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I'm so excited, I just can't hide it!!! Book on Aspergers!

Posted: March 19th, 2007, 2:11 am
by asy

To cut a long story very short, Dr Tony Attwood is my son's consultant Psychologist. Dr Attwood is the world renouned expert and authority on Aspergers Syndrome (a form of Pervasive developmental disorder, on the Autism Spectrum).

Aaaanyway... We had our appointment there this morning, and he asked me what I was up to hobby wise... I said I'm reading books for Librivox and quickly explained the site. He thought it sounded wonderful.

When we were leaving I bought his new book "The complete Guide to Aspergers Syndrome", and he signed it to my Son, and I said to him "If you ever want to make an audio version of your first book let me know I'd be happy to talk to you about reading it for you", and, well, I'm so excited, but, you'll NEVER guess what he said...

He said that if I wanted to read it to Audio I would be welcome to and make it available on the net for anyone to download!!!

I told him that since it's copyright I'd need a copyright waiver to allow me to do that, and he said he'd be happy to sign one, to just send it through.

So, what do you think!?

The book is: "Asperger's Syndrome, A guide for Parents and Professionals". It's a FANTASTIC book, and so very helpful and comforting for parents of newly diagnosed Aspies especially.

Anyway, Is this something that could go into Librivox, since the book's not PD?
Does anyone have a copy of a copyright waiver I could use?
How do I ensure that people don't take it off Librivox and sell the recording, it's a VERY sought after book... (I don't think that would be fair for either Tony or me!)

I'll be doing this as a Solo Project, so I'll finish everything I've already put my name down for in a rather swift manner, then get to it!

asy :D

Posted: March 19th, 2007, 4:46 am
by ductapeguy
This sounds like a book for our friends at We normally refer people who want to record their own books over there.

I just put a solo book up there. My brother in law, Andrew Beatty, wrote a novel in his spare? (new father- 1st year teacher) and posted it to his blog ( I recorded it for a surprise Christmas present. It has only been up on podiobooks for 5 days and we already have 100 subsdcribers.

I'd be happy to help familiarize you with how works.

As for copyright, I think you should suggest he releases it under one of the creative common's licenses. They offer a whole menu of licenses and one will likely be the right fit for your doctor.

Posted: March 19th, 2007, 7:12 am
by kri
Slightly off-topic, but I'm familiar with a local guy here who is involved in various things and has a blog and podcast about Asperger's. I thought you might find it interesting:

That's great news that he said you could record his book! What Sean said is true though, it's not really something that would fit at LibriVox.

Posted: March 19th, 2007, 10:45 am
by Gesine
Nice story, asy. podiobooks would be just the thing for it. I doubt that the good doctor would want the recording to be PD, esp if the book is still for sale... :) But podio has other kinds of licences, too.

Posted: March 19th, 2007, 12:56 pm
by Stephan
Sorry to further water your bonfire, but the doctor should be careful not to violate the rights of his publisher whom he would have to check with.

Posted: March 19th, 2007, 2:57 pm
by asy
Well, Gosh darn it, I'll admit to some dissappointment.

I'm not daunted, I really want to do this as I feel it will be a VERY helpful thing for parents of aspies, and teachers especially...

I do understand that it won't be PD in the strictest sense, whilst the intention is to have it freely available, it certainly won't be able to be 'remixed' and I'd be unhappy to find copies of it on ebay for example. (I don't think that would be fair to Dr Attwood).

I'll admit I did think of his Publisher, and hey, this *may* never come off as they may jump on it, but I'll give it a good Aussie Go. I will mention this problem to Tony, as I'd hate him to get into any trouble with them. But I'm positive, I've already done the CD art! hehe

Sean, I'd be very grateful for your help in trying to work out a 'license' for this project. I have had a look through the Creative Common site, and THIS ONE seems to be what I'm looking for. I'd appreciate your opinion.

I'd love some more information on the podiobooks thing. I'm not quite sure I understand how it works. (Is this where I admit to not really knowing what a podcast is without anyone laughing at me? :oops: )

I want to read it, then cut CD's and make them available to Tony's patients. I'd also like to make it available as a download off the web, perhaps on his site, perhaps I'll write a site just for the purpose. Not sure. I'll also let the ASD associations around the place know about it and post 'how to get it ' info on the ASD forums that I know of.

I also want to somehow attach the 'copyright license' to the file, and may have a look into the embedded licensing thing. (I don't know much about this, just that it exists) so I can track if anyone decides to sell it.

OK, seems I'll have to give up on putting it on LibriVox, but, if you all don't mind, I'd LOVE to have your advice and assistance in this project.

asy :D

PS: If it's OK, I'll keep this post as the info post on the project. If you'd rather I didn't, please let me know.

Posted: March 19th, 2007, 3:28 pm
by ductapeguy
asy wrote: Sean, I'd be very grateful for your help in trying to work out a 'license' for this project. I have had a look through the Creative Common site, and THIS ONE seems to be what I'm looking for. I'd appreciate your opinion.
The creative commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative works license reserves the most rights in the creative commons spectrum, while still clearly granting users the right to freely listen and share the files. You'll have to see if Dr. Tony and his publisher are cool with it. The nice thing about creative commons licenses is that they clearly spell out the rights allowed by the content creators while respecting users fair use rights.

Don't be daunted by podcasts. If you are an Itunes user, subscribing to a podcast is as simple as going to the podcast tab and adding in the subscription address of your chosen podcast. offers many features for individual podcast feeds for each book you subscribe to, so that you can listen to the books on your own schedule. It also allows people to go to individual book pages and download the files one at a time. Don't be scared away by all the ways they offer that people can listen to the books. Podiobooks does not ask for an exclusive license-- just a non-exclusive license to host and distribute the book for free. They run on a donation system and give 75% of the donations back to the author. They also have a built in audience, which is a plus.

My brother-in-law and I are doing both, and sending it out as a weekly podcast from our website, This way we get the benefits of podiobooks, and can build a bit of an audience to Andrew's own website for his future work.

Sorry, this is a bit of a braindump but I hope it helps.

Posted: March 19th, 2007, 4:11 pm
by Cori
Each chapter you read for "Getting of Wisdom" could be a podcast -- it's just like an online radio show ... could be music, interviews, drama, etc.

Check out the Librivox Weekly Podcast if you want a great example of all those things in effect, and you'll see how any audio file can be given that name (it's about the method of broadcast and reception, not the file or content, in short.)

Podiobooks is, as far as I understand, exactly like LibriVox except without the Public Domain essentiality. Still a very cool and very easy way to get this book out there! (And let me know wherever it ends up online -- I want to hear you read it!)

Posted: March 19th, 2007, 4:37 pm
by asy
Thanks again for your help guys, Just shows how lovely the people here are!
Cori wrote:let me know wherever it ends up online -- I want to hear you read it!
You bet I will, I'll be singing it from the rooftops!

Sean, I'm sure I'll pick your brain more on podcasts and stuff as time goes on.

Do you know anywhere I can get a copy of a 'copyright waiver' type thing for Tony to sign to give me the OK to read this?

I'm not going to start this project until I've finished everything I've signed up for so far, as otherwise I'll get absorbed and leave people hanging, and I don't like doing that.

I'm wondering, is there anyone out there who has a copy of the book who might be interested in either editing or proof listening for me?

asy :D