'Thank You' messages for LibriVox readers - continued

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Peter Why (Peter Yearsley) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Thank you Peter for all the books you have taken the time and effort to read. In particular, my husband and I have really enjoyed the following:
Dissertation on Oriental Gardening
Highways and Byways in Sussex
The Natural History of Selborne
The Story of Alchemy and the Beginnings of Chemistry

to name a few. We have listened to The Natural History of Selborne over and over and marvel at the details mentioned by the author as to the birds, reptiles, flora and fauna. So rich is this book. This book has spurred us to replicate the beauty that is around us, were we live and has us keeping a daily journal of all that is seen - we notice more details!

Your professionalism in the manner that you read (especially enunciation) creates such a rich atmosphere to each book. Thank you.

Could you, would you read Neighbourhood - A Year's Life in and About an English Village by Tickner Edwards? This book would beautifully flow from the Natural History of Selborne.

Forestburg, AB
Dear Mr. Yearsley!

I just finished listening to your recording of E Nesbit’s “ Grim Tales”: what a wonderfully enjoyable time ai had, listening to your smooth and wry telling of the spooky tales. It has been dreary here with approaching Winter, grey rainy days with wild winds…PERFECT!

Thank you !


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Kaffen (Mark F. Smith) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

I just wanted to say thank you for such an amazing rendition of this book. I needed it for my English 12 class, and I didn’t have the time to sit down and read it myself. Listening to your cover while I worked made time fly. I loved how each of your characters had a very discernable voice, and it made understanding the text much easier (I especially loved your voice for Joe). I’m looking forward to listening to more of your work :)


Thank you Mark F. Smith for your excellent reading of the 1873 novel Round the Moon by Jules Verne (https://librivox.org/round-the-moon-version-2-by-jules-verne/). Several months ago I read From the Earth to the Moon and found the ending wanting. More recently I discovered there was a sequel, Round the Moon. I thoroughly enjoyed your enthusiastic reading, especially your interpretation of the Frenchman. Thanks for being a volunteer reader. Listening to Librivox books sure makes my time on the treadmill more enjoyable.

Alexis, NC
In would like to thank mark f Smith for the reading of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Not only were they really well read, I found them on my sister's ipad. She died recently and it meant a lot to me to listen to it, knowing she had also enjoyed it.

Thank you Mark Smith for your reading of the 1901 novel The First Men in the Moon by H. G. Wells: https://librivox.org/the-first-men-in-the-moon-by-hg-wells/ The story is an interesting contrast to Verne's Round the Moon that I listened to a few weeks ago. I like your pleasant voice, pacing, and smooth delivery. I appreciate your willingness to offer your time and talent volunteering for Librivox. Listening to Librivox books while driving and exercising is great. Thanks!

Alexis, NC
Thank you Mark Smith for your reading of the 1956 novelette Conquest Over Time by Michael Shaara (https://librivox.org/conquest-over-time-by-michael-shaara/). I knew Shaara wrote historical fiction and I had read The Killer Angels, but I had no idea he had written science fiction too. Conquest Over Time seems like something Harry Harrison could have written. I have listened to several of your books now. I enjoy your voice and pacing. Thanks for reading for LibriVox!

Alexis, NC

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for bgdavid (David Clarke) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

A big thanks to David Clarke for the phenomenal reading session.
His work got me absolutely infused with the story and made me feel like I was next to the characters as the plot was unfolding.

10/10, Simply brilliant work.

Thank you.
I loved hearing your reading of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and The Return of Sherlock Holmes. It was a fun listen, and I listened to them repeatedly. Keep up the good work. I would love to hear more of your work in the future!!!


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for ChrisMS (Christopher Smith) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Re: History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Volume 1 and
Volume 2

Dear Sir,
I have previously expressed my appreciation for this interesting
recording. This year I shared it with a friend, and she asked me to let
you know that she also really wants you to finish the series. These are
such interesting and informative books.

May God bless you in this holiday season.

I have uploaded several spiritual books from Andrew Murray, JC RYLE and other authors over the years, most of them read by Christopher Smith (as he has been my preferred Librivox reader). These books are playing all day long every day in my home. Each book read by Christopher Smith has been life transforming. Mr. Smith not only reads the books, FOR THE SIMPLE SAKE OF READING THEM, but he gently and firmly conveys the intent of the authors of the books he is reading. He has the perfect reading speed, tonality and spirit. It is hard to imagine that he is not actually the author of these books. These spoken books, read by Christopher Smith, have been daily food to my spirit and each word was used by the Spirit of God to mold and shape my spirit and that of friends for eternity. I am so very grateful for the dedication of dear Mr. Smith. I pray that these book will move on into the future to bless many souls for eternity. Gratefully yours Mr. Smith and Librivox for making these available to us.

I would like to thank Christopher Smith for his readings of John Bunyan and Andrew Murray.
You are a great reader and very easy to listen to! You put much thoughtfulness into your reading and are not just a mechanical reader.
Thank You!
Greenfield, Minnesota, USA

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for TheBanjo (Peter Dann) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Thank you so much for all your fantastic reads. I’m 80 with challenged vision, live on my own on a small island off the west coast of Canada and have spent many days listening to you. Familiar with Conrad from my youth, this has been my first exposure to Ford Madox Ford - he’s brilliant - I listened to each book twice - thank you so much!!!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for MayaS (Maya S) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Hi! I want to express my gratitude to Maya S for for delivering of such a sad story of Sec 1 Пэшка of Ocherki proshlago : razskazy with sensitiveness accurately expressing feelings of a child.
Thank you

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Rowen (Lizzie Driver) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
I just finished your recording of Gulliver's Travels and wanted to thank you for the beautiful job you did recording it. Your voice is great, very clear, nice and loud!! I am from Kansas and wish I had a wonderful accent like you do. haha. I loved the book and didn't expect it to be such a deep introspection into our culture but loved it for that. A lot of parts made me laugh as well. You have done Jonathan Swift justice. Thanks again for your volunteer work, it is very appreciated.


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for RuthieG (Ruth Golding) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
I am visually disabled x love librivox. Your reading of a christmas fog was absolutely brilliant! Are there more readings by you? Merry Christmas Mx

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for jvanstan (John Van Stan) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
I've been listening to your Dumas recordings, the 3 Musketeers series and now the Marie Antoinette series. Thanks very much for the great job you do of bringing these books to life. I'm about to dip into your other Dumas readings.

All the best,

Waekanae, New Zealand

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for rkilmer (Richard Kilmer) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Dear Mr. Kilmer

I am 75 years old and my wife passed away in March of this year. We were married for 56 years and losing her has almost been unbearable. We read books to each other. I read to her as she fixed our meals and in the evening around the fire. She read to me when we traveled in our pickup and also in the evening when my eyes were hurting and I could read no more. After her passing our home became silent and I could not break the grief and suffering.

We had listened to librivox in the past so I moved the computer to the kitchen counter in an attempt to bring life back in our home. I have always liked westerns and had read some of Max Brand's books so I thought I would try listening to one. Well I found you to be a marvelous reader for westerns. You are very easy to hear and understand and you have such a steady easy way with the story. I know how much work it takes to read a book to another and not make a mistake and break the spell. You sir are a master and I can not thank you enough for your service to myself and others.

God Bless You and may the Lord give you the strength to continue your work with libivox.

Gratefully Yours
Corvallis, Montana

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for LibraryLady (Annie Coleman Rothenberg) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Hi! I have just finished listening to Annie Coleman’s 2006 reading of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. I downloaded the audiobook onto my MP3 player that I use when I am swimming laps at a community pool. I SO enjoyed Ms Coleman’s rendition! The voices she used for the characters were clear and distinguishable in the different manner she chose to use for each. It's a funny and clever book and was far ahead of its time. I found myself having to stifle my laughter in parts so as not to swallow any water. Lol!

Thank you again for the lovely recording! I know it took hours and hours of time to do it, and for that I am very grateful.



Albuquerque, New Mexico

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Cori (Cori Samuel) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Love your voice Cori!

Please keep reading, you are very good at it.

A Jury of her Peers by Susan Glaspell
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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for ahab (Stewart Wills) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Dear Mr. Wills,
I have been listening to your reading of Moby Dick for the last few weeks and just completed the last chapter. It was a wonderful experience. Thank you for the many hours and many voices you gave to such a massive project, allowing me as a listener to enter Melville's great tale. It was thoroughly enjoyable! -Jack


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for gypsygirl (Karen Savage) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
I'd like to thank Karen Savage for her reading of Jane Austen's Persuasion, version 4, https://librivox.org/persuasion-by-jane-austen-4/, the only one of 7 versions with a British accent. She has an agreeable voice, and the reading is seamless, allowing the listener to concentrate on the story and, ironically, to forget that anyone is reading it.

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for blightersrock (Tony Foster) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
I'd like to thank Tony Foster for his wonderful reading of Mary Barton: a tale of Manchester life, by Elizabeth Gaskell: https://librivox.org/mary-barton-a-tale-of-manchester-life-version-2-by-elizabeth-cleghorn-gaskell/. I heartily agree with the Librivox blurb that being from Manchester adds to the authenticity with which he renders the speech of the characters in the book. Well done!

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