Hello from El Paso!

Get to know your fellow readers and tell us a little about yourself
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Joined: January 8th, 2006, 5:05 pm
Location: El Paso, TX

Post by staceyo »

Hello! My husband Jamey told me about this group and I think it's a fabulous idea! I host a radio talk show called "State of the Arts" on the local NPR affiliate here, and I'm very interested in how new media is affecting the literary, performing and visual arts. This is a really neat project, and I'm excited about being a part of it.
Stacey Ford Osborne
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Joined: January 4th, 2006, 3:11 am
Location: Tampa, FL

Post by ChipDoc »

Welcome to LibriVox, Stacey!

This is a pretty open project and there are lots of enthusiastic and friendly folks who hang around here. Heck, I haven't been here a week yet, but I feel like an old hand already.

I worked in radio for 20 years, including a 7-year stint at my local NPR affiliate in Tampa. Never have shaken off the urge to perform, so I'm really happy to have discovered this place.

Just hop right in and give it a shot! You'll notice there's a Readers Wanted thread. The format has the entirety of the work in the first message, and as people sign up for some of it, their names are attached to the first message so it's easy to see what's been done and what's still available. Just pop right on in and volunteer for a chunk of something!

If you visit the Short Works (Poetry & Prose) thread, you'll notice we have a Weekly Poetry selection. This is a short poem which is meant to be read by as many folks as possible. It's really amazing to see how each reader brings something of themselves to the work. Though everyone reads the same short poem, each of the performances is completely different. It's a great way to get used to the LibriVox format. This week's poem takes just about thirty seconds to read in its entirety.

Tell Jamey that we owe him a debt of gratitude for pointing you in our direction!
Retired to Colorado
The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them.
~Mark Twain
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Post by Gesine »

Welcome, staceyo! We look forward to hearing your voice! :)
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination circles the world." Albert Einstein
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Location: Columbia, MD

Post by vee »

While we've only been up for a few months now, it seems the word's really getting out. Welcome to the site and we hope to hear some of your work soon!
Chris Vee
"You never truly understand something until you can explain it to your grandmother." - Albert Einstein
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Location: St. Louis, Missouri

Post by LibraryLady »

Welcome Stacey! I look forward to listening to you!
Annie Coleman Rothenberg

"I hear the sound I love, the sound of the human voice." ~Whitman
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