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Posted: April 24th, 2007, 1:18 pm
by dvcrocco
Hello! I am interested in volunteering for these projects, but I want to set up this equipment and try it first, to see if I can even do it. I am what you might call technology challenged. I downloaded Audacity, hooked up my microphone and headphones and enables the Lame mp3 thingy and pushed record and got this message:

Error while opening sound device. Please check input device settings and the project sample rate.

I can find no information on either of these subjects in the help section of the program. Is there somewhere I can go for troubleshooting information?

Thank you in advance for your kindness.
Vicki Crocco

Posted: April 24th, 2007, 1:34 pm
by Cori
Heya Vicki, I can't help I'm afraid, but I can ask a few more questions which might help other people diagnose ... what OS is your computer, and what kind is your microphone (USB / headphone-jack socket)..?

Re: audacity

Posted: April 24th, 2007, 1:49 pm
by ezwa
Welcome Vicki!

I'm no expert (one of those technically impaired myself but I'm having treatment;) and am not using Audacity in English so what follows might seem strange.

Go to EDITION (the second "button" starting from the left on top of the Audacity's window), then preferences and then E/S audio. You should be able to select your recording device there.

You might need to change the settings on your computer before. It will depend on the operating system you use (windows, mac's, ...).
For windows, click on the start button on the left of the bottom toolbar (I don't know if that's the real name of it). You should be able to choose "Control panel". In that folder, choose what regards "sound" and in there, select you recording device.

I'm sure someone else can explain it much better.

I hope it works out.

Posted: April 24th, 2007, 3:08 pm
by earthcalling
I've had a similar thing once or twice. I use Mac OSX. Only read on if you're on a Mac!

Quit Audacity.
Go to System Preferences, and then Sound. You should see your microphone selected as the input device. If it's not, select it from the list.
Open Audacity again. Go to Audacity - Preferences, then the Audio I/O tab. There's a pull-down list of input devices - select your mic.

That should do it.

If you're using Windows.... Don't pay any attention to me! :D

Posted: April 24th, 2007, 4:02 pm
by Cloud Mountain
earthcalling wrote:I've had a similar thing once or twice. I use Mac OSX. Only read on if you're on a Mac!
David... Are you using SoundSource?
It's indispensible. (And free.)

Posted: April 24th, 2007, 10:50 pm
by earthcalling
Good tip, Alan! Just downloaded it... :D