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Non-visual desktop access

Posted: November 30th, 2013, 12:50 pm
by dejanristic1983
Hi librivoxers! The words from the subject line are meaningful. They are doors open to a free-of-charge speech software built not only for the blind, but for all of those who like tu be adventurers by means of the software. It is very compatible with Google chrome and Mozilla firefox. It can run braille displays. It updates regularly. Charges are out of the question. Help and donations are accepted. Note> I am just posting this topic by means of this software. Feel free to experience it. Jaws is an excellent screen reader, but it is very expensive. NVDA is not. Here is a link to it:

Re: Non-visual desktop access

Posted: December 2nd, 2013, 5:33 pm
by RuthieG
I am sure this will be most useful, Dejan :).


Re: Non-visual desktop access

Posted: December 3rd, 2013, 5:30 pm
by dejanristic1983
I am sure too, because there are some persons saying that their eyes are at rest while they use a speech unit. They have not discussed this very programme, but they have talked about another one called Ivona. When you listen to it, it sounds like a human voice. When I listened to a demonstration sample reading a short piece of text, I did not say a word, for it is the best reading engine that has ever been manufactured.

NVDA-related adons

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 4:33 am
by dejanristic1983
Dear librivoxers! If some of you have started to use NVDA, and if you find it useful, but you would like to perform some more actions without making so much efforts, there are solutions to it. They are NVDA-related adons. I have installed those that I think I need. They are working properly. You can choose between the stable and the development versions of the adons. Here follows the link to the adons:

Re: NVDA-related adons

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 5:04 am
by RuthieG
For those of you not familiar with NDVA (as indeed I am not), NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) software enables blind and vision impaired people to use a computer by communicating what is on the screen using a synthetic voice or braille. In other words, it is a free screen reader for Microsoft Windows.

I will merge these posts with Dejan's previous thread about it.


Re: Non-visual desktop access

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 10:26 am
by dejanristic1983
It will be most useful when you are running an application and waht to know some important information that NVDA can give by means of key combinations. For example, when I open a word window, and I want to know how much of RAM is used, I simply press NVDA (or insert or numeric 0) key plus Shift plus e at the same time to hear the state of RAM. If I want to know how to use this or that application I press NVDA and/or numeric 0 key plus h at the same time to here a short help description. Dear Ruth, if you want to experience adventures from the Land of NVDA, install it, try it, and see for yourself. It costs nothing.

Re: Non-visual desktop access

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 1:51 pm
by annise
I have a question I would like to ask .
Can this screen reader handle things that have been set up to do by mouse clicks which do not have a keyboard shortcut ? I have had some queries about our catalogue access and would like to have answers


Re: Non-visual desktop access

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 2:46 pm
by dejanristic1983
To do the NVDA mouse simulation, do the following: First, choose what link or button you would like to activate. You can choose it by moving the up and down, and left and right arrow keys. Second, when you have made your choice, hit the NVDA key. It is done in two ways: 1. by hitting the Numpad 0 2. by hitting the insert key. If your keyboard is set to laptop keyboard layout, use the insert, if it is set to desktop keyboard layout, use the Numpad 0 key. If you do not have the numeric keypad, the Numpad 7 is replaced by the Page up key, and the Numpad 1 by the Page down key. Third, if you are ready to activate a link or a button, hit Numpad 0 and/or the insert and hold it down. Choose the Numpad 1 or the Numpad 7 until you hear object review. After hearing it, continue holding down the NVDA key and hit the enter key. Then, you will hear 'activate'. If a link or a button is not selected automatically, use left and right arrows to point them to one of the letters of the name of the desired link or button. If the speech unit cannot recognize the object, it will say 'no action'. Note: it sometimes happens that either jaws or NVDA are unable to activate a selected object, because the object is visualized, and the mouse pointer is required to perform the activation. Dear Anne, I would be the happiest creature in this world if this helps. To view some more NVDA-related details, contact the NVDA community by means of their site and their contact page. :)

Re: Non-visual desktop access

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 4:14 pm
by annise
Thank you . It will take me a while to digest all that but I am sure it will be a help


Re: Non-visual desktop access

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 4:27 pm
by dejanristic1983
Yes, Anne. I understand you quite well. But, if you want to become the lord of it, you must try it yourself. It will take some time, but you will overcome what you do not know. If you want to understand it as best as you could, you can change the rate of the speech. If you want a clear voice, go to the preferences menu of the programme, choose Voice settings, and then press the tab key once to hear Variant. A list of voices is found in the variant tab. Choose Iven to speak for you. It is the clearest voice in my opinion.

Re: Non-visual desktop access

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 4:49 pm
by dejanristic1983
To do the mouse simulation of the object selection by means of your keyboard, do the following: Press the NVDA key and press Numpad 1 and/or Page down or press Numpad 7 and/or Page up till you hear 'Screen Review'. Continue holding down the NVDA key and use the arrows to move through the contents of the entire screen. When you select what you want to activate, hold down the NVDA key and use Page up or down or Numpads 1 or 7 to position you to the 'Object review'. Then press the enter button, and the activation of an object (link and/or button) is executed. That's all I know and do as to the use of the mouse pointer by means of the NVDA unit.

Re: Non-visual desktop access

Posted: February 7th, 2014, 1:13 pm
by dejanristic1983
Hi to all! I have just discovered that NVDA reads some signs in relation to musical notes. For instance, it reads a flat sign following a note, and it reads a sharp sign following a note. Jaws is silent when it is on flat and/or a sharp sign. I hope this helps blind musicians. :)

Re: Non-visual desktop access

Posted: February 2nd, 2015, 12:06 pm
by dejanristic1983
A new NVDA-related add-on called Clip Contents Designer is now available for use.

This is the add-on by means of which you will be able to handle your clipboard.

You can:

1) copy a piece of a text to the clipboard,
2) clear the clipboard,
3) position your review cursor to the start of a text you wish to copy to the clipboard.

Key commands:

Copying to the clipboard: Insert/NVDA key + Windows key + C.
Clipboard clearing: Insert/NVDA key + Windows key + X.
Positioning the review cursor to the start of a text: Insert/NVDA key + Windows key + F9.

Note to the end users:

To perform these commands, NVDA must be installed and loaded, for this add-on is an NVDA-related add-on.

Here is a link to the above mentioned add-on.

Re: Non-visual desktop access

Posted: August 5th, 2015, 12:04 pm
by dejanristic1983
Hi once more,

Let me add an NVDA-related link containing some Tek Talk presentations and conferences closely related to the NVDA itself.

Why am I doing this?

I am doing this because I want to help those who may wish to join the NVDA world (Elizabeth Cottrille among them).

I am also asking you to let her know that this link is posted here.

I hope Anne will see this post soon.


Re: Non-visual desktop access

Posted: August 5th, 2015, 1:18 pm
by dejanristic1983
Important notice

These contents can be found at the given website until they have become official. Once they become official recordings, they can be taken down from the website.

My note:

You will be informed where they can be found after they have been taken down from the given site.
