COMPLETE: [RUSSIAN] Silhouettes of Russian Writers, Issue 1 - dii

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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Post by chulsky »

Kitty wrote: December 6th, 2019, 6:02 am ... I was intrigued and checked up on this famous comedy "Горе от ума". I found an English wiki-page and read up a bit on it. Sounds funny. If we had the text in English, we would probably stage it for LV. :lol:
Oh, there is a link to a PD translation,, not sure how good it is. The title "Gore ot Ouma" is, I think, ridiculous :-)
> at 14:19: (p. 15): "кому в Москве" – I may be mistaken but I hear "кому у в Москве" (twice 'у'-sound) :hmm: I think it's not significant, maybe only a bit of a stumble. I let you decide
Yes, in Russian, maybe in all Slavic languages, there is no semantic difference between long and short vowels. I often stretch vowels and even consonants for expressive effects, here it undertones the sarcastic question.
With your permission, I mark the section PL OK, but don't get me wrong, I love these linguistic discussions and welcome your feedback or questions about meaning, grammar, or pronunciation.
You will notice, there are some blind spots in the original, where I had to wing the text. I am 99% sure of my guesses, and LV allows for marginal errors, I think. Just giving you a heads-up.
strange...I did not notice any blind spots :? did I read from the same source ? I was able to see all the letters I think.
I just posted the next section, you would easily find the blind spots there. I apologize for jumping ahead of myself. :oops:
Also, the language of Ryleyev is more old-fashioned than the others, I am myself not always sure I said everything right.
Mark Chulsky / Марк Чульский
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Post by Kitty »

chulsky wrote:Oh, there is a link to a PD translation,, not sure how good it is. The title "Gore ot Ouma" is, I think, ridiculous :-)
:lol: indeed, why didn't they simply translate the title as well ? This doesn't make any sense for the English-speaking audience.

I'll check it out, thanks :) lots of characters though.
With your permission, I mark the section PL OK
sure go ahead, if you think there is not mistake, I'm fine with it. You're the specialist here :)
I just posted the next section, you would easily find the blind spots there. I apologize for jumping ahead of myself. :oops:
ah yes, now I see. Well I am not good enough to assess whether the words you inserted were correct, but I trust you judgement on that. The section can be marked PL ok.

I love the poetry recitals especially :9: Hopefully more of those.

Thanks, and on to the next

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Post by chulsky »

Posted: Sec.5,6,7 (Пушкин). There will be poetry galore :-) [30:26] [22:34] [27:15]

No rush, the next sections -- for the next year.
Mark Chulsky / Марк Чульский
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Post by Kitty »

:shock: you have been busy. Well I couldn't listen to all of them, but I listened to the first part (section 5). Again, flawlessly narrated and I love the poetry. :9:

There are two small notes to correct though, this time:

> the volume is exceeding our accepted limit of 92 dB, maybe decreasing with -2 dB would be more agreeable to the ear

> at 0:12: you forgot part of the disclaimer: "Эта запись проекта ЛибриВокс находится в общественном достоянии."

(Reminder to myself: the next section continues middle of page 35: Совѣсть возстановляетъ для поэта нарушенную цѣльность мірового добра.)

will do the rest tomorrow :)

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Post by Kitty »

section 6 is PL ok. This section seems to be more about Salieri and Mozart's relationship than about Pushkin :lol:

I loved those two poems you delivered with so much emphasis and pathos in the middle of the section. :thumbs: Gave me the shivers, the voice you were doing there. (in a good way)


(reminder for myself: next section will continue on page 41: "Пушкинъ воплотилъ въ своемъ поэтическомъ словѣ міровую гар­монію")

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Post by Kitty »

"Какое счастье!" 8-) what a wonderful ending for this section on Pushkin.

another great reading, Mark :thumbs: I only found a very minor detail:

> at 25:25: (p. 49) "которые И. С. Аксаковъ назвалъ благодѣяніемъ" – you forgot to say the initials. "И. С.". May be optional, but I wanted to mention it. Was there a reason why you left them out ?

The rest is word perfect as far as I can judge. Great reading. It's a pleasure to listen to you.

Thank you

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Post by chulsky »

Kitty wrote: December 18th, 2019, 7:52 am There are two small notes to correct ... (sec.5):
> the volume is exceeding our accepted limit of 92 dB, maybe decreasing with -2 dB would be more agreeable to the ear
sorry, forgot to compress :oops:
> at 0:12: you forgot part of the disclaimer: "Эта запись проекта ЛибриВокс находится в общественном достоянии."
guilty as charged :oops:

at 25:25: (p. 49) "которые И. С. Аксаковъ назвалъ благодѣяніемъ" – you forgot to say the initials. "И. С.".
Indeed, I meant to look up the full name (Иван Сергеевич) and say it, but forgot. :oops:
Using initials in oral speech is awkward and sounds formal, dissonant to the tone of the book.
Thank you, Sonia, for the outstanding PL :9:

Ready for spot PL: [30:31] [27:15]
Mark Chulsky / Марк Чульский
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Post by Kitty »

chulsky wrote: December 26th, 2019, 5:39 pmIndeed, I meant to look up the full name (Иван Сергеевич) and say it, but forgot. :oops:
Using initials in oral speech is awkward and sounds formal, dissonant to the tone of the book.
in English this is quite common usage. But yes, it sounds perfect now. :thumbs: Excellent patches and both parts PL ok.

Have a good end of year celebration !

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Post by chulsky »

Mark Chulsky / Марк Чульский
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Post by Kitty »

ok you have been busy again. I may not be able to PL everything today, but I started with section 8 and I found some small differences, I let you decided whether they are worth correcting. The title needs correcting though I think:

> at 0:10: you forgot to say "Часть первая" after the title "Гоголь". In the Pushkin chapter you said it that way
> at 9:28: (p. 52) two missing words in the middle here "порабощенный вещью, какъ такою, уподобившійся ей" - I let you decide whether they are important to complete the sentence
> at 12:53: (p. 53) "какъ это онъ сдѣлалъ" - you said "какъ онъ это сдѣлалъ" - I guess it's not much of a difference but I wanted to mention it anyway

If I don't hear from you before the New Year, I hope you have a smooth transition :)

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Post by Kitty »

and section 9 is perfectly PL ok. :thumbs: I loved the expressive reading about Satan and Christ. (I think that's what it was about at least).

thank you

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Post by Kitty »

and I managed section 10 as well :9: also perfectly PL ok. I have never read Taras Bulba, is it recommendable ? I always thought it was only about war and the rough life in the steppes, a sort of story only boys would enjoy :lol: . But I don't really know what it is about.

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Post by chulsky »

Happy New Year, Sonia and Diana!

Thank you, Sonia, for the careful PL. I appreciate you following the book, and I fixed everything you noted :9:
Sometimes my brain just anticipates what should follow :oops:
Posted sec.8 [26:46]
Sec.11 [29:55]
Sec.12 [30:04]

Taras Bulba is not my favorite, I did not reread it since the middle school. To my taste, the best in Gogol are Dead Souls [Мертвые души], Overcoat [Шинель], and, of course, Inspector [Ревизор]. Almost 200 years old, Gogol's texts might be difficult even for native speakers though :hmm:
Mark Chulsky / Марк Чульский
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Post by Kitty »

chulsky wrote: January 4th, 2020, 5:32 pm Thank you, Sonia, for the careful PL. I appreciate you following the book, and I fixed everything you noted :9:
Sometimes my brain just anticipates what should follow :oops:
Posted sec.8 [26:46]
haha yes, that happens to me sometimes too ;) but perfectly corrected now and PL ok.

I will probably only get to the next two sections tomorrow.
Taras Bulba is not my favorite, I did not reread it since the middle school. To my taste, the best in Gogol are Dead Souls [Мертвые души], Overcoat [Шинель], and, of course, Inspector [Ревизор]. Almost 200 years old, Gogol's texts might be difficult even for native speakers though :hmm:
dead souls sounds interesting 8-) and now I wasn't planning on reading the original, I am really not good enough for that yet. But maybe in translation.

Thank you, and happy new year !!!

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Post by Kitty »

ah lots of poetry again :9: I love listening to these recitations.

I found a small repetition here which is unnecessary:

> at 27:01: (p. 80 top) repetition of part of the sentence: "Если бъ меня спросили,— говоритъ Печоринъ въ «Княгинѣ Литовской»,— чего я хочу:" – you repeat "Если бъ меня спросили" once again before "чего я хочу" – can be cut out here

I also noticed that there is has been a shift in grammar along the decades. Here I often saw written "ея", which nowadays is "её". I love such linguistic differences.

Will probably listen to the next chapter tomorrow. (continues on page 80, bottom)

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