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Albinia Wherry Bibliography

Posted: October 19th, 2021, 11:04 am
by LectorRecitator

Greek Sculpture With Story And Song (1898)

ℹ️ "The object of my book is twofold ; to awaken in boys and girls an interest in Greek Sculpture, and to provide for older people possessing some superficial knowledge, and desiring to widen it, a convenient companion when examining Galleries of Casts. For the most part, therefore, only such sculptures are included in the work as are found in collections of this kind, or in the British Museum.

The book differs from other works on Sculpture of the same size in various ways. In the first place it is not a handbook for scholars by a professed Archaeologist, but contains, besides an account of the Rise and Decline of Greek Sculpture, brief mythological sketches of the chief Gods and Heroes for the benefit of those who are unacquainted with or have forgotten the myths and legends which inspired the Greek artists. It contains also short descriptions of the principal temples, and of recent excavations, and anecdotes have been introduced concerning the statues, with an anthology of verse from ancient and modern poets relating either to the statues or the myths. A collection has, in fact, been made of all such pieces of information, historical, artistic, and literary, as appeared likely to make the book more useful, the object being not only to present the opinions of the chief authorities, English, French, and German, on the Sculptures, but to awaken the reader's interest in everything connected with them."

Stories Of The Tuscan Artists (1901)

ℹ️ "The history of the Revival of Art in Italy in the Middle Ages is large and complicated, and has been discussed by many critics, from many points of view, in innumerable books instructive and otherwise.

The object of the illustrated volume now before you is to awaken interest in those who do not know the originals of these carefully chosen examples, not only in the pictures themselves, but in the story of the artists who painted them.

It is hoped that such a book will be welcomed by many young people and educated parents, and sympathetic teachers of the older children may find the descriptive chapters very helpful in developing that latent taste, which so many children possess, into an enthusiastic interest in both painting and poetry.

Nearly every one, young and old, loves stories, and the story or legend, though discredited by the modern historian, may often serve as a peg on which to hang a definite piece of knowledge. Had we not learned in childhood that King Alfred burned the cakes, we might not have remembered that he conquered the Danes and founded the English Navy. The interest first aroused by the subject of a picture will presently extend to its history, and then, when the original is within reach, to its colour and technique. Some of my readers will hereafter visit Italy, tread the narrow streets and climb the steep hillsides with which in imagination they are already familiar. Those who turn the pages of this book may build up for themselves a world of fancy, and dwelling in spirit with these old artists, forget for a time all the sordid ugliness of life in the cultivation of pleasant thoughts and the infinite possibilities to be found in Art."

Daniel Defoe (1910)

📖 115 pages long—excluding a four-page long "Abbreviated List Of Defoe's Most Important Works".

ℹ️ Bell's Miniature Series Of Great Writers.

ℹ️ "DANIEL DEFOE, first of journalists and prince of story-tellers, was a man of many and varied experiences, by turns theological student, rebel under arms, loyal volunteer, merchant, manufacturer, and bankrupt; but from first to last a scribbler, who wrote with amazing fluency and apparent conviction on every kind of subject." (Page 9)

Chronicles Of Erthig On The Dyke (1914)

ℹ️ "The Chronicles of Erthig on the Dyke (2 vols., 1914) is about Erddig Hall in Wales, home of the Yorke family, who were related to Albinia Cust. (Victoria Mary Louisa Cust, daughter of Edward Cust and Albinia's first cousin, had married Simon Yorke III in 1846.) It is a collection of illustrative letters and other documents.

The house at Erddig and its records attracted attention after it was featured in Country Life in 1909. Albinia undertook the work, based on the Yorke archives, when the family was headed by Philip Yorke II (1849–1922), son of Simon III and Victoria. She was under instruction from Louisa Matilda Yorke (died 1951, nee Scott, daughter of the Rev. Thomas James Scott of Chilton Foliat), Philip's second wife, to omit matters "of a painful character".

The resulting work has been called "The story of a house, not of a family"."

Volume 1

Volume 2