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Thomas Mitchell (Major) surveyor and explorer of Southeastern Australia

Posted: April 22nd, 2021, 4:38 am
I've been reading 'Dark Emu' by Bruce Pascoe who uses this primary text, amongst many, to paint a picture of the culture and sophistication of the many inhabitants of Australia prior to colonisation. I haven't read it in full but downloaded it from Project Gutenberg and read the first couple of chapters and am thinking that it will be a valuable addition to the Librivox cannon, especially as those also taking an interest in Australian indigenous history might also look for this book. There are two volumes. I am sure there will be attitudes expressed that will be distasteful to the modern reader - just the preface has jarring language that presages worse to come, however, it seems, a according to Pascoe, to record important observations of the way the land was kept and managed by the various indigenous groups prior to European colonialists drove the original owners from the land and changed the landscape.

I would be happy to do as a solo project or share the reading with others if they also are interested in this topic.

Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Volume 1 and volume 2

A little bit on Thomas Mitchell (Major Mitchell as he is known in Australia).