[SOLO/UKRAINIAN] Перша збірка творів періоду Українського національно-визвольного руху кін. ХІХ - поч. ХХ ст. - kaz

Upcoming books being recorded by a solo reader
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Post by ShiNeko »

Перша збірка творів періоду Українського національно-визвольного руху кін. ХІХ - поч. ХХ ст.
Роками сусідні держави пригнічували українську свободу забороною української мови, запереченням існування нації, скасуванням Гетьманщини та Запорізької Січі, знищенням документів, розкраданням цінностей і плюндруванням населення.

В другій половині ХІХ століття український народ почав прокидатися від затяжного сну. Думка про самостійність України знов заходилась в умах людей. Але шлях до вселюдської української свідомості був ще довгим. Тому такі люди як поети та письменники, науковці, державні діячі та революціонери - «каменярі», які своїм трудом, самовідданістю та безмежною любов’ю до своєї Неньки прокладали шлях для народу, часом віддаючи за це своє життя.

Збірка присвячена відродженню української національної самосвідомості. Як розгублена дитина, українці потребували роз’яснень щодо своєї ідентичності, відновлення історичної правди та запевнень, що Україна всупереч вигадкам її поневолювачів спроможна на існування як окрема самостійна держава.

Вірші пронизані наснагою, жагою до волі та патріотизмом. Незламний дух української нації веде людей на прю за рідний край. Об’єднавшись в могутню силу, народ виступає задля захисту своєї свободи, бо гасло "Воля або смерть!" – втілення їх думок з давніх давен. (Анотація написана Солохою Анастасією)
Source text (please read only from this text!):

If links above doesn't give access to the books:
"Памяткова книга"
Календарик СС
Календар "Розвага"
"З вершин і низин":

Target completion date:

Prooflistening level: Special (word stress, rhyme corrections in poems, wrongly pronounced words)
Prospective PLs, please see the Guide for Proof-listeners.

IMPORTANT - soloist, please note: in order to limit the number of languishing projects on our server, we ask that you post an update at least once a month in your project thread, even if you haven't recorded anything. If we don't hear from you for three months, your project may be opened up to a group project if a Book Coordinator is found. Files you have completed will be used in this project. If you haven't recorded anything yet, your project will be removed from the forum (contact any admin to see if it can be re-instated).

Please don't download or listen to files belonging to projects in process unless you are the BC or PL. Our servers are not set up to handle the greater volume of traffic. Please wait until the project has been completed. Thanks!

Magic Window:

BC Admin
LibriVox recording settings: mono (1 channel), 44100 Hz sample rate, 128 kbps constant bit rate MP3. See the Tech Specs

Intro to recording:
Leave 0.5 to 1 second of silence at the beginning.

For the first section, say:
"Секція # Першої Збірки творів періоду Українського національно-визвольного руху кін. ХІХ - поч. ХХ ст. Цей звукозапис зроблено для сайту ЛібріВокс. Усі звукозаписи ЛібріВокс є суспільним надбанням. Щоб отримати більш докладну інформацію або зареєструватися в якості волонтера, будь ласка, відвідайте сайт: лібрівоксКРАПКАорг. "
За бажанням додайте:
"Читає [Ваше ім'я]"
"Ім'я автора Назва секції."
For the second and subsequent sections, you may use the shortened intro if you wish:
"Секція # Першої збірки творів періоду Українського національно-визвольного руху кін. ХІХ - поч. ХХ ст. Цей звукозапис, зроблений для сайту Лібрівокс, знаходиться у суспільному надбанні."
[За бажанням додайте:
"Читає [Ваше ім'я]] "
"Ім'я автора Назва секції."
End of recording:
"Кінець # секції."
If you are recording the final section of the book, add:
"Кінець Першої збірки творів періоду Українського національно-визвольного руху кін. ХІХ - поч. ХХ ст."
Leave 5 seconds of silence at the end.

Filename: ukrainianliberation1_##_various_128kb.mp3 where ## is the section number. (e.g. ukrainianliberation1_01_various_128kb.mp3)

Upload to the LibriVox Uploader: https://librivox.org/login/uploader

MC to select: Kazbek

Copy and paste the file link generated by the uploader into the relevant Listen URL field in the Section Compiler, enter the duration in the Notes field, and post in this thread to let your PL and MC know that you have uploaded a file. You may also post the file link in the thread.
Last edited by ShiNeko on November 10th, 2022, 3:41 pm, edited 10 times in total.
Multilingual Monthly Poem like Weekly Poetry but for all languages🗺
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"Кобзар" Шевченко several short roles: "Гайдамаки", "Великий льох" 🎭
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Location: Pearl near the Sea

Post by ShiNeko »

Hello! This collection won't consist of all the works in the links above. I'm going to take just some of the poems and articles from them to form a collection. If it is OK, in Meta data I plan to add for each section a link dirctly to the work in these editions as well as the author of each work.
Multilingual Monthly Poem like Weekly Poetry but for all languages🗺
Сборник рассказов Л. Андреева
"Кобзар" Шевченко several short roles: "Гайдамаки", "Великий льох" 🎭
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Post by Kazbek »

Hi Nastya,

Google Books isn't letting me access the contents of these books. Do you have access to them or other copies of them?

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Post by ShiNeko »

Kazbek wrote: April 19th, 2022, 9:50 am Hi Nastya,

Google Books isn't letting me access the contents of these books. Do you have access to them or other copies of them?

Hello, Misha! Yeah, I have access to them. Here they are on another site:
Should I use these links then? Though I won't be able to add direct links to the poems and articles in the Meta data in the MW, because it has only straight download. :hmm:
Multilingual Monthly Poem like Weekly Poetry but for all languages🗺
Сборник рассказов Л. Андреева
"Кобзар" Шевченко several short roles: "Гайдамаки", "Великий льох" 🎭
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Post by TriciaG »

I can access the Google Books. The copyrights are OK on them. Perhaps either Nastya or I could download them and share them on Google Drive or something, if you want to see them yourself?
School fiction: David Blaize
America Exploration: The First Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci
Serial novel: The Wandering Jew
Medieval England meets Civil War Americans: Centuries Apart
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Post by Kazbek »

Great, thanks for checking, Tricia! We're good as far as copyright check is concerned. I'll add the new authors to the catalog and set up the project later today.

Nastya, it's up to you which links you'd like to provide in the MW. The Google Books versions enable page links but they won't be accessible to everyone (at least those of us in the US), while the Diasporiana versions are more accessible but would be harder to navigate. The PL will be able to access the texts one way or another.

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Post by ShiNeko »

Kazbek wrote: April 19th, 2022, 11:56 am Nastya, it's up to you which links you'd like to provide in the MW. The Google Books versions enable page links but they won't be accessible to everyone (at least those of us in the US), while the Diasporiana versions are more accessible but would be harder to navigate. The PL will be able to access the texts one way or another.
Is it possible when cataloging the project to use the table where text links are beside each recording (like in Multilingual project), but at the bottom of the book catalog page use as "online text" Diasporiana links? This way at least everyone could see the books even despite not everyone having direct navigation to the texts.

Thanks with the bulk work of adding these authors. If you'd like, I can help with Ukrainian short descriptions.

P.S. Google Books are a mystery to me: something is wrong with their algorithm which gives access.
Multilingual Monthly Poem like Weekly Poetry but for all languages🗺
Сборник рассказов Л. Андреева
"Кобзар" Шевченко several short roles: "Гайдамаки", "Великий льох" 🎭
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Posts: 6565
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Post by Kazbek »

Sure, we can add something like a table of contents to the project summary. The author pages in our catalog are usually just in English, but we could also add bios in Ukrainian if you like.

Yes, Google Books enforces geographical restrictions that don't make sense to me.

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Post by Kazbek »

The MW is up. I've tried to shorten the filename. Another approach would be to use an acronym, like "ulm". Also added the new authors. Here are their wiki pages for reference:

[*]Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taras_Shevchenko (Taras Shevchenko)
[*]Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Franko (Ivan Franko)
[*]Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksandr_Konysky (Oleksandr Konysky)
[*]Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohdan_Lepky (Bohdan Lepky)
[*]Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сімович_Василь_Іванович (Vasyl Simovych)
[*]Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksandr_Oles (Oleksandr Oles (Kandyba))
[*]Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonhyn_Tsehelsky (Lonhyn Tsehelsky)
[*]Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mykhailo_Starytsky (Mykhailo Starytsky)
[*]Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borys_Hrinchenko (Borys Hrinchenko)
[*]Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volodymyr_Temnytsky (Volodymyr Temnytsky)
[*]Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Маковей_Осип_Степанович (Osyp Makovey)
[*]Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrylo_Studynsky (Kyrylo Studynsky)
[*]Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Іван_Чупрей (Ivan Chuprey)
[*]Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Боберський_Іван_Миколайович (Ivan Bobersky)
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Post by ShiNeko »

Kazbek wrote: April 19th, 2022, 2:43 pm The MW is up. I've tried to shorten the filename. Another approach would be to use an acronym, like "ulm". Also added the new authors. Here are their wiki pages for reference:
Misha, have you overlooked Vasyl Semak or was he missing in the list? Probably, you couldn't find anything about him in the internet as he wasn't really a writer or other important political figure. He is menioned as a soldier from Novosilka Yazlovetska, Buchach County, years of life unknown.

ED: Would you, please, add Andriy Babiuk to the catalogue:
I decided to add one more sketch at the end. :)
Multilingual Monthly Poem like Weekly Poetry but for all languages🗺
Сборник рассказов Л. Андреева
"Кобзар" Шевченко several short roles: "Гайдамаки", "Великий льох" 🎭
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Post by Kazbek »

I must have missed him. Added both now.

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Post by Kazbek »

Moving to Going Solo.
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Post by ShiNeko »

Multilingual Monthly Poem like Weekly Poetry but for all languages🗺
Сборник рассказов Л. Андреева
"Кобзар" Шевченко several short roles: "Гайдамаки", "Великий льох" 🎭
LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 6565
Joined: April 24th, 2019, 12:06 pm

Post by Kazbek »

If you're only looking for standard PL, I'd be glad to PL this section, but if you'd like the kind of PL we usually see in our Russian projects (particularly, stress placement), we'll wait for a Ukrainian speaker. :)

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Post by ShiNeko »

Kazbek wrote: April 22nd, 2022, 10:49 am If you're only looking for standard PL, and I'd be glad to PL this section, but if you'd like the kind of PL we usually see in our Russian projects (particularly, stress placement), we'll wait for a Ukrainian speaker. :)
Alexander is our best expert of Ukrainian stresses but he is busy being at the front line right now. :hmm: I'll try asking Wolfgang.
Multilingual Monthly Poem like Weekly Poetry but for all languages🗺
Сборник рассказов Л. Андреева
"Кобзар" Шевченко several short roles: "Гайдамаки", "Великий льох" 🎭
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