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Do You Think of Who will Listen?

Posted: May 17th, 2022, 4:53 pm
by lightcrystal
There have to be people somewhere who listen to audio books because, sadly, they can't do many other things. People who are sick and basically bedridden. It could be Covid. It could be some other condition. They could listen to music or watch videos. But they could also be listening to some of our recorded works. Audio works even if someone is too tired/sick to keep their eyes open enough to watch a screen.

While reading do you have any picture of who could be listening?

Re: Do You Think of Who will Listen?

Posted: May 17th, 2022, 6:07 pm
by philchenevert
EDIT: Whoops, I misread the question and my answer below is to be ignored. Instead of who I think will listen to my recordings in the future, I mistakenly thought you meant who I picture listening while I record. Hence, the muddle below. Just keep moving folks, nothing to see here .......

Sure. For any remotely children's books I picture my children as they would sit around me listening to me read the Hobbit way back when. This keeps me on my toes. For anything else, especially science fiction, I don't picture anything specific except that they are probably listening in their car on cheap headphones.

Re: Do You Think of Who will Listen?

Posted: May 17th, 2022, 6:08 pm
by lorda
Yes, I have that idea.
I myself came into contact with Librivox when I could hardly move after a stroke and was also almost blind. The audio books helped me to get through the day.

Fortunately I have recovered so much that I can now give something back.

Re: Do You Think of Who will Listen?

Posted: May 17th, 2022, 6:38 pm
by Availle
No, not at all.
I have enough to do trying to decipher the meaning of the text and not bungling the pronunciation while doing so, thank you so much. :D

I discovered LV when I had to drive 2 hours 3 days a week in a country the language of which I didn't speak - and all I could get on the highway was talk radio... So I decided to listen to all those classics that you need to have read as an "educated person" (which of course, depends on the country you live in...) And after a while I thought "hey, I can do that too!" And here I've been ever since. :)

Re: Do You Think of Who will Listen?

Posted: May 17th, 2022, 10:08 pm
by mattm
Sometimes I try to get in the mood by imagining that I am at a bar with a particular friend, telling them the story. But usually when I am reading I have a vague sense of being on a stage, without really picturing anything.

Re: Do You Think of Who will Listen?

Posted: May 18th, 2022, 3:46 am
by Peter Why
I try to read as I would like to hear the work myself ... but often fail, especially when I'm trying for different voices for my characters.


Re: Do You Think of Who will Listen?

Posted: May 18th, 2022, 4:49 am
by annise
I do always try to feel I'm reading to someone who may be a little hard of hearing or not used to my accent - just like I try not to use Australian slang when I post . So I read a little more clearly and a little more slowly than my normal speech
