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Hello! Here's my one minute test. [OK]

Posted: July 4th, 2011, 9:47 am
by JonathanK
Hi voxers,

I'm Jonathan, I'm English and I'm excited about being a part of this because it's very cool.

Normally I'm in London but I'm spending some time in Devon at the moment. Just the place to be in the summer time!

Anyway, here's my test file. Hope it's OK...


Re: Hello! Here's my one minute test.

Posted: July 4th, 2011, 11:56 am
by Samanem
Hi Jonathan!

Welcome to Librivox! Great job on your test! Your tech specs are perfect, your volume is good, and your sound is high quality. The only thing I would even mention is that you have near total silence in between your words, and its generally considered that its best to leave a bit of noise there, so it's not distracting to the brain to come upon such silence. So, you could probably ease up on your Noise Removal settings. However, that's a minor issue overall.

You are well within the standards for Librivox recording, and are free to record the Public Domain at your pleasure!

Great job!

Samanem :clap: :clap:

Re: Hello! Here's my one minute test. [OK]

Posted: July 4th, 2011, 1:35 pm
by JonathanK
Thanks Samanem! Looking forward to getting stuck in.

That's an interesting point about no background sound. Thanks for the tip :)
