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Ocean to Ocean on Horseback - Capt Willard Glazier

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 9:41 pm
by ppcunningham
The Story of a Tour in the Saddle From the Atlantic to the Pacific; with Especial Reference to the Early History and Development of Cities and Towns along the Route; and Regions Traversed beyond the Mississippi; together with Incidents, Anecdotes and Adventures of the Journey.

The author traveled on horseback from Boston to San Francisco in 1875, and wrote this twenty years later from his journals.

From the publisher:
In view of this delay in going to press, the author will endeavor to show a due regard for the changes time has wrought along his line of march, and while noting the incidents of his long ride from day to day, it has been his aim so far as possible to discuss the regions traversed, the growth of cities and the development of their industries from the standpoint of the present.


Re: Ocean to Ocean on Horseback - Capt Willard Glazier

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 5:18 am
by KiltedDragon

Re: Ocean to Ocean on Horseback - Capt Willard Glazier

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 7:19 am
by ppcunningham
Hot off the press at Gutenberg:
