - thank you for setting this up. That Perrin business still makes me smile - maybe we should invite the one who is still alive to contribute? :)
Could I take on Romulus, so sections 4-6?
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Post by kmerline »

I have so much to thank you for! Sec 4-6 are yours.
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Post by Rainbow »

I'll volunteer for Theseus' sections 1-3. :)
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Post by kmerline »

Hi Rainbow, glad to have you! Sec 1-3 are yours!
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Post by AGSec »

Hi, Karen,

Just to get it started, I'll take the Introduction.

Starting recording right away!

Graham :wink:
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Post by kmerline »

The introduction is yours, Graham, thank you!
Great Plains
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Post by Great Plains »

May I have sections 7 and 14 please?
Daniel, the Cylon
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Post by AGSec »

kmerline wrote:The introduction is yours, Graham, thank you!
Hardly sooner said than done!

7 mins, 21 secs; 7.06MB


Graham :P
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