Prooflistening Template and FAQ

All languages: Advertise for proof-listeners or help with editing in ongoing projects.
Posts: 14138
Joined: December 13th, 2005, 4:16 am

Post by Gesine »

Quick link to the Prooflistening Template for those who have done this before:

Proof-listening Tips and Quiz
DPL's: How to Update the Magic Window

Please read the appropriate FAQ before posting.

FAQs for proof-listening:
-- For volunteers who'd like to help with proof-listening (PL)
-- For BCs/soloists who need projects PL'd

FAQ for test recordings

FAQ for editing

links updated 2016-06-17 - krs
Last edited by Gesine on February 5th, 2009, 5:42 am, edited 4 times in total.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination circles the world." Albert Einstein
Posts: 14138
Joined: December 13th, 2005, 4:16 am

Post by Gesine »

FAQ for proof-listeners

How does proof-listening (PL) work?
Whenever there is a project in need of "proof-listening", a thread will be posted in this forum "Listeners & Editors Wanted." Within the thread, sections and links to the files will be included in the first post. Volunteers can pick chapters with which to assist and listen. If the project is very busy, listeners can claim a section for proof listening by posting a reply in the project thread, but this is generally not necessary. When they have finished listening, they post their suggestions (or a note that there are no problems) in the project thread.

How do I get started?
Please read this post to the end; it contains all the information you should need. - When you have done so, go to the forum and look through the post subjects. Find one with 'Listeners Wanted' in the title and click to read the first post. This post comtains the "magic window", the table of sections with information on the text, reader, and recording. If you like the look of the project, pick the sections you are going to PL, then go ahead and listen! - If you don't fancy the project, just look for another one. Always proof-listen from file links posted in the Magic Window, not from links posted in the thread.

For what types of error should I be listening?
There are some standard things that need to be listened for in each section, with possible additions depending on the nature of the text. The first post of each proof-listening thread should include a list of the requirements; if it doesn't, please ask the BC or soloist. By far the most common level of PL required is 'standard PL':
-- Do the intro and disclaimer match the instructions in the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there any long silences or pauses that ought to be edited out? If so, note the time.
-- Are there any repeats, or stumbles that ought to be edited out? If so, note the words and the time.
-- Is there excessive background noise, a constant hiss or buzz that detracts from the reading?
-- Did you need to turn your volume up unusually high to listen to the recording? (Or did you find the recording too loud?)
-- Are the correct closing words used at the end of the recording, as per the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there about 5 seconds of silence at the end of the file?

See other levels of PL further down.

Note to all Prooflisteners: We do not allow computer-generated (synthesized) voices in our recordings. LibriVox recordings must be recorded by volunteers using their own voices. If you PL a section that sounds like it may be computer- generated, please PM the MC for the project for a second opinion before marking the section as PL OK.

For what type of thing should I NOT be listening?
Reading style, speed, pronunciation, or accents. The LibriVox community values a wide variety of reading styles; what one person finds difficult to hear, another person may really enjoy. The interpretation of the reader is not for our proof-listeners to judge. Please also see the LibriVox policy on feedback. If you are unsure about giving feedback on a specific section, contact the book coordinator or a member of the LibriVox admin team privately first.

What should I do if I hear an error?
If you hear something in a recording that you feel may need correcting, please make note of the approximate time in the recording at which it occurs (i.e. 02:45 = MM:SS). Also make note of a few words at the beginning of the section or other note regarding the suggested correction. When you have finished listening to the file, post your notes in the project thread. E.g.:
12:01 Repeat: And they went... and they went into the chamber
15:55 Overlong pause, about 12 seconds

What do the shorthand notations in the thread titles mean?
At the beginning of most thread titles in this forum, you'll see a C, or an IP, or CC.
  • C - All chapters for this project have been recorded and are available for proof-listening. Please give priority to these projects so they can be catalogued.
    IP - This project is In Progress: some but not all chapters for this project have been read.
    CC - Constructive Criticism sought.
    Listeners WANTED - This project does not yet have proof-listeners for all available chapters.
    Listeners FOUND - All available chapters for this project have been claimed for proof-listening.
May I listen to the entire book?
Yes! If you want to commit to listening to the entire project, ask to be the DPL (Dedicated Proof Listener), in the project thread. Please note, this does mean you'll need to keep an eye on the project, so you can download and give feedback on files resonably quickly. If you're unable to do this for whatever reason (if you're away on holiday for a while, for instance, or if your life has just gotten too busy for this) it's NO problem at all, just let the BC (Book Coordinator) know.

Is there a way to tell which projects are looking for a DPL?
The titles of the project threads that have a tilde ~ at the beginning of them do not have a DPL. Tired of sifting through the threads looking for projects to PL? You can see a listing of active projects without an assigned DPL on the the Project Status Table page in our wiki.

May I proof-listen to projects that aren't yet listed in the Listeners Wanted forum?
Yes! You can also volunteer for New Projects as they appear in the Launch Pad forum. Just post directly in the project thread there and ask the BC or soloist if you can be the DPL.

Levels of PL:
Standard Proof-listening
-- Do the intro and disclaimer match the instructions in the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there any long silences or pauses that ought to be edited out? If so, note the time.
-- Are there any repeats, or serious stumbles that ought to be edited out? If so, note the words and the time.
-- Is there excessive background noise, a constant hiss or buzz that detracts from the reading?
-- Did you need to turn your volume up unusually high to listen to the recording? (Or did you find the recording too loud?)
-- Are the correct closing words used at the end of the recording, as per the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there about 5 seconds of silence at the end of the file?

Word Perfect Proof Listening- Proof-listening against the text
-- While listening, follow the online text and note any differences (with the time).
-- Do the intro and disclaimer match the instructions in the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there any long silences or pauses that ought to be edited out? If so, note the time.
-- Are there any repeats, or serious stumbles that ought to be edited out? If so, note the words and the time.
-- Is there excessive background noise, a constant hiss or buzz that detracts from the reading?
-- Did you need to turn your volume up unusually high to listen to the recording? (Or did you find the recording too loud?)
-- Are the correct closing words used at the end of the recording, as per the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there about 5 seconds of silence at the end of the file?

Special proof-listening
-- [The reader specifies what additional checks are required]
-- Do the intro and disclaimer match the instructions in the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there any long silences or pauses that ought to be edited out? If so, note the time.
-- Are there any repeats, or serious stumbles that ought to be edited out? If so, note the words and the time.
-- Is there excessive background noise, a constant hiss or buzz that detracts from the reading?
-- Did you need to turn your volume up unusually high to listen to the recording? (Or did you find the recording too loud?)
-- Are the correct closing words used at the end of the recording, as per the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there about 5 seconds of silence at the end of the file?

Special proof-listening - Dramatic Works
-- Individual roles should be proof-listened against the text as soon as they are submitted. Note any differences (with the time)
-- Has the reader left out any lines? If so, post in the thread to have the lines recorded.
-- Are there any repeats, or serious stumbles that ought to be edited out of particular lines? If so, note the words and the time.
-- Is there excessive background noise, a constant hiss or buzz that detracts from the reading?
-- Did you need to turn your volume up unusually high to listen to the recording? (Or did you find the recording too loud?)
-- Final edited files should be proof-listened against the original source text (not Google docs).
-- Do the intro and disclaimer on final edited files match the instructions in the first post of the project thread?
-- Are the correct closing words used at the end of the recording, as per the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there about 5 seconds of silence at the end of the file?

Proof-listening a translated text
-- Please check against the online text several times per section, to make sure the specified translation has been used. (Some translations, even of the oldest books, are still in copyright.)
-- Do the intro and disclaimer match the instructions in the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there any long silences or pauses that ought to be edited out? If so, note the time.
-- Are there any repeats, or serious stumbles that ought to be edited out? If so, note the words and the time.
-- Is there excessive background noise, a constant hiss or buzz that detracts from the reading?
-- Did you need to turn your volume up unusually high to listen to the recording? (Or did you find the recording too loud?)
-- Are the correct closing words used at the end of the recording, as per the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there about 5 seconds of silence at the end of the file?

Threads that ask for CC - Constructive Criticism
These are typically test recordings posted by new readers. If you have the time, please listen and give constructive feedback in the thread, e.g. on reading pace & style and/or a technical review, background noise, overall volume, etc. Please remember the LibriVox feedback policy.) Please do not offer feedback beyond the level requested.

How can I keep track of the PL for which I signed up?
As a DPL, you have a handy table where you can see at a glance what sections you need to PL.

- Go to your reader catalog page (search yourself on the home page or click on your name link in any magic window in which you're assigned sections as a reader)
- In the gray box at the top which gives all your reader information, there's a link, "Reader section details." Click on it.
- The Reader View tab shows the sections you're assigned as a reader. The PL View tab shows the sections you're assigned as DPL.

You can bookmark the Reader Section Details page, but you'll have to click the PL View tab when you want to view it.

How are the corrections to PL notes made?
The reader wil make corrections to a file after receiving pl notes and resubmit it to the project. We need to make corrections before the files are cataloged and uploaded to, where our files are hosted. Making changes after this point is a burden on the administrators... trying to keep track of many small changes long after the files are thought to be complete causes too many problems for our crew of volunteers.

I still have questions/comments!
Feel free to post your questions in a new thread in the Suggestions, Comments, News & Discussion forum. We're always trying to improve our systems and ways of doing things.

Check out the PL/DPL tips and quiz in the wiki!
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination circles the world." Albert Einstein
Posts: 14138
Joined: December 13th, 2005, 4:16 am

Post by Gesine »

FAQ for BCs/soloists who need help with PL

How do I post a new project that needs PL?
Please go to the LibriVox wiki and get the Proof-listening template. Follow the instructions on that page about how to adapt the template to your needs.

Advantages of using the PL template:
-- It contains all the information newbie PLers need>

-- Veteran PLers know at a glance where to find pertinent information.

What should I put in the thread subject?
General format: "[Status] - Listeners WANTED: [Title of Project]"

Please follow these abbreviations for status:
C - All chapters for this project have been recorded and are available for proof-listening. We ask PLers to give priority to these projects so they can be catalogued.
IP - This project is In Progress: some but not all chapters for this project have been read.
CC - Constructive Criticism sought (please read this)

Please edit your project thread to toggle between these two as needed:
Listeners WANTED - This project does not yet have proof-listeners for all available chapters.
Listeners FOUND - All available chapters for this project have been claimed for proof-listening.

Example subjects:
"IP - Listeners WANTED: Alice in Wonderland"
"IP - Listeners FOUND: [GERMAN] Das Spukschloss"
"C - Listeners WANTED: Collected Poems of E.A. Poe"

How else can I help PLers?
Please maintain your Magic Window! Indicate clearly which sections still need PL - you can use the drop down menu in the "status" column to indicate that the section is "Ready for PL". Also always put in the notes field the duration of each section.

What levels of PL do I want?
Choose from these. If you need more than Standard, copy the relevant section in your PL template.
Standard Proof-listening
-- Do the intro and disclaimer match the instructions in the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there any long silences or pauses that ought to be edited out? If so, note the time.
-- Are there any repeats, or serious stumbles that ought to be edited out? If so, note the words and the time.
-- Is there excessive background noise, a constant hiss or buzz that detracts from the reading?
-- Did you need to turn your volume up unusually high to listen to the recording? (Or did you find the recording too loud?)
-- Are the correct closing words used at the end of the recording, as per the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there about 5 seconds of silence at the end of the file?

Word Perfect Proof Listening- Proof-listening against the text
-- While listening, follow the online text and note any differences (with the time).
-- Do the intro and disclaimer match the instructions in the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there any long silences or pauses that ought to be edited out? If so, note the time.
-- Are there any repeats, or serious stumbles that ought to be edited out? If so, note the words and the time.
-- Is there excessive background noise, a constant hiss or buzz that detracts from the reading?
-- Did you need to turn your volume up unusually high to listen to the recording? (Or did you find the recording too loud?)
-- Are the correct closing words used at the end of the recording, as per the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there about 5 seconds of silence at the end of the file?

Special proof-listening
-- [The reader specifies what additional checks are required]
-- Do the intro and disclaimer match the instructions in the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there any long silences or pauses that ought to be edited out? If so, note the time.
-- Are there any repeats, or serious stumbles that ought to be edited out? If so, note the words and the time.
-- Is there excessive background noise, a constant hiss or buzz that detracts from the reading?
-- Did you need to turn your volume up unusually high to listen to the recording? (Or did you find the recording too loud?)
-- Are the correct closing words used at the end of the recording, as per the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there about 5 seconds of silence at the end of the file?

Proof-listening a translated text
-- Please check against the online text several times per section, to make sure the specified translation has been used. (Some translations, even of the oldest books, are still in copyright.)
-- Do the intro and disclaimer match the instructions in the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there any long silences or pauses that ought to be edited out? If so, note the time.
-- Are there any repeats, or serious stumbles that ought to be edited out? If so, note the words and the time.
-- Is there excessive background noise, a constant hiss or buzz that detracts from the reading?
-- Did you need to turn your volume up unusually high to listen to the recording? (Or did you find the recording too loud?)
-- Are the correct closing words used at the end of the recording, as per the first post of the project thread?
-- Are there about 5 seconds of silence at the end of the file?

What's the advantage of having a DPL (Dedicated Proof-Listener)?
Files get PL'd as soon as they come in. Errors are spotted and can be edited quickly by the reader if need be.

Why is my PL thread locked?
Admins locks PL threads that point PLers to the project thread, just so there can be no mistaking about where to post. If you need to change your post, ask any LibriVox admin.

I found a DPL and no longer need my PL thread!
Great. Please tell an admin to delete the thread from this forum.

Why can't I find people to PL?
It's harder to find PLers for projects that are not in English, that need anything but Standard PL, and that have 'difficult text,' just because all of these require more concentration and/or knowledge. Eventually, though, everything gets PL'd! :)

What if a Proof-Listener makes a comment that I (the reader) don't agree with?
Proof-Listeners are just people, too! They are freely volunteering their time and comments. We ask our listeners to be as objective as possible, but sometimes listeners may make comments about subjective 'quality' or note something as an 'error' that a reader disagrees with.

In a situation like this, the reader should contact either the Book Coordinator or the book's Meta Coordinator via a "private message" and state their concern. The Coordinators will do their best to make sure that such issues are handled fairly and equably.
Last edited by Gesine on February 5th, 2009, 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination circles the world." Albert Einstein
Posts: 14138
Joined: December 13th, 2005, 4:16 am

Post by Gesine »

FAQ for editing

I'd like to help editing!
Just go to any thread with "Editor Wanted" in the subject and read the first post there.

How do I post a file that needs editing help?
Just start a new topic (see below for what to put in the subject). In the first post, put
-- what you need done
-- location and duration of files
-- where you want editors to upload the edited file (which MC folder)
-- what filename you'd like for the edited file
-- where editors should post the link to the file (this thread, or project thread)

What should I put in the thread subject?
General format: "[Status] - Editors WANTED: [Description of edit]"

Please follow these abbreviations for status:
C - All chapters for this project have been recorded and are available for proof-listening. We ask PLers to give priority to these projects so they can be catalogued.
IP - This project is In Progress: some but not all chapters for this project have been read.

Please edit your project thread to toggle between these two as needed:
Editors WANTED - This project does not yet have proof-listeners for all available chapters.
Editors FOUND - All available chapters for this project have been claimed for proof-listening.

Example subjects:
"IP - Editors WANTED: Noise-cleaning for 4 files"
"IP - Editors FOUND: 1 long Spanish file"
"C - Editors WANTED: Amplification and NC"

I need help with editing a whole project
That's fine. Just post the project as described above. Please maintain your Magic Window! Indicate clearly which sections still need PL - you can paste this code in the Notes field to get Editor needed:

Code: Select all

<font color="red"><b>Editor needed</b></font>
Also always put in the notes field the duration of each section.

Make sure you mark in the Magic Window when you've found an editor. Whenever there are no available edits to do, remember to set the subject of your thread to Editors FOUND - you can always change it back when you have more sections to edit.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination circles the world." Albert Einstein