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Strange Weather Woes!

Posted: August 16th, 2023, 11:34 am
by Cufarmer
Is anyone else slowed or limited from carrying on with a project due to the weather?

The quietest place in my house is also one of the hottest!
It's been running 102°F to 105°F nearly every day for almost two months. (39°C ~ 40.5°C)
The air conditioner is barely keeping up on the old farmhouse. I'm limited to night or early morning recording.

Re: Strange Weather Woes!

Posted: August 16th, 2023, 8:32 pm
by GettingTooOld
There are cheap and easy ways to fix that. Most houses today are built with the energy company in mind. They are meant to absorb the heat and turn it into motivation to have aircon. Solar powered advertising. Thing is, you are literally arguing against God (or nature if you prefer) when you think you can cool down a house in the sun, it's like leaving the fridge door open hoping that will help, it cannot.

There are a lot of self-help videos out there that show how to cool down a home passively. That's the best way, something that cannot break down and turn you out of your house whenever it feels like it, or the power company feels like it. The changes needed to a house are often quite subtle. Worth looking into it.

Re: Strange Weather Woes!

Posted: August 17th, 2023, 5:16 am
by TriciaG
Up here in my area it's been warm (what you Texans might call a nice spring day - ha!) but fairly humid. So I don't have the oppressive heat you do in other parts of the world. There are definitely LibriVoxers affected by extreme heat!

Call me a victim of corporate greed if you will, but I love my AC. It pulls out the humidity, making it so much more comfortable. Sure, I could survive without it. But I'm glad I don't have to. ;)