COMPLETE [Polish] Ballady i romanse by Adam Mickiewicz-mas

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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Post by Piotrek81 »

Ballady i romanse by Adam Mickiewicz (1798 - 1855).

This project is now complete. All audio files can be found on our catalog page here:
(do uzupełnienia) ( Piotr Nater)
  1. How to claim a part, and "how it all works" here To find a section to record, simply look at point 5. below at the sections. All the ones without names beside them are "up for grabs." Click "Post reply" at the top left of the screen and tell us which section you would like to read (include the section number from the left-most column in the reader list, please). Read points 6. to 8. below for what to do before, during and after your recording.
  2. New to recording? Please read our Newbie Guide to Recording!
  3. Is there a deadline? We ask that you submit your recorded sections within 1-2 months of placing your claim. Please note that to be fair to the readers who have completed their sections in a timely way, if you haven't submitted your recording(s) after two months, your sections will automatically be re-opened for other readers to claim, unless you post in this thread to request an extension. Extensions will be granted at the discretion of the Book Coordinator. If you cannot do your section, for whatever reason, just let me know and it'll go back to the pool. There's no shame in this; we're all volunteers and things happen.Please do not sign up for more sections than you can complete within the two month deadline.
  4. Where do I find the text? Source text (please only read from this text!):
  5. Please claim sections (the numbers in the first column below)! If this is your first recording, please let me know under which name or pseudonym you'd like to appear in the LibriVox catalogue. We can also link to a personal website/blog.

    Prospective Prooflisteners: Please read the Listeners Wanted FAQ before listening! Level of prooflistening requested: wordperfect

    Please don't download or listen to files belonging to projects in process (unless you are the BC or PL). Our servers are not set up to handle the greater volume of traffic. Please wait until the project has been completed. Thanks!

    Magic Window:

    BC Admin
    Genres for the project: Poetry/Ballads
    Keywords that describe the book: romantyzm
  6. BEFORE recording: Please check the Recording Notes:

    Set your recording software to:
    Channels: 1 (Mono)
    Bit Rate: 128 kbps
    Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz

    Na początku nagrania powiedz:
    [Tytuł] ze zbioru "Ballady i romanse" Adama Mickiewicza, dla czyta [Twój pseudomin/imię][możesz też dodać adres swojej strony albo bloga]

    Tekst wiersza.

    Na końcu powiedz:
    Koniec wiersza [Tytuł]. To nagranie jest w domenie publicznej

    Pozostaw 5 sekund ciszy.

    Please remember to check this thread frequently for updates!
  7. AFTER recording
    Need noise-cleaning?
    Listen to your file through headphones. If you can hear some constant background noise (hiss/buzz), you may want to clean it up a bit. The new (free) version 1.3.3. of Audacity has much improved noise-cleaning. See this LibriVox wiki page for a complete guide.
    Save files as
    128 kbps MP3
    balladyiromanse_##_mickiewicz_128kb.mp3 (all lower-case) where ## is the section number (e.g. balladyiromanse_01_mickiewicz_128kb.mp3)
  8. Transfer of files (completed recordings) Please always post in this forum thread when you've sent a file. Also, post the length of the recording (file duration: mm:ss) together with the link.
    • Upload your file with the LibriVox Uploader:
      (If you have trouble reading the image above, please message an admin)
    • You'll need to select the MC, which for this project is: maryannspiegel
    • When your upload is complete, you will receive a link - please post it in this thread.
    • If this doesn't work, or you have questions, please check our How To Send Your Recording wiki page.
  9. Any questions?
    Please post below
Last edited by Piotrek81 on July 12th, 2016, 2:04 am, edited 5 times in total.
Want to hear some PREPARATION TIPS before you press "record"? Listen to THIS and THIS
Posts: 4719
Joined: November 3rd, 2011, 2:02 pm
Location: Goat City, Poland

Post by Piotrek81 »

Since the last Polish group project is long finished I'm launching a new one, a very significant collection of poems by Adam Mickiewicz. It's full of celebrated pieces read in school, so I hope Polish speakers will be willing to contribute :) Each section is one poem.
The text I'm citing as a source is actually a larger collection that "Ballady i Romanse" forms a part of. Should I somehow mark this fact in the project title?

I will proof-listen.
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Post by NinaBrown »

Hm. I am in - just what I was looking for to get me back to recording. I see that there are two parts to this book - Ballady i romanse oraz Wiersze Rozne - perhaps these can form Part 1 and Part 2 if you want to indicate that there's more?
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Location: Goat City, Poland

Post by Piotrek81 »

HI Nina. Welcome onboard. :) I don't necessarily want to record "Wiersze różne". I don't want to commit myself to a two-part project, at least not yet. It's just that the original text includes more than only "Ballady i romanse" and I'm wondering if there's a need for me to indicate that we're not recording the whole book.
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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »


I'd be happy to MC this for you.

Since its a Polish project, do you do the intro in English or Polish?

And what do you think about using the short poetry disclaimer? I like to see the full disclaimer for the first section, but after that if the poems are short, it can be appropriate to use the shorter poetry disclaimer. Keeps the disclaimer from being longer than some of the poems. :wink:

An example from another poetry project:
DURING recording:
• At the beginning of the recording, read the abbreviated "LibriVox disclaimer":
"[Poem title], by Myrtle Reed, read for" by [your name] or some variation on that, adding date, location, your personal URL, etc., if you wish.
• Then read the poem.
• At the end, say: "End of poem. This recording is in the public domain." and leave five seconds of silence.
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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

And you are set up. I added a tilde (~) to the thread title .. . or is someone already lined up to DPL?
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Location: Goat City, Poland

Post by Piotrek81 »

Thanks, MaryAnn. As stated in the first post, I'll be PLing this group project.
Thanks for the disclaimer. I'll have to translate it into Polish, although the intro will need to be altered as all the poems come from a single collection. What kind of a disclaimer do we use when reading such a collection? Also, most of the poems will last several minutes each.
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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

Sorry, I missed the bit about you PLing.

As to the disclaimer, the one I posted is what Carolin us using for a single author collection. You could add the author thus:
DURING recording:
• At the beginning of the recording, read the abbreviated "LibriVox disclaimer":
"[Poem title], from Sonnets to a Lover by Myrtle Reed, read for" by [your name] or some variation on that, adding date, location, your personal URL, etc., if you wish.
• Then read the poem.
• At the end, say: "End of poem. This recording is in the public domain." and leave five seconds of silence.
I personally prefer to have the book name in the intro when reading a whole bunch of poems out of a single book . . . but that's not a requirement.

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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »


I saw another poetry single author collection yesterday that included the book title as noted above - as evidence that we do have projects that follow both approaches.

Do you want me to keep the project here (on the launch pad) until you finalize the intros/outros in the first post? Next stop will be Readers Wanted Languages Other Than English . . .

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Location: Goat City, Poland

Post by Piotrek81 »

I'll translate the intro/outro tomorrow Polish time (it's 10:19 PM right now). Please, let's stay here until then so as not confuse the potential readers with the untranslated intro/outro.
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Location: Goat City, Poland

Post by Piotrek81 »

For some reason I'm unable to paste the text below into the 1st post. Can you please put it where the into/outro should be?

Na początku nagrania powiedz:
[Tytuł] ze zbioru "Ballady i romanse" Adama Mickiewicza, dla czyta [Twój pseudomin/imię][możesz też dodać adres swojej strony albo bloga]

Tekst wiersza.

Na końcu powiedz:
Koniec wiersza [Tytuł]. To nagranie jest w domenie publicznej i pozostaw 5 sekund ciszy.

EDIT: OK, I've managed to put it there myself.
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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

Note: On October 14th, our servers were reset to September 15th, 2016 because of a software failure. I have confirmed that no posts or uploads on this project were affected by the outage.
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Post by Farelka »

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