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Posted: July 5th, 2011, 9:11 pm
by MikeFromDetroit
They say the web changes everything. I can't think of a finer example of that than Librivox.

I'm a recent retiree and Librivox has given me a whole universe to explore. I can carry entire volumes around in my tiny Sansa MP3 player.

And maybe someday I'll add my own reading to the database.

Re: MikeFromDetroit

Posted: July 6th, 2011, 6:14 am
by KiltedDragon
A Big Hi to Mike from Detroit from Barry from Brooklyn,

Welcome to Librivox. We are happy you are enjoying the recordings. Always nice to hear from listeners. If you decide to help out, here is some information.

There are numerous ways to volunteer here. An important one is proof-listening, which consists of checking someone's recording for errors. This is where I started and you learn a lot about how the process works and also some of the things you should do and not do while recording. If you'd like to give that a try, you can find lots of information here: Guide for Proof-Listeners

If you wish to try your hand (or voice as the case may be) at recording, you will find that information here: Newbie Guide to Recording.

We urge you to make a "1 Minute Test" for review before you start actively recording. This test is not an audition; it is so we can make sure your settings, etc. are correct before you spend a lot of time recording and editing a section only to find out it does not meet the required technical specs. You will find the information for the 1-Minute Test Recording here: 1-Minute Test. The instructions also tell you how to upload your test and then post in the Listeners Wanted Forum so someone can give you feedback on it.

One of our volunteers, Philchenevert, has created a number of videos that you might find helpful as you learn more about the workings of Librivox. You can find a listing of those here:

We have a lot of fun here, so welcome aboard! Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

Oh, and just so you can't say you weren't warned...this place can become VERY addictive! :D