'Thank You' messages for LibriVox readers - continued

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Adrian (Adrian Praetzellis) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Hello Adrian,

Thank you for your wonderful reading of Kim!

I have reached chapter 12 and I find that your use of various voices to enliven the text is very effective. (I'd be surprised if your voice didn't suffer from the lama's dialog. That must have been a real challenge.)

Your reading is also very clear, and without hesitations or errors. It is a pleasure to hear you read most any subject - I've heard several of your books.

So, thank you so much for contributing to Librivox! People ARE listening to you!


All of Adrian's recordings!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for NKWhitely (Nick Whitley) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
I’m writing to thank reader NICK WHITLEY for his nec plus ultra reading of Anthony Trollope’s The Warden and - especially – Barchester Towers.



Mr. Whitley’s reading, particularly in the case of Barchester Towers, can best be described as ‘delicious’. His voice is a pleasure, made even more so when he reads the dialogue and descriptions of some of Trollope’s more loathsome characters. I refer to Mr. Slope and The Signora.

What joy Mr. Whitley (and Trollope) bring to listeners.

Thank you, Mr. Whitley. Your reading has given inestimable added enjoyment to these novels.


Sandwich, NH, USA

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for the readers for the dramatic reading of Little Women
To all the readers of the dramatic version of Little Women.

Well then, where to begin?

One thing alone can suffice - thank you!

I am a former reader on Librivox (toadoftoadhall, still technically a member), now a consecrated religious in a Missionary Order, and a lifelong devotee of Little Women. I visited Orchard Slope (the Alcott Estate), and have long had this story near to my heart. It touches on so many vital parts of life: love, joy, sadness, loss, and restoration of what we had in childhood. It is beautiful on every level. My older brother and I would listen to this story together as children, and I longed for the time each year when I would duck under the covers with a reading light and journey with the March sisters. And my Mother, now with two grandchildren, is affectionately known as "Marmee" to them.

Now that I am grown up, probably on my eighth reading of the book, I still think it is just as wonderful as before - and this dramatic recording brings it alive.

The voices for the four March sisters could not be better. Laurie is certainly a Laurie, Marmee and Mr. March's tones are perfect, and all the readers did their parts with passion and creativity. I freely confess that tears fell down my cheeks multiple times during the recording, especially Beth's little song at the end of "Pleasant Meadows."

I have been through it three times now, and it most certainly will not be the last time. Thanks so much to everyone who helped put this wonderful recording together. May God be praised!

Br. Jonas, MSJB (toadoftoadhall) 🙂

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Post by mightyfelix »

icequeen wrote: February 20th, 2024, 8:23 pm Praise received for mightyfelix (Devorah Allen) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Hello Devorah Allen,
I want to say that I appreciate your excellent reading voice, which is attractive and lovely to listen to. I have looked for books that you have read because I liked listening to your voice. And I noticed how much you seem to like George Macdonald. Are you a Christian?
Also I believe God wants me to share a poem here which I have written. I hope you like it. 😊 See below.

God bless you,

Holy Sonnet Of Christ In Me

I have eternal life in my spirit,
And temptation cannot overcome me.
The Father, Son and Spirit within it,
Are my life, and death I shall never see.
For by Christ's death, I'm dead to sin indeed,
And by his resurrection from the dead,
I'm alive to God, with his righteous seed.
Christ is my life; and, as two that are wed,
We are joined together eternally.
I am a new man that can never die.
No corrupting sin can mar the beauty,
That is now both the Lord Jesus and I.
For I was raised with him to live again;
Together we are seated in heaven.

All of Devorah's recordings!
Hi, Richard. I am glad you have enjoyed my recordings. My appreciation of George MacDonald is certainly no secret, and yes I am a Christian, as I believe George MacDonald fans generally tend to be. You may be glad to know that I am determined to finish my recording of The Marquis of Lossie by the end of May, at the latest.

Thank you for sharing your work.
Devorah Allen
Out of town May 27-June 2.

Readers wanted for:
A Cabinet of Gems, Sir Philip Sidney and George MacDonald
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Post by msfry »

I just finished listening to Underground London, narrated by Peter Yearsley (Peter Why). The book was a remarkable mixture of history, literature, and social commentary, with lots of flowery language bouying its recitation of facts and statistics. I greatly enjoyed John Hollingshead's writing, and Peter's impeccable delivery made it very "listenable". It was a great undertaking! You might think the topic of "sewerage" would be boring, but the story of London's capacity over several centuries to safely handle the ever-increasing buildup of a growing population's sewerage, the indescribable number of decisions needing to be made, personalities and rivalries involved, work done and undone to design it, the scrambling to fund it, and mountains moved to make it happen, plus a journalist's real efforts to document it all, is actually amazing. It reads like a novel.
Peter Why
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Post by Peter Why »

Thanks, Michele; I enjoyed reading it ... but not enough sewage and underground railway details for my taste!

"I think, therefore I am, I think." Solomon Cohen, in Terry Pratchett's Dodger
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Post by icequeen »

mightyfelix wrote: February 20th, 2024, 10:09 pm
icequeen wrote: February 20th, 2024, 8:23 pm Praise received for mightyfelix (Devorah Allen) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Hello Devorah Allen,
I want to say that I appreciate your excellent reading voice, which is attractive and lovely to listen to. I have looked for books that you have read because I liked listening to your voice. And I noticed how much you seem to like George Macdonald. Are you a Christian?
Also I believe God wants me to share a poem here which I have written. I hope you like it. 😊 See below.

God bless you,

Holy Sonnet Of Christ In Me

I have eternal life in my spirit,
And temptation cannot overcome me.
The Father, Son and Spirit within it,
Are my life, and death I shall never see.
For by Christ's death, I'm dead to sin indeed,
And by his resurrection from the dead,
I'm alive to God, with his righteous seed.
Christ is my life; and, as two that are wed,
We are joined together eternally.
I am a new man that can never die.
No corrupting sin can mar the beauty,
That is now both the Lord Jesus and I.
For I was raised with him to live again;
Together we are seated in heaven.

All of Devorah's recordings!
Hi, Richard. I am glad you have enjoyed my recordings. My appreciation of George MacDonald is certainly no secret, and yes I am a Christian, as I believe George MacDonald fans generally tend to be. You may be glad to know that I am determined to finish my recording of The Marquis of Lossie by the end of May, at the latest.

Thank you for sharing your work.
I passed this on for your, Devorah! Thank you!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for coenders (Marcel Coenders) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Sehr geehrter Herr Coenders,

mit grossem Vergnügen habe ich mir Ihre Librivox-Aufnahme vom “Willem Tell” von Pieter Lowerse angehört. Auch als Schweizer
habe ich dabei noch viele neue Details dieser Geschichte kennengelernt …
Nun bin ich am Ende des zweiten Teils der Geschichten aus "Tausend und Einer Nacht”, und als nächstes werde ich mir von Ihnen
“Les Misérables” von Victor Hugo vorlesen lassen.

Sie haben eine sehr angenehme Stimme, und das ruhige Tempo erlaubt es mir, fast alle Sätze auf Anhieb zu verstehen (ich bemühe mich,
Holländisch zu lernen, weil ich ein Boot besitze in den Niederlanden und jedes Jahr dort etwa 2 Monate verbringe).

Ganz herzlichen Dank für Ihre wunderbare Arbeit !


Beste Meneer Coenders,

med groote plezier heb ik naar Uw Librivox-opname van “Willem Tell” van Pieter Lowerse geluisterd. Ik ben een Zwitser, maar ik heb nog
nooit so veele details gehoord van deze geschiedenis …
Nu ben ik aan het eind van de tweede deel van de verhaalen uit “Duizend en één Nacht”, en ik ga door tot de eind van de vierde deel.
Achteraan ga ik verder med “De Ellendigen” van Victor Hugo.

Uw heeft een heel aangenaame stem en een ideale snellheid van spreken voor mij. Ik wil Nederlands leeren te spreken en te verstaan
omdat ik daar (in Tholen) een boot heb liggen. Dus ben ik iedere jaar voor twee maanden in Uw mooi land.

Hartelijk bedankt voor Uw fantastisch werk !


All of Marcel's recordings!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for chere (Chere Theriot) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Dear Chere,

I v much enjoyed listening to Anthem!

Thank you!


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Mermaid (Mil Nicholson) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
I have recently listened to your narration of Charles Dickens's Dombey and Son, which I greatly enjoyed in no insignificant part due to your superb narration. I am now going to listen to some more of your narrations of others of Dickens's works, I should start Barnaby Rudge tomorrow. Thank you kindly for volunteering your talents :)

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for gloriana (Elizabeth Klett) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
I have recently enjoyed your narration of The House of Mirth and wanted to thank you for so expertly taking me through the life (and death) of Lily Bart. I have found a new favorite book in no small part thanks to you :)

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for TheVagabond (Tom Denholm) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Dear Sir,
I have just finished listening to “the cloister and the hearth” and thoroughly enjoyed it ,thanks to the quality of your reading. You managed to bring the characters to life and did a brilliant job with the quotations in French , German , Latin … Thank you so much for the time you have undoubtedly spent recording the whole thing.
D. ( France)

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for simonevers (Simon Evers) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Just wanted to thank you for your wonderful contribution to such a worthwhile project. I listen when I can't sleep and you have a very soothing, calm voice that keeps me engaged but never agitated or over alert. Perfect for an insomniac. Long Trollope stories are my favourite, and I believe in one reading I could hear seagulls in the background. Delightful.


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for johng (John Greenman) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
John Greenman,
Your reading of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was so excellent! I had never read it as a kid and your telling was a great way to hear it for the first time. Your voices for the characters were impeccable and consistent and you capture the satire of Twain's narration so well. Thank you so much for the time you took to do it and for doing it so well.


All of John's recordings!

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Post by icequeen »

Praises received for Pleonic (J A Carter) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Just a major thank you to J A Carter, especially for his narration of Chesterton’s Orthodoxy. It’s so apparent by his intonation and stresses that he really *gets* Chesterton, and as someone who was new to Chesterton at the time I first listened to his reading of the book, I deeply appreciated it. He’s free to email me if he wishes (I’m now a professor of literature at a Catholic college). –Stephen

All of J A's recordings!

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