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Hi, New member here

Posted: June 8th, 2023, 3:14 am
by FRush
Hi Everybody,
I am delighted to have a chance to participate in Librivox's work. I would like to try my hand at being a reader. I have worked as an EFL/ESL teacher for over 30 years. This has given me obvious opportunties to work on my own skills at communicating effectively in a variety of situations. Over these many years I have also participated in e-learning audio recordings and even a recording session carried out by Amazon to train Alexa to recognize and understand voices spoken under a variety of situations. Above all, I enjoy reading and have long wanted to help Librivox carry out what I believe is essential work to provide access for so many to the written word. Thanks and I look forward to particpating in any projects I can.

Forrest Rush