[COMPLETE] Wyoming: A Story of the Outdoor West, by William MacLeod Raine - tg

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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Post by TheMagnet »

Wyoming: A Story of the Outdoor West, by William MacLeod Raine (1871 - 1954)

This project is now complete! All audio files can be found on our catalog page: https://librivox.org/wyoming-a-story-of-the-outdoor-west-by-william-macleod-raine/

Volunteers outside the USA: William MacLeod Raine died in 1954. This person's work may still be protected by copyright in countries where copyright duration is determined by the author's death date. In Europe this is 70 years; in Canada it is 50 years; and in Australia it is 70 years for authors who died after 1955.
A girl finds herself in possession of a ranch. And instead of selling it, she decides to run the ranch herself. This leads her to a meeting with the infamous outlaw, Ned Bannister. With stampedes, shooting, and bronco riding, this story is an all-out classic western. (Summary by TheMagnet)
Source text (please read only from this text!): https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1803

Target completion date: Feb, 2023

Prooflistening level: Standard
Prospective PLs, please see the Guide for Proof-listeners.

IMPORTANT - soloist, please note: in order to limit the number of languishing projects on our server, we ask that you post an update at least once a month in your project thread, even if you haven't recorded anything. If we don't hear from you for three months, your project may be opened up to a group project if a Book Coordinator is found. Files you have completed will be used in this project. If you haven't recorded anything yet, your project will be removed from the forum (contact any admin to see if it can be re-instated).

Please don't download or listen to files belonging to projects in process unless you are the BC or PL. Our servers are not set up to handle the greater volume of traffic. Please wait until the project has been completed. Thanks!

Magic Window:

BC Admin

LibriVox recording settings: mono (1 channel), 44100 Hz sample rate, 128 kbps constant bit rate MP3. See the Tech Specs

Intro to recording:
Leave 0.5 to 1 second of silence at the beginning.

For the first section, say:
"Chapter # of Wyoming - A Story of the Outdoor West. This is a LibriVox recording. All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer, please visit librivox.org." [Optional: "Read by your name."] "Wyoming - A Story of the Outdoor West, by William MacLeod Raine. Section Title."
For the second and subsequent sections, you may use the shortened intro if you wish:
"Chapter # of Wyoming - A Story of the Outdoor West, by William MacLeod Raine. This LibriVox recording is in the public domain." [Optional: "Read by your name."] "Section Title."
End of recording:
"End of chapter #." [Optional, and if not stated in the intro: "Read by your name, city, date."]
If you are recording the final section of the book, add:
"End of Wyoming - A Story of the Outdoor West, by William MacLeod Raine."
Leave 5 seconds of silence at the end.

Filename: wyoming_##_raine_128kb.mp3 where ## is the section number. (e.g. wyoming_01_raine_128kb.mp3)

Upload to the LibriVox Uploader: https://librivox.org/login/uploader

MC to select: TriciaG

Copy and paste the file link generated by the uploader into the relevant Listen URL field in the Section Compiler, enter the duration in the Notes field, and post in this thread to let your PL and MC know that you have uploaded a file. You may also post the file link in the thread.
Last edited by TheMagnet on February 6th, 2023, 5:27 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by TriciaG »

Please, PLEASE, before embarking on a solo, do two things:

(1) We do STRONGLY encourage a one-minute test (LINK) to check your technical settings. It's not an audition, but to make sure you're exporting at the correct bit rate, have your recording in mono, etc. It would be a shame to record a whole section, only to have to scrap it and redo it because of some simple setting that is incorrect.

(2) Claim, record, and get OK'd at least one section in a group project. This is to make sure you know what you're getting into. Recording a whole book isn't as easy as it seems. It isn't simply sitting down and recording. There's editing to do - and that often can take up to 5 times as long as recording does. In my experience, a ballpark estimate of 95% of brand new readers who start with a solo end up quitting before finishing. Please test the waters first before jumping in. :) Not only that, you're basically alone in a solo: you are the coordinator, and unless you have a very friendly DPL, you won't get much encouragement while doing your solo.

After you've seen this, I'll move this thread to Book Suggestions until you've done the test, and (I hope) a little in a group project. When you're ready to do the solo, post in the thread, and an admin will move it back to the Launch Pad for you. :)
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Post by TheMagnet »

I've just uploaded my 1-minute test recording.

I am using LogicPro on MacOS (of course) and an USB Samson Q2U mic.


I've already done some other recordings under my mom's account for dramatic readings. And I helped my mom publish some LibriVox recordings as well. I have the checker app installed and I'll be using it. I've already got two chapters recorded and edited and I'm just waiting for an MC.
Last edited by TheMagnet on June 25th, 2022, 8:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Availle »

Is there a reason why you want to work under a new username now?
You do understand that those old and new recordings cannot be linked if you do so, right?

And that we kinda expect you to use only one forum account going forward, right?
Cheers, Ava.
Resident witch of LibriVox, channelling
Granny Weatherwax: "I ain't Nice."

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Post by TheMagnet »

My 1-minute test passed. :D


And by the way, this is my first and only personal account on LibriVox.
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Post by TriciaG »

This is set up. A few comments:

- I put you in as "TheMagnet". If you prefer something else showing up on your catalog page, let me know.

- I shortened the file name a bit.

- Before cataloging, you'll need to whip up some sort of intro/summary. Think of it as the blurb on the back cover - an advertisement for the book, to get people to listen to it. It'll need to be written by you or by someone else here, but not copied from Goodreads or Amazon or Wikipedia since it needs to be public domain (without anyone claiming rights to it).

- You'll need to decide whether to say "section" or "chapter" in the intro and outro. If you're just having one chapter per section (not combining or splitting any), then "chapter" makes the most sense, IMHO.

- As you're the soloist, you're in charge of updating the Magic Window.

Detailed Instructions for accessing the Magic Window can be found in the document linked here: Instructions for Soloists

I've entered the first two chapters for you as an example. You can fill in the rest.

When you upload a chapter, put the file duration (mm:ss) in the Notes field and the uploaded URL into the Listen URL field, and mark it from Assigned to Ready for PL.
School fiction: David Blaize
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Post by TheMagnet »

I got the first two chapters uploaded and ready for PL. I don't know if you can assign two readers to the same chapter, because this is going to be more of a duet than a solo. JazzyGirl is doing the female voices and I am doing everything else.
Last edited by TheMagnet on August 5th, 2022, 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TriciaG »

Yes, you can click on Assign Reader Sections, enter Jazzygirl (and you MUST select her from the drop down list, or else it won't register), and put the section numbers in the sections box. Then click Add.

I've put in JazzyGirl as co-BC, so she can enter the Magic Window as well.
School fiction: David Blaize
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Post by LikeManyWaters »

Better assign me as PL please. 8-)
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Post by TriciaG »

I've put you in. Thanks!
School fiction: David Blaize
America Exploration: The First Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci
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Post by TheMagnet »

This thread is still active. :)
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Post by TriciaG »

Thanks for the update. :)
School fiction: David Blaize
America Exploration: The First Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci
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Medieval England meets Civil War Americans: Centuries Apart
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Post by TheMagnet »

Another month has past by
Another book is on the fly
We're still recording
So please don't ignore me
We're half way to the end of the story
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Post by TriciaG »

Ha ha - very clever! 8-) Thanks for the update. :)
School fiction: David Blaize
America Exploration: The First Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci
Serial novel: The Wandering Jew
Medieval England meets Civil War Americans: Centuries Apart
Posts: 15
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Post by TheMagnet »

We're still recording. :)
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