[SCIENCE/MATH] Letters on Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy (to a German Princess), by Leonhard Euler -jo

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Post by InTheDesert »

Letters on Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy, Volume 1 (Letters to a German Princess), by Leonhard Euler (1707 - 1783), translated by Henry Hunter (1741 - 1802)
The Letters of Euler to a German Princess have acquired over all Europe a celebrity to which the reputation of the Author, the choice and importance of the several subjects, and the clearness of elucidation justly entitle them. They have deservedly been considered as a treasury of science, adapted to the purposes of every common seminary of learning. They may be studied to advantage without much previous elementary knowledge; they convey accurate ideas respecting a variety of objects, highly interesting in themselves, or calculated to excite a laudable curiosity; they inspire a proper taste for the sciences, and for that sound philosophy which, supported by science, and never losing sight of her cautious, steady, methodical advances, runs no risk of perplexing or misleading the attentive student. (Summary by Nicolas de Condorcet)
Source text (please read only from this text!): https://archive.org/details/bim_eighteenth-century_letters-of-euler-to-a-ge_euler-leonhard_1795_1

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Genres for the project: *Non-fiction/Mathematics; *Non-fiction/Science/Astronomy, Physics & Mechanics

Keywords that describe the book: philosophy, mathematics, physics, logic, astronomy

LibriVox recording settings: mono (1 channel), 44100 Hz sample rate, 128 kbps constant bit rate MP3. See the Tech Specs

Intro to recording:
Leave 0.5 to 1 second of silence at the beginning.

"Letter # of Letters on Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy. This is a LibriVox recording. All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer, please visit librivox.org." [Optional: "Read by your name."] "Letters on Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy, Volume 1, by Leonhard Euler*, translated by Henry Hunter. Section Title."

Special Notes:
  • This text uses the old-style s which looks like an f. You'll get used to it after a few fentences!
  • This is not an easy text. If there are symbols, diagrams or tables that you don't know how to read, post in the thread for help.
  • Footnotes are optional.

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If you are recording the final section of the book, add:
"End of Letters on Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy, Volume 1, by Leonhard Euler, translated by Henry Hunter."
Leave 5 seconds of silence at the end.

Filename: letters1_###_euler_128kb.mp3 where ### is the section number. (e.g. letters1_001_euler_128kb.mp3)

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Last edited by InTheDesert on June 7th, 2024, 12:52 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by InTheDesert »

I will DPL this.

Projected total recording length: 13 hours

  1. Of Magnitude, or Extension (1032 words)
  2. Of Velocity (774 words)
  3. Of Sound, and Its Velocity (774 words)
  4. Of Consonance and Dissonance (774 words)
  5. Of Unison and Octaves (774 words)
  6. Of Other Consonances (1032 words)
  7. Of the Twelve Tones of the Harpsichord (1290 words)
  8. Of the Pleasure Derived from Fine Music (774 words)
  9. Compression of the Air (774 words)
  10. Rarefaction and Elasticity of the Air (1032 words)
  11. Gravity of the Air (774 words)
  12. Of the Atmosphere, and the Barometer (516 words)
  13. Of Air-Guns, and the Compression of Air in Gunpowder (1032 words)
  14. The Effect Produced by Heat and Cold on All Bodies, and Of, the Pyrometer and Thermometer (774 words)
  15. Changes Produced in the Atmosphere by Heat and Cold (1032 words)
  16. The Cold Felt on High Mountains and at Great Depths Accounted For (1032 words)
  17. Of Light, and the Systems of Descartes and Newton (1548 words)
  18. Difficulties Attending the System of Emanation (774 words)
  19. A Different System Respecting the Nature of Rays and of Light Proposed (1290 words)
  20. Of the Propagation of Light (774 words)
  21. Digression on the Distances of the Heavenly Bodies, and on the Nature of the Sun and His Rays (1032 words)
  22. Elucidations on the Nature of Luminous Bodies, and Their Difference from Opaque Bodies Illuminated (1032 words)
  23. How Opaque Bodies Become Visible Newton's System of the Reflection of Rays Proposed (774 words)
  24. Examination and Refutation of Newton's System (1032 words)
  25. A Different Explanation of the Manner in Which Opaque Bodies Illuminated Become Visible (774 words)
  26. Continuation of the Same Subject (1032 words)
  27. Conclusion: Clearness and Colour of Opaque Bodies Illuminated (774 words)
  28. Nature of Colours in Particular (1032 words)
  29. Transparency of Bodies Relative to the Transmission of Rays (1032 words)
  30. Of the Transmission of Rays of Light Through Transparent Mediums, and Their Refraction (1032 words)
  31. Refraction of Rays of Different Colours (1032 words)
  32. Of the Azure Colour of the Heavens (1290 words)
  33. Of Rays Issuing from a Distant Luminous Point, and of the Visual Angle (774 words)
  34. Of the Assistance Which Judgment Lends to Vision (774 words)
  35. Explanation of Certain Phenomena Relative to Optics (1548 words)
  36. Of Shadow (774 words)
  37. Of Catoptrics, and the Reflection of Rays from Plain Mirrors (774 words)
  38. Reflection of Rays from Convex and Concave Mirrors Burning Mirrors (1032 words)
  39. Of Dioptrics (774 words)
  40. Continuation of Burning — Glasses, and Their Focus (774 words)
  41. Of Vision, and the Structure of the Eye (516 words)
  42. Continuation Wonders Discoverable in the Structure of the Eye (774 words)
  43. Further Continuation Astonishing Difference Between the Eye of an Animal and the Artificial Eye, or Camera Obscura (1032 words)
  44. Perfections Discoverable in the Structure of the Eye (516 words)
  45. Of Gravity, Considered as a General Property of Body (774 words)
  46. Continuation of Specific Gravity (774 words)
  47. Terms Relative to Gravity and Their True Import (774 words)
  48. Reply to Certain Objections to the Erath's Spherical Figure, Derived from Gravity (516 words)
  49. True Direction and Action of Gravity Relatively to the Earth (774 words)
  50. Different Action of Gravity with Respect to Certain Countries and Distances from the Centre of the Earth (1032 words)
  51. Gravity of the Moon (774 words)
  52. Discovery of Universal Gravitation by Newton (774 words)
  53. Continuation of the Mutual Attraction of the Heavenly Bodies (1032 words)
  54. Different Sentiments of Philosophers Respecting Universal Gravitation the Attractionists (774 words)
  55. Power by Which the Heavenly Bodies an Mutually Attracted (258 words)
  56. The Same Subject Continued (774 words)
  57. The Same Subject Continued (774 words)
  58. Motion of the Heavenly Bodies Method of Determining It by the Laws of Universal Gravitation (774 words)
  59. System of the Universe (1032 words)
  60. The Same Subject Continued (516 words)
  61. Small Irregularities in the Motions of the Planets, Caused by Their Mutual Attraction (1032 words)
  62. Description of the Flux and Reflux of the Sea (774 words)
  63. Different Opinions of Philosophers Respecting the Flux and Reflux of the Sea (774 words)
  64. Explanation of the Flux and Reflux, from the Attractive Power of the Moon (774 words)
  65. The Same Subject Continued (516 words)
  66. The Same Subject Continued (1032 words)
  67. The Same Subject Continued (1032 words)
  68. More Particular Account of the Dispute Respecting Universal Gravitation (774 words)
  69. Nature and Essence of Bodies or Extension, Mobility, and Impenetrability of Body (1032 words)
  70. Impenetrability of Bodies (774 words)
  71. Of the Motion of Bodies, Real and Apparent (1032 words)
  72. Of Uniform, Accelerated, and Retarded Motion (1032 words)
  73. Principal Law of Motion and Rest Disputes of Philosophers on the Subject (1032 words)
  74. Of the Inertia of Bodies of Powers (1032 words)
  75. Changes Which May Take Place in the State of Bodies (774 words)
  76. System of the Monads of Wolff (1032 words)
  77. Origin and Nature of Powers (774 words)
  78. The Same Subject Principle of the Least Possible Action (1032 words)
  79. On the Question, are There Any Other Species of Powers? (1032 words)
  80. Of the Nature of Spirits (516 words)
  81. Of the Union Between the Soul and the Body (774 words)
  82. Different Systems Relative to This Subject (774 words)
  83. Examination of the System of Pre-Established Harmony an Objection to It (774 words)
  84. Another Objection (1032 words)
  85. Of the Liberty of Spirits, and a Reply to Objections Against Liberty (774 words)
  86. Tne Same Subject Continued (774 words)
  87. Influence of the Liberty of Spirits Upon Events (1032 words)
  88. Of Events Natural, Supernatural, and Moral (774 words)
  89. Of the Question Respecting the Best World Possible; and of the Origin of Evil (1032 words)
  90. Connexion of the Preceding Considerations with Religion Reply to the Objections of the Philosophical Systems Against Prayer (1032 words)
  91. The Liberty of Intelligent Beings in Harmony with the Doctrines of the Christian Religion (516 words)
  92. Elucidation Respecting the Nature of Spirits (1032 words)
  93. The Subject Continued Reflections on the State of Souls After Death (1032 words)
  94. Considerations on the Action of the Soul Upon the Body, and of the Body Upon the Soul (1032 words)
  95. Of the Faculties of the Soul, and of Judgment (1032 words)
  96. Conviction of the Existence of What We Perceive by the Senses of the Idealists, Egotists, and Materialists (1032 words)
  97. Refutation of the Idealists (1032 words)
  98. The Faculty of Perceiving, Reminiscence, Memory, and Attention Simple and Compound Ideas (1032 words)
  99. Division of Ideas into Clear and Obscure, Distinct and Confused of Distraction (774 words)
  100. Of the Abstraction of Notions Notions General and Individual: of Genus and Species (1032 words)
  101. Of Language; Its Nature, Advantages, and Necessity, in Order to the Communication of Thought, and the Cultivation of Knowledge (1032 words)
  102. Of the Perfections of a Language Judgment and Nature of Propositions, Affirmative and Negative, Universal or Particular (774 words)
  103. Of Syllogisms, and Their Different Forms When the First Proposition is Universal (1290 words)
  104. Different Forms of Syllogisms Whose First Proposition is Particular (1032 words)
  105. Analysis of Some Syllogisms (1032 words)
  106. Different Figures and Modes of Syllogisms (1290 words)
  107. Observations and Reflections on the Different Modes of Syllogism (1032 words)
  108. Hypothetical Propositions, and Syllogisms Constructed of Tnem (1032 words)
  109. Of the Impression of Sensations on the Soul (774 words)
  110. Of the Origin and Permission of Evil, and of Sin (1032 words)
  111. Of Moral and Physical Evil (774 words)
  112. Reply to Complaints of the Existence of Physical Evil (774 words)
  113. The Real Destination of Man Usefulness and Necessity of Adversity (774 words)
  114. Of True Happiness Conversion of Sinners Reply to Objections on the Subject (774 words)
  115. The True Foundation of Human Knowledge Sources of Truth, and Classes of Information Derived from It (1032 words)
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Post by silverquill »

May I put in an early request for 111-115?

~ Larry
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Post by InTheDesert »

silverquill wrote: November 25th, 2023, 12:31 am May I put in an early request for 111-115?
May you eat dessert before dinner? Certainly!
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Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
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Post by ej400 »

InTheDesert wrote: November 25th, 2023, 12:33 am May you eat dessert before dinner? Certainly!
Could I do the same? And request 1-5 :D

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Post by InTheDesert »

ej400 wrote: November 25th, 2023, 1:14 am
Could I do the same? And request 1-5 :D

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Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
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Post by knotyouraveragejo »

I'll MC this for you InTheDesert. Be back in few with your MW.
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Post by InTheDesert »

knotyouraveragejo wrote: November 25th, 2023, 9:13 am I'll MC this for you InTheDesert. Be back in few with your MW.
Thankyou! MW ready.
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Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
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Post by JHedrick »

I would be happy to DPL this for you.
Jim in Ohio

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Post by InTheDesert »

JHedrick wrote: November 27th, 2023, 7:47 am I would be happy to DPL this for you.
That would be great!
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Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
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Post by knotyouraveragejo »

DPL updated... :)
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Post by InTheDesert »

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Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
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Post by Cbteddy »

May I have 6,7,8?
Cheers, Claire
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Post by InTheDesert »

Cbteddy wrote: December 11th, 2023, 10:12 am May I have 6,7,8?
Great, thankyou, Claire!
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Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
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Post by prajak »


May I read sections 9, 10 and 11 ?

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