ZOOM Announcements Only Thread

Comments about LibriVox? Suggestions to improve things? News?
LibriVox Admin Team
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Post by philchenevert »

Here is a video of the Zoom chat session from Oct 23, 2021. https://youtu.be/vFFNqz_fuEk

It is a bit over an hour of wonderful gossip about stuff we do here in LibriVox. Stay tuned for the next session about microphones. :D
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
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Post by philchenevert »

ZOOMING IN ON MICROPHONES: Dec 10, 11 am Central Time usa.

-how to get the best results out of a microphone,
-general differences between USB and XLR mics,
-how the interface affects mic performance,
-when a condenser mic is/isn't the best choice for a home studio,
=how to take care of a microphone to protect it from premature aging,
-why washing your mic with soap and water is not a good idea.

December 10, 2021 there will be a zoom session for libriVoxers that will feature an expert on microphones explaining some of the basic things listed above. We all use a mic and should know more about the two main types and how they can help or not help our recordings. You DO know the two main types, right? The guest will be Ryan White Product Specialist with RØDE Microphones. He will just explain basic things and answer questions about microphones in general. So please join us, bring your microphone questions and problems and learn good stuff.
The session will be recorded of course.

The link will be same as always, Phil's super secret private LibriVox meeting room deep inside the bat cave:

I want to thank Grace Buchanan for suggesting this and doing the background work setting it up.
Ignatius, the Penguin of Happiness Image will be there to pass around the margaritas and complimentary fish
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
LibriVox Admin Team
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Joined: October 17th, 2010, 9:23 pm
Location: Basking by the Bayou

Post by philchenevert »

I am looking for LibriVoxers who would be willing to host a monthly group session for new people. The idea I am playing with is to have a regularly scheduled group LibriVox zoom or Google Meet session that would meet in two time zones, say on the last Wednesday of each month. Or whatever. The commitment would be for at least six months so that people could learn about it and count on it being there.

If you have a Zoom account that is great but if not, you could use mine as host. Actually I will be using Google Meet which requires no account at all. I am just testing the water here but it would seem a good way to encourage new members, a platform to talk about their problems, ask for advice, and just share with others about LibriVox. We old timers know all about LibriVox, but can be bewildering to novices.

I'd like someone in Europe or Australia so that time zones can be offered. So what do you say? I already know that everyone reading this is a helpful volunteer at heart so think about it. All ideas, opinoons, objections and stuff are welcome. The objective would be to have a regularly scheduled zoom or Google Meet session every month in several time zones. Feeling adventurous? :D Image

EDIT: I tried Google Meet and love it. thanks!
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 24590
Joined: October 17th, 2010, 9:23 pm
Location: Basking by the Bayou

Post by philchenevert »

Starting in 2022, there will be 2 monthly Zoom chat sessions for LibriVox beginners and anyone interested. It will be the first Monday in each month so mark your calendars everyone: 11 am and 11 pm central time usa; That's right: 2 sessions on the same or about the same day each month. These will be ZOOM sessions and hopefully a place for beginners of all stages to chat with each other and with old timers in LibriVox. So everyone, and I mean EVERYONE is welcome. The theme of the first group sessions will be "what surprised me about LibriVox" but this is very loose and all problems, joys and questions will be welcomed. They will be recorded of course and then posted for everyone to watch. I will be putting this info out there in coming days but please feel free to give any suggestions

TO JOIN: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8840814632

JANUARY 3 2022 11 am & 11 pm Central Time USA
JUNE 6[/b]

EDITED Dec 5th 2021
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
LibriVox Admin Team
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Post by annise »

New Zealand is ahead of us and 1 of the small Pacific islands is ahead of them. The dateline has a few doglegs in that area

LibriVox Admin Team
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Location: Basking by the Bayou

Post by philchenevert »

Note that I have sadly had to drop the idea of a separate session in Australia and go with me doing two sessions 11 hours apart. The time and day differences were just too much for my poor old mind to get straight. Who knows, this may work well or perhaps not. But it will be fun trying!!! :D
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
LibriVox Admin Team
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Location: Basking by the Bayou

Post by philchenevert »

JANUARY 3, TOMORROW, IS THE FIRST MONTHLY LIBRIVOX BEGINNERS session. Actually everyone is invited and I hope all regular members will join either or both sessions if even for a few minutes to say hi.

Join Zoom Meeting

11 am central and 11 pm central time. I am excited about this being a standard get together for us. Well, for at least the six month trial. The theme tomorrow is "What surprised me about LivriVox" but that's just a starting point. We can discuss "How I Gained Inner Peace" through LV, or "LibriVox Destroyed My Inner Peace" or "How I Lost 14 kilo with LibriVox". Y'all drop in !
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
LibriVox Admin Team
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Location: Basking by the Bayou

Post by philchenevert »

Here is a link to the first official LIBRIVOX BEGINNERS GROUP 11 AM https://youtu.be/Y9bUYEFZThA

It went very well. :D
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 24590
Joined: October 17th, 2010, 9:23 pm
Location: Basking by the Bayou

Post by philchenevert »

MONDAY FEBRUARY 7, TOMORROW, IS Regular MONTHLY LIBRIVOX BEGINNERS session. Actually everyone is invited and I hope all regular members will join either or both sessions if even for a few minutes to say hi.

Join Zoom Meeting

11 am central and 11 pm central time. I am excited about this being a standard get together for us. Well, for at least the six month trial. The theme tomorrow is "What surprised me about LivriVox" but that's just a starting point. We can discuss "How I Gained Inner Peace" through LV, or "LibriVox Destroyed My Inner Peace" or "How I Lost 14 kilo with LibriVox". Y'all drop in !
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 24590
Joined: October 17th, 2010, 9:23 pm
Location: Basking by the Bayou

Post by philchenevert »

And here is the thrilling video of our monthly LibriVox beginners zoom meetin - evening edition. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7suGablOVRE

Not for the weak of heart. :D
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 24590
Joined: October 17th, 2010, 9:23 pm
Location: Basking by the Bayou

Post by philchenevert »

This Monday, March 7th, is when our monthly LibriVox Beginners Zoom Group will happen .. twice! Both at 11 am and 11 pm central time.
I am setting up something new, a registration process for this group, so that people who are interested in joining us can be reminded about it the day before via an email. This has been used for years now by other groups and I get reminders of the 4 groups I am registered for in ADHD and Alzheimers Support. Why did it take me this long to think of this? Don't know but there it is! As LibriVoxers slowly become aware of the existence of a libriVox zoom chat session, they can ask to get reminder emails about it and not rely on my feeble and largely unsuccessfully attempts to spread the word each month. And of course if they are not interested they can simply ignore it.

If you would like to be part of a test group for this let me know. Image
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 24590
Joined: October 17th, 2010, 9:23 pm
Location: Basking by the Bayou

Post by philchenevert »

Our Morning march zoom meeting is available to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=312zu0weYXk Lot s of good talk about editing and tips and tricks to try. :D
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 24590
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Location: Basking by the Bayou

Post by philchenevert »

SUBJECT: TDR Nova Plug-In, Sunday March 20, 2 p.m. CDT

TDR Nova is more advanced than the high and low pass filters, equalization, compression and certain other effects that come with Audacity, all rolled into one App, and lets you make adjustments to your audio/voice quality as you listen, which is AWESOME.

Mike Pointek*(audiomike) will take us on a tour of the app. Michele Fry will host. Please reserve your spot here https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtf-qtrTosGteyNgIv_FEVq0gPH50Hy-yV

Anyone may register and attend, and if you install the app on your system and have a problematic audio file open and ready to share on your screen, we may have time to watch Mike coach you in real time how to make it sound better.

To participate, download the plug-in, store it in your Programs/Audacity/Plug-Ins. Open Audacity/Effect/Add Plug-In/Enable. Have open a file you'd like to work on. You'll be all set, and if we can't fit you into this session, we might have another.

Learn more and download TDR Nova here: https://www.soundgym.co/blog/item?id=tdr-nova&lg=it&aff=9043&ut=school

Los Angeles - Sun 12:00 noon
New York - - - Sun 3:00 pm
London - - - - Sun 7:00 pm
Berlin - - - - - Sun 8:00 pm
Sydney - - - Mon 6:00 am
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 24590
Joined: October 17th, 2010, 9:23 pm
Location: Basking by the Bayou

Post by philchenevert »

This Monday, APRIL 4th, is when our monthly LibriVox Beginners Zoom Group will happen .. twice! Both at 11 am and 11 pm central time.

Registration is NOT required. That caused too many problems for me so thank you if you went through the trouble of registering but unfortunately, it was all for naught. just click on the good old link that's worked for years if you wish to join.

Time: 11 AM AND 11 PM APRIL 4TH, 2022

Join Zoom Meeting
.Join Zoom Meeting

EDIT: MONDAY April 4th Note that this link is the one to use. I apologize for things somehow getting screwed up with different links being posted. Knowing me, it was probably something I did or didn't do.

Ignatius, the Penguin of Happiness Image will be there with us to sign autographs.!!
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 24590
Joined: October 17th, 2010, 9:23 pm
Location: Basking by the Bayou

Post by philchenevert »

Here is the link to our monthly Beginners Zoom session - April 5th, morning edition https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCg82GZ8Dap4MDbXpYuF06qA :thumbs: it went very well.
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
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