[FR] FULL: PIANISTS or other instrument players - Chansons et rondes enfantines, Weckerlin - ez

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Post by ayojoy248 »

Hello! My name is Joy. Could I do 34, "J’ai un beau laurier de France" please? Thank you!
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Post by dmizesr »

Hi Ezwa,

I completed #37, Malbrough, with 22 verses so can you assign it to me? I'm new to this and I have no idea what to do next. I can upload it but I cannot do the French introduction or ending. Does someone else do that?


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Post by dmizesr »

I completed #32, J’ai descendu dans mon jardin, as well, 9 verses, if you'd care to assign that one to me. This is enjoyable.
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Post by dmizesr »

I suppose I should've just put these all together, but I'd be glad to do #38, Mam’selle, entrez chez nous, 6 verses, if you want to assign that one to me. Thanks.

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Post by dmizesr »

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Post by dmizesr »

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Post by dmizesr »

I just submitted #46, Pour amuser tout le monde. I'm not going to do any more until you give a listen and make sure I'm doing it right. Thanks!

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Post by dmizesr »

Well, I said I wasn't going to do any more but I took #48, Quand Biron voulut danser. I'm hoping I got all the repeats right. Upload to come.

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Post by dmizesr »


I've got to say, this sounded more Russian than French, or maybe it's just the way I played it. Comments welcome.

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Post by ezwa »

Hello, Joy !

Sorry for my late reply. I try to come by every week or so.
ayojoy248 wrote: January 19th, 2023, 6:22 pm ... Could I do 34, "J’ai un beau laurier de France" please? ...
Yes please ! #34 is yours to play. :D

« Heureux qui... sait d'une voix légère passer du grave au doux, du plaisant au sévère »
« Soyez joyeux dans l'espérance, patients dans la tribulation, persévérants dans la prière. »
Rm 12:12

Envie de lire du dramatique ?
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Post by ezwa »

Welcome, David!
I see that you took upon yourself all the remaining unassigned sections. Thank you!
dmizesr wrote: February 2nd, 2023, 11:31 am I suppose I should've read ALL the instructions. Here are uploads with the correct naming conventions and MP3 tags applied.

#32 - J'ai descendu dans mon jardin, #37 - Malbrough, #38 - Mam’selle, entrez chez nous, #46 - Pour amuser tout le monde, #48 - Quand Biron voulut danser : they are all PL OK. :thumbs:

I'm only missing the name you want to use for the catalogue. What do you want it to be?

Dear me! I really have to get myself to set a place to record again (there have been a lot of hindrances in the past 2-3 years... I don't even remember) so I don't keep the project lagging anymore. Sorry for that. :? Hopefully, I will do justice to all the piano players.

All uploaded piano pieces are PL OK.
We still need the piano parts for sections 43, 44, 34. And for the missing singing parts of many more, I'll get going.

P.S. : we're moving to the forum "Readers Found."

« Heureux qui... sait d'une voix légère passer du grave au doux, du plaisant au sévère »
« Soyez joyeux dans l'espérance, patients dans la tribulation, persévérants dans la prière. »
Rm 12:12

Envie de lire du dramatique ?
Posts: 13
Joined: January 29th, 2023, 9:44 pm

Post by dmizesr »

David Mize will be fine. I see 34, 43 and 44 are assigned. I'd be glad to knock them out if you want. Just let me know.

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Post by ezwa »

Thank you, DWM!
Your name and website are entered in the catalogue.
I'll let you know next week if sections 43 and 44 are made available.


« Heureux qui... sait d'une voix légère passer du grave au doux, du plaisant au sévère »
« Soyez joyeux dans l'espérance, patients dans la tribulation, persévérants dans la prière. »
Rm 12:12

Envie de lire du dramatique ?
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