Rosaline Masson Bibliography

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Joined: October 6th, 2018, 1:34 pm

Post by LectorRecitator »


Three Centuries Of English Poetry: Being Selections From Chaucer To Herrick (1877 · 2nd Edition)

Use And Abuse Of English: A Handbook Of Composition (1897 · 2nd Edition)

A Departure From Tradition: And Other Stories (1898)

Pollock And Aytoun (1898)

ℹ️ Famous Scots Series.

ℹ️ "At first sight it may seem as if the two men, Pollok and Aytoun, were so widely opposed in all things as not to admit of the inclusion of their biographies within the same cover. Widely opposed they were, in their positions, their ideals, and their teachings; and yet a few points remain in common. Both were Scottish, each being representative of a strongly national type : both were poets: both belonged to the nineteenth century : both were Blackwood men, Aytoun being one of the Blackwood coterie, and Pollok one of the writers discovered by Blackwood,—and discovered by the very men, "Christopher North" and "Delta," who were afterwards Aytoun's colleagues and friends. Here the likenesses end ; but the diversities between the two poets form a picturesque contrast. One was a rustic, a Calvinist, a Covenanter : the other was of gentle birth, an Episcopalian, a Jacobite. In the one can be seen characteristics familiar and dear to us in our Scottish poor—the clever son of the humble home, work- ing his way up through the Scottish University, to that summit of Scottish student ambition, the Presbyterian pulpit : the other also belongs to Scottish Academic life, but he enters it very differently,—first as the son of the prosperous lawyer, mingling with his fellow-students only during the hours of lecture, and returning to home life with his family, and then as one of the Senatus of the chief Scottish University, the colleague of other men of name and note.

Pollok rose from obscurity in one flash, and then died, and is now forgotten : Aytoun's Ufe was spread over the first half of the century ; he rose to gradual recognition, and his name remains where he left it. PoUok's one poem was an epic, on a religious theme, austere and tragic in its treatment : Aytoun's subjects were all not only of this world, but mostly of that part of this world that the author himself surveyed, and surveyed through kindly eyes that saw and loved the genial and the ludicrous."

In Our Town (1901)

ℹ️ Novel.

Leslie Farquhar (1902)

ℹ️ Novel.

Edinburgh (1904)

Edinburgh (1910)

ℹ️ Peeps At Many Lands.

Wordsworth (1912)

📖 85 pages long. Divided into short chapters.

ℹ️ The People’s Books No. 52.

In Praise Of Edinburgh: An Anthology In Prose And Verse (1912)

Shakespeare Personally (1914)

Robert Louis Stevenson (1920 · Revised Edition)

📖 115 pages long.

ℹ️ The People’s Books No. 107.

I Can Remember Robert Louis Stevenson (1922)

The Life Of Robert Louis Stevenson (1923)

A Short History Of Scotland The Nation (1942)
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