'Thank You' messages for LibriVox readers - continued

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Claire (Lee Ann Howlett) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
I would like to thank you for your excellent readings of Anthony Trollope's so-called "Palliser" novels - so far, I have listened to the entirety of "Can You Forgive Her", "Phineas Fion" and "The Eustace Diamonds" and I have started listening to "Phineas Redux". You read pleasantly, accurately and carefully. I am glad you invested so much time and effort and I want to thank you for having given me much listening pleasure, especially during these difficult (Covid-19) times.

Raanana, Israel

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for sjmarky (Mark Nelson) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Thank you to Mark Nelson for his PERFECT reading of “The Dunwich Horror,” by H.P Lovecraft. I was going to listen to more Lovecraft tales tonight, but your spooky rendition of the story has freaked me out. 😃 Maybe tomorrow would be better. I will be checking into other audiobooks by this narrator, for sure!

What a pleasant surprise it was, to find this free library online during the pandemic. Thanks to all of you who have made this possible!
Mark Nelson, During the last five months I have continued finding and listening to projects in which you participated. Since October I have enjoyed the following books:

Mary Schweidler, the Amber Witch (1839) by Wilhelm Meinhold: https://librivox.org/mary-schweidler-the-amber-witch-by-wilhelm-meinhold/

The Perfect World (1922) by Ella Scrymsour: https://librivox.org/the-perfect-world-by-ella-scrymsour/

The Clockwork Man (1923) by E. V. Odle: https://librivox.org/the-clockwork-man-by-e-v-odle/

The Radio Planet (1926) by Ralph Milne Farley: https://librivox.org/the-radio-planet-by-ralph-milne-farley/

The Golden Slave (1960) by Poul Anderson: https://librivox.org/the-golden-slave-by-poul-william-anderson/

The Blue Star (1952) by Fletcher Pratt: https://librivox.org/the-blue-star-by-fletcher-pratt/

My favorite of those was your solo reading of The Golden Slave. My least favorite was Mary Schweidler, the Amber Witch. The strangest and most interesting was your solo reading of The Clockwork Man. I was very impressed with how well you managed all the unusual sounds the Clockwork Man made in his various states of disrepair.

Thank you for your generous volunteer reading on LibriVox. You make my world better. Driving and exercising are activities I can look forward to when I'm listening to one of your recordings.

Alexis, NC

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for pointysticks (Brenda Dayne) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Dear Ms. Dayne,

I wanted to thank you in (digital) person for your wonderful reading of The Age Of Innocence. It was just wonderful to listen to, pure joy in a “so so” time. I had seen the movie a couple of times and had always wanted to read the book and came across your recording by accident, and I now intend to both read the rest of Edith Wharton’s books, and listen to other books that I hope I can find that you had read. Your reading felt so natural in accompanying the text, its’ ideas and sprit. I loved it.

Googling I discovered a podcast that I think might be yours, I will have a listen, hope this this is correct😊.

So many thanks from Israel, good health to you and all, I was so so happy to listen


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for mrwemmick (Peter John Keeble) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
RE: https://librivox.org/great-expectations-by-charles-dickens-2/

Dear Peter Keeble,

This past December I finished listening to your reading of Great Expectations. Thank you so very much for your work. I read the book decades ago, and hadn’t returned to it since. All I could remember was how awful Miss Havisham and Estella were to Pip, so I kept ignoring it. I am so very glad I gave it another shot, and via your reading. Both were stupendous.

Your work is yet another reason I am incredibly grateful to and for LibriVox.

Interlaken, NY
Dear Mr Keeble!

I just finished listening to Dracula by Bram Stoker (read by you and I sent you a thank-you) and I picked, completely at random, Bid of Fortune. I was so happy when I saw it was read by you!!

I’ve just finished it and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I had never read anything by Guy Boothby. I absolutely love him and that story. It’s funny how he can be so detailed, telling you every single step, and yet keep things so interesting. In fact, I enjoyed that story (and your reading) so much, I immediately started Doctor Nikola Returns. You will, undoubtedly, get another thank you note from me!

Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.


I enjoyed the multiple chapters you read from The Count of Monte Cristo (version 2) for librivox audiobook recordings. I love the book and your voice enhanced my experience of it immensely. Thank you.

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Mermaid (Mil Nicholson) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
RE: https://librivox.org/little-dorrit-by-charles-dickens-2/
and https://librivox.org/oliver-twist-version-6-by-charles-dickens/

Dear Mil Nicholson,

My first LibriVox listen was Little Dorrit, last fall, immediately followed by Oliver Twist. I really cannot possibly tell you what a joy it was to find LibriVox, to understand what it is and what it represents. And then to have discovered that amongst some very acceptable readers there is at least one like you. . . well, I’ll just say it was an added bonus to listen to your work. I commented to a friend that you must have some relevant training and/or experience. Doing just some brief reading on you told me that I was (of course) right; I promise to read more about you, but at the time it felt appropriate to simply marvel at the gem within a gem I had come across. I could go on and on, but won’t for fear of sounding schmaltzy. Suffice it to say I am grateful that you have used your talents, time, and energy so generously in producing the work of a favorite author in a free and audible form.

Most appreciatively,
Interlaken, NY

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for hggarrett (Grace) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
I wish to thank, Grace, for her reading of Chapter 7 in The Count of Monte Cristo (version 2). If Grace had read every chapter, I'd have sat still listening through to the end of the long novel in one sitting. I hope you understand the sentiment to be as positive a review as I intended it. Very good reader, in my opinion.

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for philchenevert (Phil Chenevert) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Mr. Chenevert,

I just want to send you a short note to say thank you for your many fine recordings. I have listened to quite a few of them over the years...your Conan the Barbarian and HP Lovecraft recordings in particular. You do a fine job and honor the works and the authors you are recording for others.

Thanks again,

Grand Rapids, MI

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Post by Delmar H Dolbier »

Thank you for your kind words, Lotte. How sweet it is when you do something that makes someone happy! Beste wensen, Delmar.
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Post by HandmadePSK »

Charles Dickens 200th Anniversary Collection Vol. 2

Thanks to everyone, thanks to whom I open for myself Ch. Dickens! Perhaps I read some of his works before, a long time ago, but I don’t remember them at all. So I listen with pleasure, as if for the first time.
It also looks like I haven't come across any of those who have read this collection before, so I'm meeting new artists and new voices for me.
My sincere thanks and best wishes to everyone who made this collection possible - BC, DPL, readers and so on.
Good health & good luck! 💖

Looking forward to other volumes of this interesting collection.
Alexander ❤ HandmadePSK ❤ About me ◀◀◀ (readable)
🦋 Aspire to inspire before we expire! 🦄
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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Plodmore (Russ Hobbs) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Book: The Green Overcoat
Author Hillaire Belloc
Reader Russ Hobbs

This was a superior recording with a very polished recording. The sound quality was professional, The voice of the reader is clear. I went ahead and downloaded more from the reader.

Thank you reader for your work.

Thank you Librivox for hosting this work.


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for CalmDragon (CalmDragon) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Thank you a million times to CalmDragon for his reading of "It Couldn't Be Done" by Edgar A Guest. His voice is so professional and calming! I was thrilled to incorporate CalmDragon's reading of this poem in my video

Driving 401 East from London + Inspirational Poem
CalmDragon's reading can be found here on Librivox:

The message and smooth, intelligent reading of this poem really uplifts the world!

Thank you again!


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for mongope (Mongope) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Estimada Montse:

Quiero agradecerte tu lectura de Cañas y barro de Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. Había visto la serie de televisión y me había gustado, pero ahora al oír la obra con tu voz he disfrutado escuchándola completa. Gracias por el cariño y cuidado que pones en la lectura. Me ha chocado un poco la entonación y pronunciación catalana que dabas a las palabras en valenciano, ya que los pescadores del Palmar, difícilmente se reconocerían en esas expresiones, pero no ha sido impedimento para disfrutar a tope. Gracias de nuevo.

PD. Es un servicio precioso el que hacéis y si me entero bien de como se puede ser lector de librivox, igual me animo.


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for readers of the Evolution of Modern Medicine group project from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Thank you for recording the book evolution of medicine by Sir Osler.

I really enjoyed it.

Without wonderful people like yourself , librivox would not be possible.

I just wanted to say thank you for your efforts.


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for rkilmer (Richard Kilmer) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
The Black Box
E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866 - 1946)

Dear Richard Kilmer
Thank you so much for reading this enjoyable book.
Stay safe
Kind regards
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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for MaryAnnSpiegel (MaryAnn) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Dear Mary Ann,
I just wanted to say thank you for your reading of The Amazing Interlude. I listen to it frequently, it is my favorite books and you read it beautifully. I listen when I am feeling down and it makes me appreciate what I have and lifts me from my sad mood. I can't thank you enough for taking the time to volunteer. With Regards, Margaret

Thanks very much for your readings, both as to the selections and as to your wonderful skill.



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