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Hi from Oregon!

Posted: August 30th, 2021, 7:16 pm
by AstridBeatrix5
I am AstridBeatrix5. (Astrid and Beatrix were two of my favorite furry pet rats. Sadly, they have joined the rainbow bridge some time ago❤️).

I am a seamstress and quilter by hobby (I sew most of my clothes), and an outdoor recreation worker by trade. I first found LibraVox through the Internet Archives as I was listening to an audiobook (Citadel of the Star Lords by Edmond Hamilton read by Mark Nelson). I love books and I am happy that I work right next to a library ❤️ I also volunteer for the Library of Congress transcribing old documents. It would be so much fun to read for the public!

Re: Hi from Oregon!

Posted: September 25th, 2021, 8:54 pm
by Kazbek
Welcome to LibriVox! I didn't know volunteers transcribed documents for LoC. Sounds like very useful work!


Re: Hi from Oregon!

Posted: September 27th, 2021, 8:40 am
by libripdx
Hello, AstridBeatrix5. I just joined from Oregon too. That Library of Congress volunteering sounds interesting.