[HISTORY] History of the Revolutions in Europe, by Christoph de Koch - icequeen

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Post by InTheDesert »

History of the Revolutions in Europe, by Christoph de Koch (1737 - 1813), translated by Maximilian Schoell (1768 - 1833)
The View of the Revolutions of Europe by M. Koch, has been long known and highly esteemed on the Continent as a work of incontestable merit, and entitled to hold the first rank among productions of its kind. It occupied the labours and researches of thirty years of the author's life; and had the benefit of receiving, at different intervals, several additions and improvements from his own hand. As a concise, luminous, and accurate summary of general history, it stands unrivalled. The principal events and vicissitudes of more than fourteen hundred years are here condensed within an incredibly small space; bringing, as it were, under one view, the successive changes and destinies of Europe, from the fall of the Roman Empire, in the fifth century, to the restoration of the Bourbons in France. The countries which the different nations from time to time have occupied their laws and institutions-their progress from barbarism to refinement — the revival of arts and sciences — the origin of inventions and discoveries — and the wonderful revolutions, both moral and political, to which they gave birth,— are here detailed at once with brevity and perspicuity. The author has restricted himself as it were to the pure elements or essence of useful knowledge, discarding from his narrative everything that did not minister to solid instruction. His book has been compared to a sort of chart or genealogical tree of history, where only the grand and prominent events have been recorded, stript of all their secondary and subordinate circumstances, which often distract the attention without adding in the least to the interest or elucidation of the subject. His researches have thrown a new light on some of the difficulties and obscurities of the Middle Ages, particularly with regard to Chronology and Geography. His veracity and precision are unimpeachable; and, though his style has been thought inelegant, his candour, judgment, and erudition have never been called in question. (Summary by Andrew Crichton)
Source text (please read only from this text!): https://archive.org/details/historyofrevolut03koch/

Deadline: Please submit your recording within 1 month of placing your claim. If you cannot complete the recording within this time, please post in the thread to relinquish your claim or to ask the BC for an extension. If your recording is not completed by the deadline, your claim may be reassigned at the BC's discretion.

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Magic Window:

BC Admin
This paragraph is temporary and will be replaced by the MC with the list of sections and reader (Magic Window) once this project is in the admin system.

[*]Project Code: XMvBjs3l
[*]Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christoph_Wilhelm_von_Koch (Christoph de Koch)
[*]Link to title on Wikipedia (if available):
[*]Number of sections (files) this project will have: 84
[*]Does the project have an introduction or preface: No
[*]Original publication date (if known):
[*]If you are a new volunteer, how would you like your name (or pseudonym) credited in the catalog?
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Genres for the project: *Non-fiction/History/Middle Ages/Middle History; *Non-fiction/History/Early Modern; *Non-fiction/History/Modern (19th C); *Non-fiction/History

Keywords that describe the book: europe -- history, revolutions, history -- europe, europe -- revolutions, belgium -- history, france -- history, germany -- history, great britain -- history, greece -- history, poland -- history, despotism -- europe -- history, europe -- kings and rulers -- history, revolutionaries -- europe -- history, revolutions -- europe -- history, revolutions -- england, revolutions -- europe, revolutions -- france, revolutions -- germany, revolutions -- great britain, revolutions -- history, revolutions -- middle east, revolutions -- poland, revolutions -- political, revolutions -- russia, revolutions -- turkey


LibriVox recording settings: mono (1 channel), 44100 Hz sample rate, 128 kbps constant bit rate MP3. See the Tech Specs

Intro to recording:
Leave 0.5 to 1 second of silence at the beginning.

"Section # of History of the Revolutions in Europe. This is a LibriVox recording. All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer, please visit librivox.org." [Optional: "Read by your name."] "History of the Revolutions in Europe, by Christoph de Koch, translated by Maximilian Schoell. Section Title."
End of recording:
"End of section #." [Optional, and if not stated in the intro: "Read by your name, city, date."]
If you are recording the final section of the book, add:
"End of History of the Revolutions in Europe, by Christoph de Koch, translated by Maximilian Schoell."
Leave 5 seconds of silence at the end.

Filename: revolutionsineurope_##_koch_128kb.mp3 where ## is the section number. (e.g. revolutionsineurope_01_koch_128kb.mp3)

Upload to the LibriVox Uploader: https://librivox.org/login/uploader
(If you have trouble reading the image above, please contact an admin)

MC to select: icequeen

Copy and paste the file link generated by the uploader into a new post in this thread along with the file duration (mm:ss). Watch this thread for prooflistening notes.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Just post in this thread.
Last edited by InTheDesert on May 20th, 2024, 8:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by InTheDesert »

I am looking for a DPL.
Projected total recording length: 1 day, 8 hours

  1. Introduction Part 1 (2280 words)
  2. Introduction Part 2 (3192 words)
  3. Introduction Part 3 (4104 words)
  4. From the invasion of the Roman Empire in the West, by the Barbarians, to the time of Charlemagne, A. D. 406 — 800 Part 1 (3648 words)
  5. From the invasion of the Roman Empire in the West, by the Barbarians, to the time of Charlemagne, A. D. 406 — 800 Part 2 (2280 words)
  6. From the invasion of the Roman Empire in the West, by the Barbarians, to the time of Charlemagne, A. D. 406 — 800 Part 3 (2736 words)
  7. From Charlemagne to Otto the Great, A. D. 800—962 Part 1 (3648 words)
  8. From Charlemagne to Otto the Great, A. D. 800—962 Part 2 (2736 words)
  9. From Otto the Great to Gregory the Great, A. D. 962—1074 Part 1 (3192 words)
  10. From Otto the Great to Gregory the Great, A. D. 962—1074 Part 2 (2280 words)
  11. From Otto the Great to Gregory the Great, A. D. 962—1074 Part 3 (3192 words)
  12. From Pope Gregory VIII. to Boniface VIIL, A. D. 1074—1300 Part 1 (4104 words)
  13. From Pope Gregory VIII. to Boniface VIIL, A. D. 1074—1300 Part 2 (3192 words)
  14. From Pope Gregory VIII. to Boniface VIIL, A. D. 1074—1300 Part 3 (3648 words)
  15. From Pope Gregory VIII. to Boniface VIIL, A. D. 1074—1300 Part 4 (4104 words)
  16. From Pope Gregory VIII. to Boniface VIIL, A. D. 1074—1300 Part 5 (3648 words)
  17. From Pope Gregory VIII. to Boniface VIIL, A. D. 1074—1300 Part 6 (2736 words)
  18. From Pope Gregory VIII. to Boniface VIIL, A. D. 1074—1300 Part 7 (4560 words)
  19. From Pope Boniface VIII. to the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, A. D. 1300—1453 Part 1 (3192 words)
  20. From Pope Boniface VIII. to the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, A. D. 1300—1453 Part 2 (3192 words)
  21. From Pope Boniface VIII. to the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, A. D. 1300—1453 Part 3 (3192 words)
  22. From Pope Boniface VIII. to the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, A. D. 1300—1453 Part 4 (3192 words)
  23. From Pope Boniface VIII. to the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, A. D. 1300—1453 Part 5 (4104 words)
  24. From the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, to the peace of Westphalia, A. D., 1453—1648 Part 1 (2736 words)
  25. From the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, to the peace of Westphalia, A. D., 1453—1648 Part 2 (4560 words)
  26. From the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, to the peace of Westphalia, A. D., 1453—1648 Part 3 (3648 words)
  27. From the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, to the peace of Westphalia, A. D., 1453—1648 Part 4 (3648 words)
  28. From the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, to the peace of Westphalia, A. D., 1453—1648 Part 5 (4104 words)
  29. From the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, to the peace of Westphalia, A. D., 1453—1648 Part 6 (3192 words)
  30. From the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, to the peace of Westphalia, A. D., 1453—1648 Part 7 (4560 words)
  31. From the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, to the peace of Westphalia, A. D., 1453—1648 Part 8 (3648 words)
  32. From the Peace of Westphalia to that of Utrecht, A. D., 1648—1713 Part 1 (4104 words)
  33. From the Peace of Westphalia to that of Utrecht, A. D., 1648—1713 Part 2 (3192 words)
  34. From the Peace of Westphalia to that of Utrecht, A. D., 1648—1713 Part 3 (4560 words)
  35. From the Peace of Westphalia to that of Utrecht, A. D., 1648—1713 Part 4 (3648 words)
  36. From the Peace of Westphalia to that of Utrecht, A. D., 1648—1713 Part 5 (2280 words)
  37. From the Peace of Westphalia to that of Utrecht, A. D., 1648—1713 Part 6 (4104 words)
  38. From the Peace of Utrecht to the French Revolution, A. D., 1713 —1789 Part 1 (3648 words)
  39. From the Peace of Utrecht to the French Revolution, A. D., 1713 —1789 Part 2 (3648 words)
  40. From the Peace of Utrecht to the French Revolution, A. D., 1713 —1789 Part 3 (4104 words)
  41. From the Peace of Utrecht to the French Revolution, A. D., 1713 —1789 Part 4 (2736 words)
  42. From the Peace of Utrecht to the French Revolution, A. D., 1713 —1789 Part 5 (4560 words)
  43. From the Peace of Utrecht to the French Revolution, A. D., 1713 —1789 Part 6 (2736 words)
  44. From the Peace of Utrecht to the French Revolution, A. D., 1713 —1789 Part 7 (3648 words)
  45. From the Peace of Utrecht to the French Revolution, A. D., 1713 —1789 Part 8 (4104 words)
  46. From the Peace of Utrecht to the French Revolution, A. D., 1713 —1789 Part 9 (4560 words)
  47. From the commencement of the French Revolution to the downfall of Buonaparte, A. D., 1789—1815 Part 1 (3648 words)
  48. From the commencement of the French Revolution to the downfall of Buonaparte, A. D., 1789—1815 Part 2 (2736 words)
  49. From the commencement of the French Revolution to the downfall of Buonaparte, A. D., 1789—1815 Part 3 (3192 words)
  50. From the commencement of the French Revolution to the downfall of Buonaparte, A. D., 1789—1815 Part 4 (3192 words)
  51. From the commencement of the French Revolution to the downfall of Buonaparte, A. D., 1789—1815 Part 5 (3192 words)
  52. From the commencement of the French Revolution to the downfall of Buonaparte, A. D., 1789—1815 Part 6 (3192 words)
  53. From the commencement of the French Revolution to the downfall of Buonaparte, A. D., 1789—1815 Part 7 (4104 words)
  54. The Military Predominance of France, under the sway of Napoleon Buonaparte, A. D. 1802—1810 Part 1 (3192 words)
  55. The Military Predominance of France, under the sway of Napoleon Buonaparte, A. D. 1802—1810 Part 2 (3648 words)
  56. The Military Predominance of France, under the sway of Napoleon Buonaparte, A. D. 1802—1810 Part 3 (4104 words)
  57. The Military Predominance of France, under the sway of Napoleon Buonaparte, A. D. 1802—1810 Part 4 (4104 words)
  58. The Military Predominance of France, under the sway of Napoleon Buonaparte, A. D. 1802—1810 Part 5 (2736 words)
  59. The Military Predominance of France, under the sway of Napoleon Buonaparte, A. D. 1802—1810 Part 6 (4104 words)
  60. The Military Predominance of France, under the sway of Napoleon Buonaparte, A. D. 1802—1810 Part 7 (2280 words)
  61. The decline and downfall of the Empire of Buonaparte, A. D., 1810—1815 Part 1 (3192 words)
  62. The decline and downfall of the Empire of Buonaparte, A. D., 1810—1815 Part 2 (4104 words)
  63. The decline and downfall of the Empire of Buonaparte, A. D., 1810—1815 Part 3 (3648 words)
  64. The decline and downfall of the Empire of Buonaparte, A. D., 1810—1815 Part 4 (3192 words)
  65. The decline and downfall of the Empire of Buonaparte, A. D., 1810—1815 Part 5 (4104 words)
  66. France from the second Restoration of the Bourbons, A. D., 1815, including the Revolution of July, 1830, to the Revolution of February, 1848 Part 1 (2736 words)
  67. France from the second Restoration of the Bourbons, A. D., 1815, including the Revolution of July, 1830, to the Revolution of February, 1848 Part 2 (5016 words)
  68. France from the second Restoration of the Bourbons, A. D., 1815, including the Revolution of July, 1830, to the Revolution of February, 1848 Part 3 (2736 words)
  69. Revolution in Belgium, A. D. 1830
  70. Revolution in Poland, A. D. 1830 (4560 words)
  71. Revolution in Greece, A. D. 1821 — 1827 Part 1 (2280 words)
  72. Revolution in Greece, A. D. 1821 — 1827 Part 2 (2280 words)
  73. Revolution in Greece, A. D. 1821 — 1827 Part 3 (2736 words)
  74. War between Russia and Turkey, A. D. 1828 — 1828 (1368 words)
  75. England, from A. D. 1816 to A. D. 1848 Part 1 (1824 words)
  76. England, from A. D. 1816 to A. D. 1848 Part 2 (2736 words)
  77. England, from A. D. 1816 to A. D. 1848 Part 3 (2736 words)
  78. French Revolution of February, 1848, Part 1 (4104 words)
  79. French Revolution of February, 1848, Part 2 (3192 words)
  80. French Revolution of February, 1848, Part 3 (3648 words)
  81. French Revolution of February, 1848, Part 4 (4104 words)
  82. Revolutions in Germany, A. D. 1848 Part 1 (2280 words)
  83. Revolutions in Germany, A. D. 1848 Part 2 (2280 words)
  84. Revolutions in Italy, A. D. 1848 (4104 words)
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Post by icequeen »

I can MC this one for you! Back in a moment with your MW!

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Post by icequeen »

OK, your MW is up and Elijah has access to the MW as our DPL, thank you Elijah!

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Post by InTheDesert »

icequeen wrote: May 16th, 2024, 9:08 pm OK, your MW is up and Elijah has access to the MW as our DPL, thank you Elijah!
Thankyou! In 1 minute, we will be ready for claims!
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Lectures on the History and Principles of Ancient Commerce History
Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
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Post by icequeen »

Off we go to Readers Wanted!

Audio, video, disco!
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Post by EmilyCripps »

Please could I request 75, 76, 77? - as an English reader I would love to read these sections of the text for you.
Warm regards,
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Post by InTheDesert »

EmilyCripps wrote: May 23rd, 2024, 1:54 pm Hello,
Please could I request 75, 76, 77? - as an English reader I would love to read these sections of the text for you.
Warm regards,
Welcome to Librivox, Emily!
It would be great to have you record sections 75-77 for this project (History of the Revolutions in Europe). It looks like you've just passed your 1 minute test recording which means you are ready to go. Don't forget in all future recordings to make any changes that were suggested when you did the test recording (eg: if you needed to amplify, you'll need to do that for every section you submit).

Your claim is confirmed - you have one month to submit sections 75-77. Looking forward to hearing your section and have you help out with this project!

Some common questions that new readers ask:
  • Footnotes: They are optional. You can read all, some or none. An easy way to mark them is to say 'footnote' then read the footnote then say 'end footnote'.
  • Quotes: You can mark these by saying 'quote' then reading the quote and then saying 'end quote'. You can decide whether to say quote at all - sometimes it will be clear from context. I'd suggest saying it if the quotation spans multiple sentences.
  • Non-English phrases: We do have to read them. You could 1) pronounce it however you want 2) post in this thread and ask for someone to record it for you so you can either mimic it or splice it into your own recording 3) try Forvo for individual words or the sound icon on Google Translate for a text to speech version to copy.
  • Roman numerals: Read these as their corresponding number.
  • Abbreviations: You can choose to expand these or not to. You could say 'e.g' or 'for example'.
  • Heading numbering: Sometimes books use roman numerals and digits for two different levels of headings. I think a good solution to this is to say 'first, second' etc. for roman numeral headings (I, II etc.) and 'one, two' etc. for digit headings (1, 2 etc.).
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Post by EmilyCripps »

Section 75 link here: https://librivox.org/uploads/icequeen/revolutionsineurope_75_koch_128kb.mp3 (15:36)

Let me know if you need any alterations made.
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Post by InTheDesert »

This section hasn't been proof-listened yet but here are the technical notes. Could you resolve the technical issues and then re-upload the file before prooflistening?
  • We need 5 seconds of silence at the end of each Librivox track (or as close as you can make it). Currently, it's about 7 at the end.
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Post by EmilyCripps »


End silence trimmed to 5 seconds and "end footnote" added where omitted.
https://librivox.org/uploads/icequeen/revolutionsineurope_75_koch_18kb.mp3 (15:39)

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Post by ej400 »

EmilyCripps wrote: May 25th, 2024, 12:14 am Hi,

End silence trimmed to 5 seconds and "end footnote" added where omitted.
https://librivox.org/uploads/icequeen/revolutionsineurope_75_koch_18kb.mp3 (15:39)

Well done! Section 75 is PL OK!
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Post by loakes »

Hi! Can I claim chapter 1 part 1?
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Post by Roselbex »

May I claim 4-6, thank you
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