[COMPLETE](Français) Alice au Pays des Merveilles-L Carroll-kit

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Post by Ealswythe »

Alice au Pays des Merveilles par Lewis Carroll (1832 - 1898). Traduit par Henri Bue (1843 - 1929).

This project is now complete! All audio files can now be found on the catalog page for this project https://librivox.org/aventures-dalice-au-pays-des-merveilles-by-lewis-carroll/

"Alice au Pays des Merveilles," publié originellement par Lewis Carroll en 1865 comme "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," fut traduit en 1869 par Henri Bué. Histoire de fantaisie, il s'agit d'une jeune fille, Alice, qui tombe dans un trou de lapin, et se trouve tout d'un coup dans un monde de merveilles. Là, elle rencontre plusieurs personnages curieux, comme le chat du Cheshire, le Chapelier, le Lièvre de Mars, Humpty Dumpty, la Fausse-tortue, la Reine de Coeurs, parmi d'autres. Pas destiné d'origine à se faire livre d'enfants, Alice s'embrouille dans un monde cauchemardesque, peuplé d'animaux et de "gens" qui lui parlent de choses les plus absurdes. <br><br>"Alice au Pays des Merveilles", originally published by Lewis Carroll in 1865 as "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," was translated in 1869 by Henri Bué. This is a fantasy about a young girl, Alice, who falls down a rabbit hole, and suddenly finds herself in a wonderland. There, she meets several curious characters, such as the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, Humpty Dumpty, the Mock Turtle, the Queen of Hearts, among others. Not intended originally to be a children's book, Alice wades through a nightmarish world, populated by animals and "people" who speak to her of the most absurd things. ( Linda Olsen Fitak)
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    "Fin de Alice au Pays des Merveilles, par Lewis Carroll. Traduit par Henri Bué (1843 - 1929)"

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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

I would be happy to MC this for you. I'll get your MW set up.

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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

OK, you are all set. Please let me know if you have any questions or trouble accessing the MW.

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Post by Ealswythe »

Thank you so very much, MaryAnn!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

We still need a DPL. Should I maybe advertise in Listeners and Editors Wanted?

Also, thank you for the Magic Window! I'll add the titles of each chapter. But we do need to add one more chapter section, to total 12 chapters, along with the Preface(00). When I filled out the template, I thought that the Preface was not included in the number of chapters. My mistake. :oops:

I am thrilled that you will be MC for this project! Mille Mercis!! :D
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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

I've added another section to the MW - you can do that too by using the "add new section" button, to the left of the box you use to assign readers their sections.

And yes, you can advertise for a DPL. I generally wait until the first section is posted, so people have something to dig into right away when they volunteer.

I'll move this over to "going solo".

We have an Alice in Spanish and an Alice in French going right now. That's going to keep the White Rabbit busy moving from story to story . . . hope he doesn't end up being late on either side!


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Post by Ealswythe »

MaryAnnSpiegel wrote:I've added another section to the MW - you can do that too by using the "add new section" button, to the left of the box you use to assign readers their sections.

And yes, you can advertise for a DPL. I generally wait until the first section is posted, so people have something to dig into right away when they volunteer.

I'll move this over to "going solo".

We have an Alice in Spanish and an Alice in French going right now. That's going to keep the White Rabbit busy moving from story to story . . . hope he doesn't end up being late on either side!


Hahahahaha! Yes, a lot for the White Rabbit to do!
Thank you for adding the section. I know how to add chapter titles, files, and duration to the Magic Window, but I didn't know that I could add a section.
Yesterday, I worked all day on a recording of Le Corbeau by Edgar Allan Poe, translated by Stephanie Mallarmet, and it was absolutely perfect, and ready for upload. Then my computer corrupted the file. I had this happen once before. It has something to do with doing something online while Audacity is open. At least I learned. But today, I need to re-do the whole recording. :roll:
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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

Oh, I'm so sorry. :cry:

It may be worth exporting a FLAC after you finish recording (and before you start doing anything), so that if you get another audacity failure, you at least don't need to re-record, only re-edit.

You export a FLAC like you export an MP3. FLAC is considered a loss-less format, so when you open the FLAC file with audacity, it always sounds just the same as the original audacity file. With an MP3 you loose just a teeny bit of sound quality everytime you export and then import an MP3 file in audacity.

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Post by Ealswythe »

MaryAnnSpiegel wrote:Oh, I'm so sorry. :cry:

It may be worth exporting a FLAC after you finish recording (and before you start doing anything), so that if you get another audacity failure, you at least don't need to re-record, only re-edit.

You export a FLAC like you export an MP3. FLAC is considered a loss-less format, so when you open the FLAC file with audacity, it always sounds just the same as the original audacity file. With an MP3 you loose just a teeny bit of sound quality everytime you export and then import an MP3 file in audacity.

Thank you, MaryAnn, I'll export to FLAC from now on. I haven't seen that as an option, but I'll check.
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Post by Ealswythe »

Hi MaryAnn,
The entire title of the French translation by Henri Bué is "Aventures d'Alice au Pays des Merveilles." I'd like to read the entire title of the translation, as it was translated from Carroll's original title of his book, "The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland." In later years, it was shortened to "Alice in Wonderland."

Is it OK to use the complete title in the reading?

I'm preparing to read the Preface now, which even includes some personal remarks by Lewis Carroll on his approval of Bué's choice of translation of certain words that had no real translation into French.
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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

Yes, please read the correct title in the intros.

I'll change the title in the catalog record so that it matches.

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Post by Ealswythe »

Thank you, MaryAnn!
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Post by Ealswythe »

Hi MaryAnn,
Preparing for my first file. I look at every detail, so I have a few questions:

1. The word "traduisé" does not exist in the French language. It's a grammatical mistake. The instructions say to read "traduisé par..." but it should actually be "traduit par" or "traduction de". To make sure of this, I searched the conjugation of "traduire". Past tense is "traduit." Also, I asked Sonia (Kitty), who is DPL and contributor of French recordings at Librivox, and she agrees that "traduisé" is incorrect.

2. The "preface" of the book actually seems more like a paragraph of a preface, and the rest is an Introduction. Could I change the title of that section to "Introduction?" The book doesn't specify any actual title for that section.

Thank you!
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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

Thanks for checking in.

Perfectly fine to call the first section the "introduction" if that is a better descriptor.

And in reading, we sometimes come across typos. It sounds like this particular non-word is one. If it's a typo, go ahead and correct it as you read. We don't want to change the author's chosen wording or intent, so no change to the nonsense words that Carroll sometimes wrote, but this sounds like an error rather than an intentional spelling of a made up word.

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Post by Ealswythe »

Thank you, MaryAnn! I just finished recording the Introduction, and I read it as Introduction à l'Édition 1869.

The typo is not Lewis Carroll's, or Henri Bué's. Its librivox. At the top, in the instructions, it says to read "traduisé par..." Its definitely a non-word. Probably something that librivox should change to the proper word "traduit par..."

I'll upload the finished file later today. My friend Kitty, who is DPL in many projects, including one in which I read chapters from Le Rouge et Le Noir, has agreed to try to dedicate some of her time to listening to my finished files. So this might help us out, in the area of PL.

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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »


I'm sorry, I didn't catch that it was in the Librivox Intro. By all means correct it!

I have not heard anyone mention this before, maybe no one has caught the mistake. It would not show up unless in was a French project with a translator. I don't believe we can make any changes to the first post template generator, but I'll make a note of this behind the scenes on the "wish list" for changes when we get to the point that refinements can me made.

Thanks for pointing it out!

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