Checking 1-Minute Tests

All languages: post your test recording here. Help check audio files.
LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 61041
Joined: June 15th, 2008, 10:30 pm
Location: Toronto, ON (but Minnesotan to age 32)

Post by TriciaG »

The purpose of the 1-minute test is to check the technical settings, as well as listen for plosives (mic placement causing explosive puffs of air in the recording) and background noise. We welcome experienced recorders to respond to the tests. You do not have to be an admin to do it; if you know how to check the following, you're welcome to do it!

Export format: MP3
Channels: 1 (Mono)
Sample rate: 44100 Hz
Export bitrate: 128 kbps Constant
Volume: 86-92 dB
Background noise (low - somewhat subjective)
Plosives (minimal)

However, please keep these things in mind:

1. If you do not know how to instruct new users on how to correct their tech settings and you respond in a thread, please clearly state that in your post. The new user will need instruction from someone. :) "I haven't checked the tech settings, but you sound really good" is acceptable. "You're good to go!" when you haven't checked the settings is not acceptable.

2. If you check someone's test, please watch the thread and respond to any further questions or new test recordings. Finish what you start.

3. Feel free to compliment a reader, but as with all forms of proof-listening, do not comment negatively (or with "constructive criticism") on their accent or reading style. Please see our general information on feedback on the LibriVox site.