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Two audiobooks have keywords consisting of white space [DONE]

Posted: March 19th, 2024, 5:01 am
by TheBanjo
I have noticed that two audiobooks are associated with keywords that consist of a single invisible character.

One is titled "The Age of Reason". It's the version catalogued on 2009-10-03. It has only a single keyword defined for it, and that keyword probably comprises a single space character.

The other is titled "Een reiziger, die geen handel drijft". It has three keywords defined: "audiobook", "librivox" and a single invisible character, also quite possible a space.

It's hardly a big deal, but it would be nice to have those white space keywords deleted.

Re: Two audiobooks have keywords consisting of white space

Posted: March 19th, 2024, 5:50 am
by TriciaG
I went into those records and cannot see the white space keywords. I went into the keyword box, hit Delete and saved the record. For the Dutch one, I deleted everything in the box and re-entered "LibriVox" and "audiobook". I don't know if it changed anything regarding the white space keyword.

Re: Two audiobooks have keywords consisting of white space [DONE]

Posted: March 19th, 2024, 8:17 am
by TheBanjo
Thanks for trying that. I've got access only to the developer's scrubbed database, not the real thing, so can't tell you whether you've succeeded or not. Thanks for looking into it, though. You've almost certainly fixed the problem, I should think.