To get to know you better (あなたを・もっと・知りたくて)

Everything except LibriVox (yes, this is where knitting gets discussed. Now includes non-LV Volunteers Wanted projects)
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Post by CSCO »

[China (とうき, or 陶器)]

CSCO died at last. CSCO died in Chick's arms among their 100 cats.

At first, I ought to introduce Kitaooji Rosanjin (北大路 魯山人) and his works.

Kaneshige Toyo (金重 陶陽):

Kaneshige Michiaki (金重 道明):

Chinas (national treasures):

Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豊臣 秀吉) found out that he didn't have enough lands to distribute to his followers. So, he gave the finest tea-things as the most honorable reward sometimes. (Hideyoshi liked a cat.)

Chick read a CSCO's will:

"Hi, Chick, good-bye.

I must give you my secret. I was born in a zaibatsu family as a prince. When I was a kid, my parents contracted a marriage. So, I have a wife. I must apologize to you.

I can leave nothing for you except for a few things. This is my regret. My wife hates both a cat and you. So, she promises to give you only the followings:

1. Cats and cat goods. Our 100 cats, 100 feeding chinas, 100 milking chinas, and so on. [The cat goods are very expensive. They are national treasures (こくほう, or 国宝).]

2. Our shack with cat pee smell and a little garden [with a secret hot spring under the ground].

You must call on Tanaka-sensei, our lawyer. He has the notarized documents and all their boxes.

Yes, our shack has the smell just a little. But it has been my paradise on the earth with you. Now I must go. Thanks a lot with love."
No way. He stole away a pretty thing, you know.
That's your heart.
Posts: 393
Joined: April 6th, 2010, 10:48 am
Location: Toyokawa, Japan

Post by CSCO »

[A Village of Plum Blossoms (梅里)]

"Chick, how about your job hunting?"
"You fool! How can I get a job in these Corona days!?
Hey, pops, how about your job hunting?"
"You fool! How can I get a job in these Corona days!?"
(There was a bad atmosphere...)

Japanese people like to judge others. Japanese people don't read the Holy Bible. So, Japanese people don't know we mustn't judge others. Japanese people like a TV period drama, that is based on poetical justice.

Mito Koumon (水戸黄門) is a leading drama in the field. In the drama, Tokugawa Mitsukuni (徳川 光圀), an aged man, a former vice-shogun, journeys round to correct the world. (But he didn't do it in reality.) His pen name as a haiku poet was Bairi (梅里). It meams A Village of Plum Blossoms. (My father thinks that he is Mito Koumon.)

CSCO? No, he is Yamashita Kiyoshi (山下 清). (Discover subtle differences.) He was a famous Japanese artist. He journeyed round in reality. He was a person who never grew. His life was TV dramatised and the drama is very popular still. Rice ball is in his hand. It is Onigiri (おにぎり).

Rice ball is in his hand. It is Onigiri (おにぎり). I want to eat an onigiri (おにぎり食べたい). An onigiri is a tremendous help when you are starving. Abe-san likes a tarako onigiri.

"You ugly cow! You haze! You Tarako Lips!"
"You camel! You oldster! You hunchback! You useless! It's our last!!"

You know Sangria. Umeshu (梅酒) is a Japanese sangria. Which is White Liquor and steeping plums.

Ume Festival (梅祭り):

"Chick, I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry too. Well, why don't we go seeing plum blossoms? "
"I don't have a car."
"We could take a train. I'll cook onigiris soon. Oh, we have only tarako filling."
"Nice! I love tarako very very much."
No way. He stole away a pretty thing, you know.
That's your heart.
Posts: 393
Joined: April 6th, 2010, 10:48 am
Location: Toyokawa, Japan

Post by CSCO »

[Sakura (cherry blossoms, さくら, 櫻, or 桜)]

"Chick, let's go to the Ueno Park (上野恩賜公園). It's a business chance!"
"What's this? A sake keg? For what?"
"We sell sake to cherry blossom viewers. Because we have missed a wedding ceremony!"
"Chick, we must bear the keg to the park. It's a very long way."

Tooyama no Kin-san (とおやま の きんさん, or 遠山 の 金さん) is a leading period drama too. Kin-san's tattoo is Sakura Fubuki (桜吹雪, or A Cherry Petal Blizzard). He is a chief of justice and undercover detective. His tattoo is the witness. He shows it at decisive moments. (The first is as a undercover detective in the street and the second is as a chief of justice in court.) If your old Chinese Jin (金) gives his name as Tooyama no Jin-san or your old Korean Kim (金) gives his name as Tooyama no Kim-san, he is familiar with Japanese period dramas.

"Oh, I'm hungry. I want to drink a cup of sake."
"Darling, 100 yen, please."
"There! Chick, you must be thirsty. Drink a cup of sake. 100 yen, please."

These images are not family friendly, maybe. Yet they are Japanese Art surely. Japanese tattoo designs are following. (Kids, don't look into!)

"Oh, I'm hungry. I want to drink a cup of sake."
"Darling, 100 yen, please."
"There! Chick, you must be thirsty. Drink a cup of sake. 100 yen, please."

I like this song. Yuhara Masayuki (湯原 昌幸) is very good. He can bear a MC of Kouhaku (紅白). He needs his day. He has been taken away his position because of his marriage. (He took away a young singer and actress from a very very small management agency Hori Productions.) The boss Hori-san (CSCO's Senpai) wants to forgive Mr. and Mrs. Yuhara but Hori-san's sons cannot read their father's real heart... (Yes, Yuhara did a serious violation. And, a rule is a rule. But, it's only a human's rule. Hori-san regrets it very much now and Hori-san is very old now.) If the sons would give Hori-san a (his final???) birthday party using Mr. and Mrs. Yuhara as MCs, it would be the greatest present, wouldn't it? Yuharas' guarantee is enough for 100 yen. 8-) Hori-san would be in a frown at first. But, at last, Hori-san gives a indulgent smile and says, "You have been patient. Much water run through under a bridge. It's Reiwa (令和) day already. Yuhara, we are only a bandman, aren't we? We are only a fool, aren't we? Can you forgive me?" Any word never works now. Hand in hand. Tears and tears. That's all. (However, what a sad song! What a bad song! What a family unfriendly song it is!) Oh, Chick, we must go on...

"Oh, I'm hungry. I want to drink a cup of sake."
"Darling, 100 yen, please."
"There! Chick, you must be thirsty. Drink a cup of sake. 100 yen, please."

A MC of Kouhaku? Don't forget Wada Akiko (和田 アキ子)! What a family unfriendly song! But I like this song very much.

"Oh, I'm hungry. I want to drink a cup of sake."
"Darling, 100 yen, please."
"There! Chick, you must be thirsty. Drink a cup of sake. 100 yen, please."

"Chick, we can round Akasaka Palace and have a wedding ceremony behind the scene there!"
"Wonderful! But we can't break a rule. But..."

"Oh, I'm hungry. I want to drink a cup of sake."
"Darling, 100 yen, please."
"There! Chick, you must be thirsty. Drink a cup of sake. 100 yen, please."

Famous sakura places:

"Chick, we arrive at the Ueno Park at last. I want to drink a cup of sake."
"Darling, 100 yen, please."
"Oh, Darling, it's sold out now..."
"Very good. How much we sold?"
"Fancy that! Why!? Only a 100 yen coin..."
"It's enough for us. The heavy load bands us together firmly."
No way. He stole away a pretty thing, you know.
That's your heart.
Posts: 393
Joined: April 6th, 2010, 10:48 am
Location: Toyokawa, Japan

Post by CSCO »

[Meiji Tenno (明治天皇)]

The Galaxy Patrol set a price on my head. I am CSCO the Space Pirate.
Bounty hunters chase me always...

They say Meiji Tenno was a great emperor. I don't think so. He was the top of Invader Japan. He built it. That's all. Yamaoka Tesshuu (山岡 鉄舟) was a Meiji Tenno's chamberlain from 1872 (to 1882?). Rumors say he was young Meiji Tenno's teacher. Yamaoka is regarded as a master of three fields: Swordsmanship, Penmanship, and Zen. A Zen master? I have a few doubts. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit.

Meiji Jinguu (明治神宮) deifies Meiji Tenno and his wife. Jinguu Gaien (神宮外苑) is very good for young lovers to stroll.

Terasawa Buichi (寺沢 武一) is one of deciples of Tezuka Osamu (手塚 治虫). (I will introduce Tezuka-sensei another time.) I like a science fiction manga. I have read a few science fiction novels. I have got most of my scientific knowledge from a SF manga. Terasawa's Cobra had a great impact on me. Psycho Gun is a great inspiration. It can sink space battle ships when his mental energy is perfect. (Sound belief can move mountains.) Happily, I also have a little Psycho Gun. When I do writing that others can see, I fire the gun. (May God save me not to abuse it.)

"Hold up, CSCO!"
"Chick!! ... Halloween is over already?"
Chick's witch mantle dropped. She was in a tiny white bikini. She was so beautiful that my Psycho Gun didn't work. (My Zen energy spiked out.) I drew my Colt Python. Oh! It was empty!!
"Ho Ho Ho! I unloaded it just now!"
Chick dropped a drop of dragon's blood on her magic wand and waved it. Nothing happened!!
"Ha Ha Ha! It's tomato juice! I replaced it just now!"
There was a long silence... We watched each other with a half-smile...

By the way, I like Chikuwa (ちくわ, or 竹輪). I like drink sake with chikuwa's. Oden (おでん, or 御田) consists of Daikon, Chikuwa, Tamago, and etcetera etcetera. (I will introduce Oden another time.) Toyokawa-shi is contiguous to Toyohashi-shi (豊橋市). Toyohashi-shi is famous for Chikuwa. Yamasa (ヤマサ) is a famous Chikuwa maker. Yamasa's Chikuwa is very good. Yamasa runs an oden-ya (dining bar of oden and sake). I suppose Tokyo also has a good oden-ya (おでん屋) here and there. You can drink there.

A drop of sweat hit the floor. We drew a dagger quickly and synchronously. Oh!! Two chikuwa's!!
"Chick, let's stop it. It's a folly and we are hungry."
"All right. Let's go eating Oden."
"The plain things must go."
"Ha? Your chikuwa's must go first?"
"No. The plain things must go at first."
Last edited by CSCO on September 8th, 2021, 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
No way. He stole away a pretty thing, you know.
That's your heart.
Posts: 393
Joined: April 6th, 2010, 10:48 am
Location: Toyokawa, Japan

Post by CSCO »

[(A whale (くじら, or 鯨)]

December 24, 1878 5:00 am
"Chick, soon it will be New Year's Day. I'll buy a new kimono to you. Now I must go whaling."
"Don't go."
"If not, we starve. I must go."
"Please don't go."
Chick was expecting a baby.

December 24, 1878 2:00 pm
The whale watch tower cried, "A whale! It's so big! Whale boats also flag!"
It was a rainy day. A winter storm was coming.

December 24, 1878 5:00 pm
The whale watch tower cried, "We have lost torches of the boats! They disappeared on the horizen!" Girls run up to the top of a mountain near the village. They could see the torches yet. They went far minute by minute. They disappeared on the horizen at last. All the village was upset.

About four hundred years ago, Japanese Old Style Whaling (こしきほげい, or 古式捕鯨) was born at Taiji-chou (たいじちょう, or 太地町). The style was very brave: Whale boats chased a whale to a net and whalers killed it by a harpoon. On the 24th December 1878, a great disaster hit Taiji whalers: 8 whalers died, 107 whalers are missing, 80 whalers returned. On that day, the tradition of the old style whaling was lost at Taiji.,_Wakayama

There was a war to live. The whale was taking her baby along. She was a sea devil. She run away to trick the whalers, and she attacked the whalers sometimes. She smashed many boats. When the whalers killed the mom and baby, the whalers found that they were in a storm. They counted torches tossed in the darkness. They were lost completely.

Kangiten-sama is Kannon-sama's hasband. He was an evil spirit before he knew Kannon-sama. He is a god now. Kangiten-sama accepts even a wicked. So, his famous followers were Sumitomo, Mitsui, Kounoike... Kannon-sama also can accept bad peopel. She can transform her figure to 33 figures.

All the village was on the beach. There were large fires. An old mother cried, "Kannon-sama, please help us!" She stepped unsteadily to the shore. She opened her humble kimono and she shew her humble breasts bare towards the open sea. (Is it a foolish act? Believe me, there was a prayer, surely.) The wives bared themselves. Chick bared herself. They opened their arms towards the open sea. An infant run to her young mother unsteadily, laughing.

Elifants! Pandaz!!

"Chick's perfume! She has been calling to me!! I know the way!!!"
"We are thankful to you, Kangiten-sama!!! We can live!!!"
"Cut off the whales!!! ....Whales, please forgive us...."
"Row to the windward!!!" 
The survivors started rowing to hug their women again.
Last edited by CSCO on July 9th, 2021, 10:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
No way. He stole away a pretty thing, you know.
That's your heart.
Posts: 393
Joined: April 6th, 2010, 10:48 am
Location: Toyokawa, Japan

Post by CSCO »

[Ninjya (にんじゃ, or 忍者)]

"Chick, I find you at last. Why? Don't you know Nukenin must be killed?
You are condemned to death next week. It is counting down. So, I put you on my shoulder and carry you home."

You know a fugitive from Tenno's army were shot. Nukenin (ぬけにん, or 抜け忍) is a fugitive from one's ninjya family. A nukenin was killed. There was only one exceptional case: Kumotori Zanpei (くもとりざんぺい, or 雲盗り暫平). Zanpei was a Tokugawa Shogunate's ninjya. He saved shogun's life so that he got freedom as a reward. Zanpei became a ninjya thief. He stole whatever his clients wanted. Kumotori Zanpei is a very good comic. The comic title means that Zanpei steals even clouds in the sky. I loved it.

"You are misunderstanding, CSCO. I came here Tokyo for sightseeing."
"Yes. I had to see Daikanyama, Harajyuku, and Sendagaya."

"Chick, don't forget your nature. We are a ninjya. We are night flowers.
We cannot live as Sunflower. Chick, throw a shuriken at the flying fly.
Oh, you missed it. Why? Chick, don't be interested in the empty. Tokyo is
worthless. Mind your business! You are Kunoichi!! You are a female ninjya!!!
Face your destiny bravely!!!!"

"CSCO, here is Kanda Koshoten Gai (かんだこしょてんがい, or 神田古書店街)."
"Oh, ninjya books!"

"CSCO, here is Nikorai Dou (にこらいどう, or ニコライ堂)."

"CSCO, here is Yushima Seidou (ゆしませいどう, or 湯島聖堂)."
"Oh, quiet place."

"CSCO, here is Akihabara (あきはばら, or 秋葉原)."
"Oh, only 3 minutes walking from Yushima Seidou."

"What's this board? Men and women are speaking in it.
What's this box? It is singing! What a great ninjutsu!!"
"CSCO, let's go home now..."
"You must go home alone. I stay here for a week."
No way. He stole away a pretty thing, you know.
That's your heart.
Posts: 393
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Location: Toyokawa, Japan

Post by CSCO »

[The Eitaibashi Bridge (えいたいばし, or 永代橋)]

"---Attention, please. Are there any doctors in the plane? We have a sick lady. Thank you."
It was my big scene.
"Where is my kranke?" said I in a loud voice.

"Help me, all! He isn't a doctor! He shall kill me!"
"---Ladies and gentlemen, we are landing at Narita, New Tokyo International Airport shortly."

I was a newspaper delivery student. I was a 新聞奨学生 (a live-in newspaper delivery worker and student). I had been a deliverer to newspaper stands in Tokyo City Air Terminal. Tokyo City Air Terminal is an airport transport service station.

"Chick, you are expecting a baby. Tokyo City Air Terminal is next to Suitenguu (すいてんぐう, or 水天宮). Let's go there together. I'll pray that you will have an easy delivery."
"Ha? A baby? Are you sure? I'm simply constipated. I won't go there."

We got out of the taxi in front of the Eitaibashi Bridge. We were under the blue heaven on the bridge. A gentle wind was blowing.
"Chick, can you see the police box? We can't see the convenience store which is next to the box from here. There is a sumo stable near the store. So, we can see a young sumo wrestler browsing a manga in the store."
"I'm only constipated!"
"Why are you alone? Where is your hasband?"

In 1807, Fukagawa Matsuri was held after a wait of 12 years. Many people rushed to Fukagawa to see the festival. Many people crossed the Eitaibashi Bridge on that day. It was too many people for the old bridge to bear. The middle part of the bridge was broken down as a bolt from the blue. The people didn't aware it. So, the crowd kept on heading towards Fukagawa. It was a death march. More than 1400 people died.

I heard a thunder from the blue...
"Chick, don't be afraid. Could I become the papa?"
Chick smiled gently.
"Could I fix my make-up in the building? Please wait a minute."
I was looking at Tsukudajima (佃島) waiting for Chick.

I heard a sound of thunderbolt stroke the ground...
When Chick returned, her belly was flat.
Last edited by CSCO on September 8th, 2021, 11:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
No way. He stole away a pretty thing, you know.
That's your heart.
Posts: 393
Joined: April 6th, 2010, 10:48 am
Location: Toyokawa, Japan

Post by CSCO »

[Tokyo 2020 (Tokyo 2021)]

When you came here,
I thought you looked like a bear.
But you were a person rare:
You have ears to hear.

When you came here,
Media reported you were a pirate;
Tokyo 2020 was a mere demerit.
You had been to forbear.

For you were remolded now,
For mysterious lightning hit you now,
For you recognized who you are now,
For you are a real baron now,

I give you a medal of gold,
The chairman being bold.
We must say bye-bye.
Chick says you are a German samurai.
No way. He stole away a pretty thing, you know.
That's your heart.
Posts: 393
Joined: April 6th, 2010, 10:48 am
Location: Toyokawa, Japan

Post by CSCO »

[Anpan (あんぱん, or アンパン)]

"Chick, I was a guardman of Comiket once."
"Where did you work at?"
"At TRC."
"You are a liar! Comiket had been held at Harumi before!"
"Chick, be humble. You are the young. You know a few things yet..."
"Oh, you know all!"
"Chick, don't blame your friends. You must be blamed..."

"Papa, I want to eat noted dishes of Ginza while we are here."
"Chick, let's eat Anpan at Kimuraya."
"Oh, Anpan and milk is my favorite... When you died, I will pile up anpan's before your photo!"
"Kimuraya baked the first anpan in the world. Manju was the hint. Meiji Tenno also ate an anpan. Don't you know Kimuraya has fashionable dining floors?"

"Papa, I need a new beautiful dress. You know the reason why."
"Oh. We don't have enough money this month. Please wait to buy it."
"If you would buy me it, your hand could be in my hand."

We strolled through Ginza Street to window shop hand in hand. The sky was narrow. It was a daytime on a weekday. Just as happy people smile at another happy people, passersby smiled at us. Chick received her repaired guitar at Yamano Music.

"Chick, I was a strolling guitarist around here. I met your mama at Iruka-san's night club. You were only a baby. I would nurse you in the dressing room. Here we are at JR Shimbashi Station. Let's go home."
"What? Let's go home by taxi."

ホームにて (At The Platform) by 中島みゆき (Nakajima Miyuki), covered by unknown

"Chick, you told me a big lie! You liar! What a bad girl you are!"
(My guitar class rushed in. They all were young ladies.)
"Sorry, sensei, we are very late. We bought many anpan's which Chick-san's favorite on our way. In the store, this silly girl said that it was exactly one year from Chick-san's death and we had to clear away Chick-san's guitar from here tomorrow. So, they all started to weep and their make-ups ruined. What a silly girl... Wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Last edited by CSCO on August 26th, 2021, 4:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
No way. He stole away a pretty thing, you know.
That's your heart.
LibriVox Admin Team
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Joined: August 1st, 2009, 11:30 pm

Post by Availle »

CSCO, we do not allow links to commercial websites, so I have removed them from your post above.

I understand that you'd like to show off the culture of Japan and Tokyo, but please don't post links like these.
wikipedia or wikimedia commons is fine, google maps is fine, even the occasional youtube link is fine, but no links to stores etc. please.

Thank you. :D
Cheers, Ava.
Resident witch of LibriVox, channelling
Granny Weatherwax: "I ain't Nice."

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Location: Toyokawa, Japan

Post by CSCO »

Oh, I'm sorry. I had fogotten the policy. :)
No way. He stole away a pretty thing, you know.
That's your heart.
Posts: 393
Joined: April 6th, 2010, 10:48 am
Location: Toyokawa, Japan

Post by CSCO »

[Horse Race (けいば, or 競馬)]

"Chick, why are you here? We are at Chukyo Horserace Course."
"CSCO, where is a betting window?"
"Chick, you are drunken, aren't you?"

Tokyo area has wonderful horserace corses: Fuchu (ふちゅう, or 府中) and Nakayama (なかやま, or 中山). I never have visited there. That is my regret. The most popular horserace in Japan is Arima Kinen (ありまきねん, or 有馬記念), I suppose. The horserace is held on the Sunday nearest Christmas Eve. So many couples buy a betting ticket of the race while dating. When I was young, Japan had enjoyed eating and drinking its stock. In short, it was gobbling down itself. On December 22 1996, Arima Kinen turned over 87,501,042,400yen (a Guinness record). WINS Kinshicho was overrun on that day as same as other WINS'.

Ohi Race Corse has night races:

"Chick, do you know Ban'ei Race?"
"This is a racing of draft horses, pulling heavy loads."

Ban'ei Race (ばんえいけいば, or ばんえい競馬):'ei

"Someone have to pull a heavy load. Someone gives a whipping. Ban'ei looks like our life..."
"Don't make fun of adults. I am in my fifties. You are in your twenties."

"Chick, did you pass any Teacher Employment Examination?"
"Nothing. The first woman prime minister in Japan addressed her beautiful dream. Media say Japan needs more female leaders. But no one does right. I am left alone. I am feeling small..."

"Chick, you are lucky indeed. You are very gentle. So, you can do nothing against bad big kids and troublesome parents. In short, we are cowards."
"I must work in a jelly factory next spring. CSCO, stay with me tonight. Tonight will be the night."

"Chick, our dream is broken. But we are going on our way today and tomorrow and the next day. Wherever you would work in, you are you. You must love yourself first. Of course I will love you too. Yes. Keep your good habits. Defend yourself. Don't worry about tomorrow. Let's enjoy life with me tonight."

Strange things happened. A mother cat and her kittens walked across the turf. So horses stopped running. Only three horses in the rearmost kept walking.

The speakers said, "The first: Don'tCry. The second: SunRises. The third: TryAgain." They all were mares. Chick had a big win.
"Chick, how much did you bet on the horses?"
"Only 500 yen."

"Chick, let's drink at Kanayama."
"Kanayama? No! You are in your fifties. I am in my twenties. Defend myself, will you? I will go home tonight."

"CSCO, I want to become a nurse. I will go to the college."
"You have enough money to do that," said I angrily.
"It's not enough for. But the courage I received today will supply the shortage."
Chick smiled again.
No way. He stole away a pretty thing, you know.
That's your heart.
Posts: 393
Joined: April 6th, 2010, 10:48 am
Location: Toyokawa, Japan

Post by CSCO »

[Circus (サーカス)]

"Darling, our rice would run out soon," said Chick.
"Dear! We must go job hunting," said I.
We went to a circus tent.

The Kinoshita Great Circus (きのしただいさーかす, or 木下大サーカス) performs at Toyokawa-shi now. Wikipedia says Japan has 10 circus companies now. When I was a live-in newspaper delivery boy, the store master gave us circus tickets once. So, we went and enjoyed seeing the show at Kourakuen (こうらくえん, or 後楽園). Work is good. Have you enjoyed the live performances?

The circu master was an old woman and wild-animal tamer.
"What can you perform, Chick-san?" asked her with energy.
"I can sleep all the day everyday. And I can do juggling," said the master's white male lion. (Chick used ventriloquism.)

"CSCO-san, perform what you can do, please," said the master.
So, I did.
"Oh, bubbles of water can't stop falling from your palms joined together."
"No, they are lice," said another white female lion.

"We couldn't get a job today. But she gave me a rice bag of 10kg," said Chick.
"Yes. I bore the bag. The good soul."
"Yes. She cheered up me in the back. The good soul."
"Chick, God takes care of us."
"Yes, God takes care of us."

We built a small fire to warm us. And we slept. In my dream, we were the lions.
I was the king of beasts and Chick was the young female lion. We played like a cub, like a kitten. And we chased a shooting star together through an endless diamond sky.
No way. He stole away a pretty thing, you know.
That's your heart.
Posts: 393
Joined: April 6th, 2010, 10:48 am
Location: Toyokawa, Japan

Post by CSCO »

[Kobuchisawa (こぶちさわ, or 小淵沢)]

"Chuuou Freeway-♫," Chick started to hum. Our bus was running to Kobuchisawa, Yamanashi-ken. The sun in August was burning the long long straight expressway.
"Chick, it seems our honeymoon."
"Ha? It's the bad joke."
My 99th proposal failed.
A beer brewery:

"Second house in Kobuchisawa? 7 days dream? Bah! You deceived me!"
"Oh, I come here every summer to work. I didn't deceive you. The labor camp is there. The building is for ladies. We pick grapes for 7 days. Get up at 4, will you?"
A winery:

"Today is the last day. Thank you, CSCO. It's a very impressive experience. This is a wonderful vineyard. Thank you."
But I wasn't listening.
"How fair and how pleasant art thou,
O love, for delights!
This thy stature is like to a palm tree,
And thy breasts to clusters of grapes.
I said, I will go up to the palm tree,
I will take hold of the boughs thereof:
Now also thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine,
And the smell of thy nose like apples;
(Song of Solomon 7:6-8)"
"Beautiful! But what did you say, CSCO?"
"In short, I love you with all my heart. If I steal your kiss, what would happen?"
"Oh, this post shall be removed. :) "

Kobuchisawa is Horse Village. Yamanashi-ken is a part of Takeda Shingen's ruled region. Takeda Shingen (たけだし んげん, or 武田信玄) had the strongest cavalry. I will mention him later. (Yamanashi people still eats horsemeat.),_Yamanashi

The northern foot of Mt. Fuji has a bad condition for a rice crop. So people there has eaten powdered foods, Udon and Houtou (ほうとう), as well as boiled rice. Fujiyoshida-shi (ふじよしだし, or 富士吉田市) is not only a trailhead of Mt. Fuji, but also a very famous Udon city.

"Chick, you are eating a second bowl of chilled Udon. Don't cool your stomach."
"Don't be afraid. It's very nice."

Mt. Fuji views from the Yamanashi-ken side:

"Why are we climbing Mr. Fuji? Why we didn't go to the amusement park?" Chick said in a breathless voice.
"We can't climb Mt. Fuji ten months a year. The climbing season is only now."

"CSCO, my stomach hurts... I want to go to the toilet..."
"Oh! There is no toilet around here!"
Chick crouched.
"CSCO, I give in...," said she sadly, "Please hide me... Don't look at me..."
"Don't look at her!!!!!! Hey you, don't look at her!!! Hey all climbers, don't look at her!!! Hey you, keep a straight face!!! Don't look at her, please!!!" I cried out and wept. But all other climbers grinned.
"CSCO, look back," said Chick. So I turned around. Chick stood there firmly and nobly. She cast a mysterious smile at me: "I only deceived you."

("I decided to marry you at that time."
"Oh, Chick, I hear that for the first time.")
No way. He stole away a pretty thing, you know.
That's your heart.
Posts: 393
Joined: April 6th, 2010, 10:48 am
Location: Toyokawa, Japan

Post by CSCO »

[Samsara (りんねてんせい, or 輪廻転生)] 

("Chick, why are you pouting?"
"I hate your casting! A good role is your role! I have been laughed at lately!"
"Bahahaha! Then, can you love this story?")

"Who is Saint Nicholas, CSCO? A pro boxer?"
"No. He is Santa Claus. Chick, we have conned together as a team. But, I won't do this big con. Because today is Christmas Eve. We would have to pay the price?"
"I know. This is the last time. We will receive many gold bars and ingots as a price for a vaccine at a port in the daytime; we will throw the bars into asylums in the evening. This is the last time, CSCO."
"Chick, I love you."
"I know."

The Scriptures say that we were made out of soil and we will once again turn into soil. Our Lord Jesus says all of the dead will come out of their graves when the time comes. Asian societies have told that we must have a death and rebirth repeatedly and endlessly as a punishment.

"Where are you, Chick?"
"I am here!"
Chick was building a small fire in a small park. She said, "Let's have a tea here."
"Listen, Chick. I guess we couldn't become the saint. I suppose we are getting ahead of ourselves. We can't change the world easily. Some people have and some people don't have; we are in the world. But, happily, owning have nothing to do with happiness."
"But I want to change the world."
"Slow and steady is the best. Chick, I love you."
"I know."
"Oh, there isn't the red thread of marriage between us, maybe... If only I were in my thiries..."

Chick covered me and Chick was shot in the shoulder. We could run away from JCIA with great difficulty. If only I were in my thiries... I tied my white towel around her bullet wound. It turned red soon. "Haha. My bad." "Chick, hold on!" We could hear a carol from somewhere. Here came a microbus of an old people's home.

Many old people came out of the bus. They all had a bowgun. They were aiming for us. The leader said, "Hold up and stand before the door. All right. It's Christmas Eve. I will answer your last wish."
"Please let us tie up our ankles with my towel," said Chick.
"A three-footed race? All right."
And so I did.
"You have one minute. Pray to your god."
"Chick, I love you."
"CSCO, I love you too. I'm too much younger than you. So, I couldn't say the words. I'm sorry. But I am unchained now. Promise me you will wed me in the next life. Now, hold my hand."
And so I did.
"The time is up."
We were pinned on the wooden door. Our tied souls, holding each other tightly, rose up to Paradise rejoicefully in a carol.

("Don't be sad, my readers. This is a very happy end."
"Only for you..."
"Hahaha. One, two, go!"
"Have a very merry Christmas!!")
No way. He stole away a pretty thing, you know.
That's your heart.
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