Hello, I am BambisMusings, and I love Librivox!

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Joined: July 2nd, 2011, 10:49 am

Post by BambisMusings »

I have been listening to Librivox recordings for several years now. And have wanted to help. I have several sites; www.MyPassionIsBooks.com being one of them.

I love books in any format, however, in recent years audio format has been particularly important to me. I do a lot of reading on technical subjects online for my business and for our audio show that we do once a week. My eyes get very tired over time. I have found that listening to an audio reading of a book is also relaxing and helps the time to fly by more easily because I have to spend so much time on the road getting to and from my client's homes and when I try to go to sleep at night due to the arthritis pain I deal with every day.

I don't know how much time I will have to devote but I would like to give back some of the joy listening to librivox audio recordings has been to me. Likely more time as time goes on, but I wanted to join the forums to get involved on some level.

Thanks! I look forward to being a part of the Librivox forums and Librivox in general.

Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.
C. S. Lewis
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Post by Starlite »

Welcome to LibriVox Bambi :D

The place to start is the Newbie Guide to Recording, which tells you how to set up your computer to record. Of course, you may want to start out with Proof Listening. This will give you a better idea of how things get done here. You can proof listen in your car but be careful making notes while driving lol.

Once you've done that, I strongly recommend doing a short test recording in the Listeners & Editors Wanted section of the forums. This is NOT an audition, but a way to check to make sure all your technical settings are correct, your volume loud enough, etc.

Some neat video guides are available here: http://wiki.librivox.org/index.php/User:Philchenevert

Have fun!

Esther :)
"Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable
people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress,
therefore, depends on unreasonable people." George Bernard Shaw
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