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Hello everyone, from Japan. <(^^)b

Posted: February 7th, 2017, 4:34 pm
by HiraethWayfinder
Good morning from the rural south of Japan! I'm a 26 yo female, almost always covered in flour, my favorite sound is the little scritch-scrach of pattering animal paws, and I make it a hobby to get lost somewhere new at least once a month.

I am very excited to start volunteering here and hope I can be of some use to this site. I am mostly interested in doing recordings, but I'd like to proof listen too.

I already wanted to thank the community for helping me the past few years. After my father passed away, I started to run aimlessly around the onion fields in my town as a stress reliever and I found listening to audio books extremely therapeutic. So...I guess it is time to try my hand at volunteering for once and give back some of the good!

Thanks for reading this far! I will try my best!

Re: Hello everyone, from Japan. <(^^)b

Posted: February 7th, 2017, 4:46 pm
by Isana
ようこそLibrivoxへ。はじめまして。 \(^_^)/

Re: Hello everyone, from Japan. <(^^)b

Posted: February 7th, 2017, 5:26 pm
by HiraethWayfinder
どうも!<(_ _)>


Re: Hello everyone, from Japan. <(^^)b

Posted: February 7th, 2017, 5:43 pm
by Availle
I'm glad English is no problem for you - will make communication in the forums much easier! :wink:
Where in Europe did you live? And "southern rural Japan" - somewhere in Kyushu?

I myself am from Austria, but I live in Kyoto now.

We would love you to record in Japanese to increase our Japanese catalog (I think Isana has especial interest in this!) but you are welcome to record in any language you are understandable in.

First and foremost however: Please get that test out of the way so you can start recording!

Have fun on here! :D

Re: Hello everyone, from Japan. <(^^)b

Posted: February 7th, 2017, 5:59 pm
by Isana
HiraethWayfinder wrote:どうも!<(_ _)>


I look forward to your contributions. I hope you will enjoy reading for Librivox. If you haven't done so yet, and like Availle said, try to post a 1-minute test as described here:

I hope to see you around the forums often. :) The people here are always ready to help with anything related to making audiobooks.


Re: Hello everyone, from Japan. <(^^)b

Posted: February 7th, 2017, 6:35 pm
by HiraethWayfinder
Where in Europe did you live? And "southern rural Japan" - somewhere in Kyushu?

I myself am from Austria, but I live in Kyoto now.
Ah...sorry about any confusion I may have caused. I am not from Europe, but my husband is English! I don't really consider where I live to be very "south" but from my experience when most people consider Japan they think mostly of Kanto so I often just add it in by habit because I am more south than there. To be honest, I am actually close to you-- I am on Awaji Island. We have many cows and onions!
Kyoto is so very nice though, I am jealous! I haven't been in a while, but it holds many memories for me.

Also!! I just wanted to say thank you so much for the warm greetings! I am already so happy that the community seems full of such kind people.

Re: Hello everyone, from Japan. <(^^)b

Posted: February 8th, 2017, 1:21 pm
by sjmarky
よろしく, HiraethWayfinder-さん。

Re: Hello everyone, from Japan. <(^^)b

Posted: February 8th, 2017, 3:31 pm
by ekzemplaro
Hello HiraethWayfinder san,

Welcome to LibriVox. I hope you enjoy it here.
I visited Awaji Island long ago. There was a youth hostel near the Naruto Bridge.
At that time the Akashi Bridge was not completed yet. So I took on a ferry at Sumoto.


Re: Hello everyone, from Japan. <(^^)b

Posted: February 8th, 2017, 6:33 pm
by HiraethWayfinder
I visited Awaji Island long ago. There was a youth hostel near the Naruto Bridge.
At that time the Akashi Bridge was not completed yet. So I took on a ferry at Sumoto.
Thank you for your visit! I hope you were able to see the whirlpools?

Re: Hello everyone, from Japan. <(^^)b

Posted: February 19th, 2017, 8:01 am
by phxtopdog
Welcome, HiraethWayfinder.

I admire your desire to "give back" and hope that you enjoy your experiences with LV. In the few short weeks since I joined, I have encountered only generous and helpful people here and expect you'll find no different.

Ellery in Phoenix.