Margharita Widdows Bibliography

Suggest and discuss books to read (all languages welcome!)
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Posts: 406
Joined: October 6th, 2018, 1:34 pm

Post by LectorRecitator »


English Literature (1928)

⚠️ Apparently, the only book by the author.

ℹ️ The Simple Guide Series

ℹ️ "IT may seem a rash and unnecessary act to add one more book to the vast number of works that have already been written on this subject : yet I do not know of any single book which aims merely at guiding the inexperienced along the main paths of English Literature. To this end, I have endeavoured to give a strong impression of those authors who have most definitely influenced the poetry or prose of their age. Round them are grouped minor writers of the same school. Of necessity, much has been omitted in order to bring the book within the prescribed limits. You may complain, perhaps, that this or that favourite author has received rather less than his due, or it may chance that he has been left out altogether. Only by the most rigorous selection has it been possible to arrive at the balanced effect I have set before me." (Preface)
• Click the author's name at the top of my posts for—potential—further info.

• If you adopt a book that was brought to your attention through a post of mine, please consider crediting me in the corresponding project thread—it will be much appreciated.
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