SOLO [CHINESE] 長生殿 by 洪昇 (The Palace of Eternal Life by Hong Sheng) (Abridged)

Upcoming books being recorded by a solo reader
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Post by Ayishalyu »

長生殿, 昇 洪 (1645 - 1704) 著
描述中國唐朝皇帝唐玄宗(又稱唐明皇)與寵妃楊貴妃淒慘的愛情故事。這個取材自歷史的故事,中國文學中有好幾部取材自這個故事的作品,例如唐朝陳鴻的〈長恨歌傳〉與白居易的〈長恨歌〉、元代白樸的〈梧桐雨〉,內容上最主要差異在於馬嵬驚變這個高潮之後,對貴妃心境的描寫。相較於其他作者,洪昇塑造了一個更具獨立人格的女性,以及更人性化的唐玄宗。 (概述来源:by myself)

目标完成日期: 2024-12-31

校对标准: 标准
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关键信息 - 单人项目朗读者请注意:为减少半途而废的项目占用服务器空间的情况,你必须至少每月在本页更新一次动态,哪怕你一个小节都没有录制完毕。如果连续三个月都没有你的消息,而且有人愿意承担 BC 的职务,你的项目会可能会变为一个小组合作项目。倘若此时你还没有为这个项目上载过任何音频,这个项目将会被直接删除(想重新启动它的话,请向管理人员申请许可)。

如果你不是这个项目的 BC 或 PL,请不要下载或试听尚未完成的项目的音频。我们的服务器可能会因此过载崩溃。请耐心等待它结束。谢谢!

Magic Window:

BC Admin

项目体裁/类型: Plays/Romance

形容本书的关键词: 楊貴妃, 宮廷, 歷史


LibriVox 录音标准:mono(单声道),44100 Hz sample rate(采样频率),128 kbps constant bit rate (固定比特率)MP3。点击这里查看参数要求。


"長生殿,第# 段。这是維讀經典为 LibriVox 所做的錄音。LibriVox的錄音都是公眾所有的,如果你想取得更多資訊,或想加入義工行列,請點閱 Librivox 點 org 網站。長生殿,洪昇著。小节/章节标题."
"長生殿,第# 段。這是唯讀經典為Librivox所做的錄音,Librivox的錄音都是公眾所有的。小节/章节标题."
"長生殿, 昇 洪 著。全书完。"

文件名: zhangshengdian_##_hong_128kb.mp3 即第 ## 小节 (e.g. zhangshengdian_01_hong_128kb.mp3)

上传到 LibriVox 上载页:

请选择MC: maryannspiegel

复制并粘贴上载页生成的文件链接到 Section Compiler 中"Listen URL"一栏,在"Notes"一栏输入音频时长,再在论坛回帖告知你的 PL 和 MC 你刚上传了一个文件。请在回帖中附上文件链接。
Last edited by Ayishalyu on March 28th, 2024, 7:03 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

I am interested in MC'ing this project for you. Please give me just a little time to check out your source. I know wikisource says this book is in the public domain because the author died more than 100 years ago, but I want to make sure we can accept that statement. Usually we want to see a scan of the book that was used to create the webpage and I don't see that here.

I'll be back in a little bit after I look into things a bit more.

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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »


Is this the same work? I think the characters are rather old fashioned, but is it possible for you to read from this source? It has a clear copyright date, so we can confirm it is public domain in the US.

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Post by Rapunzelina »

This is also on
Is accessible from China?
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Post by Ayishalyu »

Both thanks MaryAnn and Rapunzelina. I just realized that I misunderstood the criteria for determining copyright law in the United States. I apologize for my negligence, which caused you to spend time looking for suitable text sources for me (this should have been my job). is fine, hathitrust search only without reading text, thanks!

I have a question. Taking the first sentence of the main text in the link as an example, the words in 【】"represents the song title, not the dialogue. This is because the main dialogue in Chinese opera is sung. When I read it, can I omit the text in 【】? Also taking the first sentence as an example, the words in [] is the actor's movement or action instructions, which I will read.
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Post by Ayishalyu »


I would like to discuss a potential issue with the Gutenberg's text. The last paragraph (「情場恨事有情而無緣者不可勝數……反映作者當時比較進步的戀愛觀。」) of the first chapter is not part of the original text but modern commentary written in a different style, making it an unnecessary addition.
There were also some marginal notes or annotations by other auther at the end of many chapter, like "吳舒鳧曰:…" and "吳評:... ... " at the end in second chapter. It was added by the publisher of that year, and this is very different from the comments of the contemporaries mentioned above, this has its value for version research --but it was still not the original text in 長生殿 by 洪昇.

To avoid confusion, I suggest that these paragraph and notes which was not written by 洪昇 should not be read.

If you do not agree with my assessment, please let me know and we can discuss it further. If you agree, how to let a PL (proof-listening) know and make him/her not to treat it as an error when he/she check my recording?
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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »


If I understand correctly, you want to read the original text of this story and omit any later commentary on the original text that was included in the print version at PG.

That is fine to do. We will adjust the title of the project to say "Abridged". That will indicate that you are not reading everything in the source document.

It is also fine to leave out the text within brackets [ ] ... That is similar to stage directions and will also be covered by "abridged" in the project title.

Please add a note at the end of your summary that later commentary and song titles/stage directions (whatever you think is best to call them) which appear in the source text have been omitted from this reading.

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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

OK, Your MW is set up.

For a solo project, you are the Book Coordinator. That means you fill out the Magic Window and post your links and times in the window when you upload your files.

You'll need to start by logging into the magic window. Instructions are in the BC How-to; and this is a more detailed version of the First Login instructions (with pictures!) Please be sure to read all of the BC How To document, as that will give you more information on your role as a BC.
Note that passwords for the magic window and the forum are not connected. You can use the same password in both places (I think a lot of people do), but if you change it on one system, it won't affect the password on the other system.

Next, you'll need to start entering section (or chapter) titles. I typically help with this, but since I don't speak Chinese, I'll have to leave that to you.

Then you are ready to start recording. When you upload a section, it's your responsibility to add the link and duration (mm:ss) to the Magic Window. Link from the uploader goes in the "listen URL" column, duration goes in the "notes" column. Then be sure to post in the thread that a new section is ready for PL so your DPL knows there is something new.

We won't worry about a DPL just yet - folks often see new projects and volunteer to listen before anything is posted. If no one sees this, we will advertise once you have a section or two ready to listen to.

If you have questions, or if you have any trouble with the instructions in the BC how to, please post and we'll work through it together. There is a bit of a learning curve when you do your first solo. You've picked a nice size book - not too long and something that you are interested in, so it should be a manageable and enjoyable process for you.

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Post by Ayishalyu »


Thanks for your reply and assistance. I am excited to start this project.

I have two questions:
1. The suggested filename format "zhangshengdian_01_hong_128kb.mp3" uses "01" to represent the chapter. However, if I merge multiple tiny chapters into one file, how should the filename be represented?

2. The book has a total of 50 chapters. The first chapter is like an introduction, but the original text treats it as chapter 1. I am not sure if the section number in Magic Window should start at 00 or 01, and end at 49 or 50? Currently, as you set it, it is from 00 to 49.

Thank you for your time and help.

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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »


Great questions.

The number in the file name is the section number. If you combine multiple chapters into one section, then your intro should be "Section # of [book title] ..." and your section titles should list all of the chapters in that section. Here's a project I did recently with combined chapters, so you can see what I did.

And given what you've described, I'd start the first section at 01.

If you are combining chapters, then you won't need all 50 sections. I'll delete section 0 from the MW.

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Post by Ayishalyu »

Here's a project I did recently with combined chapters, so you can see what I did.
I see, thanks. (You have a sweet and soothing voice :D )
If you are combining chapters, then you won't need all 50 sections.
I combined two chapters in one file, and renewed the MW, please delete the blank sections.

I also uploaded my first file, please help to confirm: (link renew on 3/3)
Thanks for your help.

Last edited by Ayishalyu on March 3rd, 2024, 1:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »


Yes, the link works. I've posted for a DPL here: viewforum.php?f=61

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Post by Ayishalyu »


I've uploaded the second file: (link renew on 3/3)

Last edited by Ayishalyu on March 3rd, 2024, 7:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

Great Ayisha,
Thanks for the update.
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Post by Ayishalyu »


I've uploaded the third & forth file:,

After I finish my vacation next week, I expect to upload only 1 or 2 files per month in the future.

Based on your past experience, how long does it take on average to find prooflisteners?

Last edited by Ayishalyu on February 28th, 2024, 8:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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