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[FIXED][corrupted file] Beets, Nicolaas. "Camera Obscura"

Posted: November 3rd, 2010, 2:12 pm
by Latimer
Camera Obscura by Nicolaas Beets (AKA Hildebrand)
Chapter number: 34 ('s Winters buiten)
File format: both 64kbps and 128kbps have been tried but both have same problem. The ogg version was not checked
The file was downloaded as individual download.
Nature of problem:
File corrupted - reading starts OK then starts again then only noise followed by more reading, more noise etc..

Thanks to all readers... esp. to Julie van Wallegem whose chapter this is - the others chapters you read were great! :D

Dick Summerfield.

Re: [Dutch] Beets, Nicolaas. "Camera Obscura"

Posted: November 3rd, 2010, 3:43 pm
by lezer
You're right, that doesn't sound good! Thanks for letting us know - I'll check into that, and will report back.


Re: [Dutch] Beets, Nicolaas. "Camera Obscura"

Posted: November 3rd, 2010, 3:51 pm
by lezer
Starlite was MC on this project - I'll send her a PM to find out if she has a backup of the files (the corruption must have happened during upload to archive since all our files are proof-listened). Hope so, otherwise I'll contact Julie, to see whether she has a backup.
Will keep you posted!

Re: [Dutch] Beets, Nicolaas. "Camera Obscura"

Posted: November 3rd, 2010, 5:48 pm
by Starlite
Sorry I do not have a backup. :(


Re: [Dutch][corrupted file] Beets, Nicolaas. "Camera Obscura

Posted: November 4th, 2010, 12:17 am
by lezer
I've sent the reader (Julila) a PM about this.

Re: [Dutch][corrupted file] Beets, Nicolaas. "Camera Obscura

Posted: November 4th, 2010, 6:58 am
by Julila
I can't find a copy straight away. I'll need to check my old computer to see if I saved it there. If not, I'll record it anew.
And I'm glad you liked my other chapters :)

Re: [Dutch][corrupted file] Beets, Nicolaas. "Camera Obscura

Posted: November 4th, 2010, 2:37 pm
by Latimer
Oh dear! If I knew I was going to cause such a fuss, I would have left this at least 'til after the weekend :oops:.
But I'm amazed and impressed by the speedy reaction.

Anna: I know about the proof-listeners (good system) so was indeed wondering how this could have happened...

Julie: I hope you find the chapter on your old computer and that you don't have to read it again.
In any case there's no hurry as far as I'm concerned - I'm just carrying on listening to subsequent chapters :)
(Just started "Gerrit Witse - Studentenangst" and looking forward to continuing).

Many thanks to all concerned,

Dick Summerfield.

Re: [Dutch][corrupted file] Beets, Nicolaas. "Camera Obscura

Posted: November 15th, 2010, 3:25 pm
by Julila
Hiya! I couldn't find the original more, so I recorded it again. Here it is: @ 21:57 & 20,1MB. I suppose someone needs to PL it now.

Anna, I uploaded it to your folder, is that alright?

Cheers, Julie.

Re: [Dutch][corrupted file] Beets, Nicolaas. "Camera Obscura

Posted: November 15th, 2010, 3:45 pm
by lezer
Great, Julie.
We'll find a PL-er, and get this fixed - but not tonight for me :D

Re: [Dutch][corrupted file] Beets, Nicolaas. "Camera Obscura

Posted: November 16th, 2010, 8:31 am
by Latimer
lezer wrote:Great, Julie.
We'll find a PL-er, and get this fixed - but not tonight for me :D
I shall be listening to it very soon anyway. Probably tomorrow as I am busy this evening. I'd be happy to offer my services as incidental PL, unless you'd like it to be more formal. I'm not a native speaker but I've lived in the Netherlands for 40 years...

I've already downloaded the chapter from Julie's link (Thank's, from me too, for taking the trouble to re-record!).


I bit spontaneous and over-enthusiastic of me perhaps :oops: . I've just been checking the wiki on proof-listening and see that it's quite a lot more than just plain listening. I see that I can volunteer as PL - perhaps I'd better look there first... sorry.

Re: [Dutch][corrupted file] Beets, Nicolaas. "Camera Obscura

Posted: November 16th, 2010, 10:06 am
by lezer
Hi Dick,
It would be wonderful if you could listen to the file. With an "old-hand" at recording like Julie I'm not so worried about the technical settings etc - I will check to make sure of course, but I bet they are fine.
So all you would be doing is listening to make sure there are no repeats or large pauzes that Julie has forgotten to edit out. If you could post here as soon as you've heard the chapter - please then report the repeats or pauzes with the time at which they occur. Or if there are none you can just report PL OK :) - and then I'll get the chapter into the finished project.

Re: [Dutch][corrupted file] Beets, Nicolaas. "Camera Obscura

Posted: November 17th, 2010, 4:42 am
by Latimer

Just enjoyed listening to the new recording of _'s Winters buiten - (deel een)_ reading along in a 1939 copy of the book (gilt-edged pages) lent to me bij my nextdoor neighbour when she heard what I was up to...

With regard to repeats and pauses absolutely no problems - so as far as I'm concerned PL OK! :) .

Two very small things I noticed were the word "ressources" at 01:27 which is given the English pronunciation when I suppose the French is intended (the double s) and "Kennemer" at 12:42 which Julie pronounces a bit like Kén-némer (I hope you understand what I mean) rather than Kénnem-er. Two tiny things which I noticed but which in no way detract from a very enjoyable listening experience. Personally, I would leave them, I think... but who am I :wink:


Re: [Dutch][corrupted file] Beets, Nicolaas. "Camera Obscura

Posted: November 17th, 2010, 4:55 am
by Julila
Heh, do you know that those two words are the only two I wasn't entirely sure of how to pronounce? (apart from my poor attempt at a Dutch accent, obviously :)).
Glad you enjoyed it. I think I'm going to try and change those two phrases anyway.

(Also, why is this thread in English when we all speak and write Dutch? :wink:)

Cheers, Julie.

Re: [Dutch][corrupted file] Beets, Nicolaas. "Camera Obscura

Posted: November 17th, 2010, 5:26 am
by Julila

Re: [Dutch][corrupted file] Beets, Nicolaas. "Camera Obscura

Posted: November 17th, 2010, 9:59 am
by Latimer
Julila wrote:There we are: Time and size are the same.
In the previous message you said:
(why is this thread in English when we all speak and write Dutch? :wink: )

Je hebt volkomen gelijk Julie. Als nieuweling hier, dacht ik dat Engels de "lingua franca" van heel LV was.

Ik heb geluisterd naar je herstelde versie - "Kennemer" klinkt nu goed maar "ressources" klinkt voor mijn gevoel nog erg "engels" - ik hoor duidelijk de laatste "es" dat niet of nauwelijks uitgesproken wordt in het Frans - toch (?)

Verder niets dan lof voor de levendige leesstijl en naadloze correcties.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
