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New to the reading game - 1 minute test

Posted: November 1st, 2017, 7:12 pm
by jgaudreault
Hello Everybody
My name is Jacques Gaudreault and I am not new to Librivox in that I have download several files of interest to me over the years. However now I am changing gears, somewhat late in life and I wish to become a voice over artist. I am a 63 year old man who has life experiences to match. I am not shy to speak but like everybody else I find listening to my recorded voice a bit unsettling. In an effort to overcome this and hone my newly required skills I immediately thought of reading for Librivox. This will help me to manipulate Audacity, which is the same program I intend to use in my search for new work plus in the process I will augment Librivox's library to boot. So a win win scenario for all, I think!!!
I am sure that my first few stabs will be interesting but I know I will get better as I work at it. My mother tongue is French Canadian although I have not used it extensively for many years. Like so many skills it gets rusty with neglect. However I hope to make a few stabs at improving that as well.

Re: New to the reading game

Posted: November 2nd, 2017, 3:25 pm
by ToddHW

Please do the one minute test so we can figure out if your equipment is set up properly. For that and other skills, the videos linked at the top of the forum are very helpful. Then we have many projects already underway in the various Readers Wanted forums, and more starting all the time.

NO ONE here admits to really liking the sound of their own voice. I often record and then wait a week before editing. By then I can sorta pretend I am editing the work of a stranger.

I also am 63 and find this a very absorbing hobby, contributing to something released to the catalog every week. Authors I never knew about and topics I never even heard of before (or maybe vice versa). I have been particularly caught up in the Dramatic Works - acting in and editing plays of all sorts (see signature line).

I know nothing about the voiceover business except that my son's cub scoutmaster makes a living at it, and has done so for 30 years....

Thanks, Todd