COMPLETE[PLAY] The Devil is an Ass by Ben Jonson - thw

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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LibriVox Admin Team
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Post by ToddHW »

The Devil is an Ass by Ben Jonson (1572 - 1637).

An inferior devil, Pug, asks Satan to send him to Earth to tempt men to Evil. But when Pug arrives in 1616 London and sets himself at the Squire Fabian Fitzdottrel, he finds Fabian currently beset by con men, cheats, connivers, thieves, villains, and seductresses - a delightful mix of cunning criminality in a world that already has far more vice in it than anything Pug is prepared to offer. (ToddHW)
  • This play is complete. Audio files can be found in the catalog at

    Gender neutral, of course. Kitty is our wonderful DPL.

    1. Is there a deadline?
      We ask that you submit your recorded sections within 1-2 months of placing your claim. Please note that to be fair to the readers who have completed their sections in a timely way, if you haven't submitted your recording(s) after two months, your sections will automatically be re-opened for other readers to claim, unless you post in this thread to request an extension. Extensions will be granted at the discretion of the Book Coordinator. If you cannot do your section, for whatever reason, just let me know and it'll go back to the pool. There's no shame in this; we're all volunteers and things happen. Please do not sign up for more sections than you can complete within the two month deadline.
    2. How to claim a part, and "how it all works" here
      To find a section to record, simply look at point 5. below at the sections. All the ones without names beside them are "up for grabs." Click "Post reply" at the top left of the screen and tell us which section you would like to read (include the section number from the left-most column in the reader list, please). Read points 6. to 8. below for what to do before, during and after your recording.
    3. New to recording?
      Please read our Newbie Guide to Recording!
    4. Where do I find the text? Source text (please only read from this text!):
    5. Please claim roles (the numbers in the first column below)! Please note: All Librivox recordings are in the public domain. When you submit your recording, you will be placing your recording in the public domain as well.

      If this is your first recording, please let me know under which name or pseudonym you'd like to appear in the LibriVox catalogue. We can also link to a personal website/blog.

      Please don't download or listen to files belonging to projects in process (unless you are the BC or PL). Our servers are not set up to handle the greater volume of traffic. Please wait until the project has been completed. Thanks!

      Magic Window:

      BC Admin
      This paragraph is temporary and will be replaced by the MC with the list of sections and reader (Magic Window) once this project is in the admin system.
      • Project Code: axmlSFLj
      • Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): (Ben Jonson) :
      • Link to title on Wikipedia (if available):
      • Number of sections (files) this project will have: 70
      • Does the project have an introduction or preface [y/n]: No
      • Original publication date (if known): 1631

        Genres for the project: Plays; Satire

        Keywords that describe the book: London, morals, vice

      • BEFORE recording: Please check the Recording Notes:

        Set your recording software to:
        Channels: 1 (Mono)
        Bit Rate: 128 kbps
        Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz

        Submit one file per act.
      • Make sure you add this to the beginning of your recording:
        [Role], read by [your name].

        If you are reading stage directions, please include for each file:At the beginning: Act [#] of The Devil is an Ass by Ben Jonson ,. This is a Librivox recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain. For more information, or to volunteer, please visit Librivox dot org.

        At the end: End of Act [#].

        Please remember to check this thread frequently for updates!
      • AFTER recording
        Save files as 128 kbps MP3
        devilisanass_[role]_[#].mp3 (all lower-case) where # is the act number.

        Transfer of files (completed recordings) Please always post in this forum thread when you've sent a file. Also, post the length of the recording (file duration: mm:ss) together with the link.
        • Upload your file with the LibriVox Uploader:
          (If you have trouble reading the image above, please message an admin)
        • You'll need to select the MC, which for this project is: toddhw
        • When your upload is complete, you will receive a link - please post it in this thread.
        • If this doesn't work, or you have questions, please check our How To Send Your Recording wiki page.

        Any questions?
        Please post below
Thanks, Todd
LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 39506
Joined: March 28th, 2014, 5:57 am

Post by Kitty »

oh ! it's up already. Well, logging in for DPL and Pug :mrgreen:

(is Alan supposed to be my "boss" now :hmm: )

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Post by WiltedScribe »

May I do Fabian Fitzdottrel? I've been romantic lovers, confidantes, rakes, and a villain or two---and now here's my chance to play a genuine, bona fide fool. :mrgreen:

P.S. I think Eustace is misspelled as 'Eutace' in the MW. Best have that corrected before someone gives you a mispronounced voice credit.
Tomas Peter
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Post by Kitty »

WiltedScribe wrote:May I do Fabian Fitzdottrel? I've been romantic lovers, confidantes, rakes, and a villain or two---and now here's my chance to play a genuine, bona fide fool. :mrgreen:
now I look forward to THAT :lol: Fitzdottrel is already such a telling name :mrgreen: sounds like a fool already ("Trottel" means "idiot" in German...)

LibriVox Admin Team
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Post by ToddHW »

WiltedScribe wrote:May I do Fabian Fitzdottrel? I've been romantic lovers, confidantes, rakes, and a villain or two---and now here's my chance to play a genuine, bona fide fool. :mrgreen:

P.S. I think Eustace is misspelled as 'Eutace' in the MW. Best have that corrected before someone gives you a mispronounced voice credit.
Please finish Mirabel in Inconstant first. You're the only part missing there.

Thanks, Todd
Posts: 3051
Joined: April 7th, 2016, 8:11 pm

Post by WiltedScribe »

ToddHW wrote:Please finish Mirabel in Inconstant first. You're the only part missing there.
Yes, well, that was what I was going to do, of course. I didn't a reminder for that. :wink:
Tomas Peter
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Post by NemoR »

May I take the role of Iniquity, the Vice please?



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Post by bluechien »

Can I take Meercraft, please?
Eva D
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If not, why then, this parting was well made.
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Post by Elizabby »

I'd like to read Mrs Fitzdottrel please!
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Post by Availle »

Oh, this sounds so much fun!

Since I don't know what a Lady Projectress is, I'll go for Pitfall, her Woman.
Cheers, Ava.
Resident witch of LibriVox, channelling
Granny Weatherwax: "I ain't Nice."

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Post by alanmapstone »

Hi Todd

Thanks for remembering my request for the Devil role.
I saw this play at Stratford years ago. It was very funny and, as the RSC did it, really quite bawdy.
the sixth age shifts into the slippered pantaloon with spectacles on nose

Don Carlos: 4 OPEN roles available
LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 20079
Joined: August 14th, 2011, 4:24 am

Post by ToddHW »

Thanks for claims.

I'm glad to hear that RSC thought this play worthy. Bawdy? Well, enough so as to make PUG want to return to Hell for some rest...

Thanks, Todd
Posts: 13
Joined: May 25th, 2017, 7:20 am

Post by Cenozar »

Hey Todd,

I hope all is well. Are stage directions still open? After that I was thinking of picking up some of the minor characters that are still open.

Let me know your thoughts cheers,

LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 20079
Joined: August 14th, 2011, 4:24 am

Post by ToddHW »

Cenozar wrote:Hey Todd,

I hope all is well. Are stage directions still open? After that I was thinking of picking up some of the minor characters that are still open.

Let me know your thoughts cheers,

Welcome to LibriVox! Stage directions are open if you want them - you can see that in the MW (Magic Window) of the first posting if you scroll down. Great. They serve as the structure for assembling the rest of the play. (By the way, don't get attached to the section numbers in the MW - they move around all the time as I rearrange sections that are completed. This is NOT true for books which keep the same section numbers forever, but here I will be discarding all the individual contributions eventually as I create the file file for each act.)

What Catalog name would you like to have? (It does not have to be the same as your forum name.)

Please make sure you complete the "1 Minute Test" for review before you start actively recording any chapters for projects. This is NOT an audition, but a way to check to make sure all your technical settings are correct, your volume loud enough, etc. You will find the information for the 1-Minute Test Recording here: The instructions also tell you how to upload your test and then post in the Listeners and Editors Wanted forum so someone can give you feedback on it.

Also, as this is a Dramatic Work, here's a few tips to make a great recording.
* First, try and make sure you have as little background noise as possible. Follow the tips here:
* Second, (not applying much in your case with stage directions but included for completeness) when recording a part, think of it as having a conversation. How would you naturally speak? read the text and see how the character reacts to the things around him, and if it doesn't say, then try to imagine it yourself. Let the reactions sound in your voice. A line can be read in extremely different ways, depending on if the character is sad or happy, so just remember to pay attention to the text and what is going on around him.
* Third, when you edit after you have recorded (you will edit, we all do), leave at least 3-4 seconds between the lines, so that it will be clear when I edit where the breaks are.

Since you are doing the stage directions, follow the instructions in the first posting about the introduction and ending words for each file (one for each act). And in the first act, read the cast list as "Satan, the great devil, read by _______" giving the full description of the character as in the MW (copied from the play text). I'll replace part of that with the voice credit read by the different readers. Give yourself a credit at the end "Stage directions read by (what you want to be called)".

In some cases there will be a character name at the beginning of a line followed by a stage direction. In such cases, please read the character name (full name, not the abbreviation) as well. Example: "FRED [sitting in a chair]" would be read as "Fred, sitting in a chair"

In order not to confuse listeners, you won't be able to read other parts in this play, but you will find a number of other plays open and more coming all the time.

At the Newbie Guide to Recording:,you can see how to set up your computer to record.

If you'd like to introduce yourself to the community, you can do so here:

An overview of how Librivox works can be found here:

One of our volunteers has created a number of videos that you might find helpful to learn more about the workings of Librivox. You can find a listing of those here:

Also to point out to professional (or aspiring) Voice Over artists, all our recordings are put back into the public domain which means sometimes they are sold on ebay, etc. Have a look at this page which describes our Public Domain policy:

Thanks, Todd
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Post by ChuckW »

Can I take Manly?
Current Solo:Septimius Felton (Hawthorne's final novel)
Help Needed: Strange Interlude (O'Neill's Freudian melodrama - roles available!)
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