Books About UFOs and Life on Other Planets

Suggest and discuss books to read (all languages welcome!)
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Post by flavo5000 »

If you've paid any attention to the monthly Librivox statistics, you'll know that The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects is consistently one of the most listened to books on Librivox on Youtube. People seem to be endlessly fascinated about aliens, so I thought I'd put together a list of all the unrecorded books I've come across on the subject to see if anyone might be interested in recording them since there certainly seems to be a demand for them.

Flying Saucers Farewell George Adamski
George Adamski summarizes and interprets the information from his interplanetary friends, fitting his knowledge into a broad framework of technology and philosophy.

Son of the Sun Orfeo Angelucci
Son of the Sun purports to relate an encounter Angelucci had with a man calling himself 'Adam', prior to the publication of his book The Secret of the Saucers. Adam, a man with only seven months left to live, relates his story of a week he spent with the Alpha Centurians and all that he learned. The story is steeped in allegory and built upon the premise that the only true virtue person can cultivate is a love of learning, and the only true sin sustained ignorance. The book revolves around this premise and is filled with long conversations between Adam and the various more enlightened and less enlightened people of the other star system.

Men of Other Planets Kenneth Heuer
Imaginative speculation of what intelligent life on other planets may be like.

My Saturnian Lover Marla Baxter
The book tells the story of Marla’s youth, her initiation into flying saucer and New Age groups, and her first encounters with “Alyn”

Flying Saucers in the Bible Virginia F. Brasington
In this wonderful period-piece of ufology literature, Brasington takes up topics like the story of the Pillar of Cloud, which guided Moses and the Israelites through the desert.

I Doubted Flying Saucers Stan Layne
Imaginative account of visit to the moon in a sphere using magnetic
lines of force for propulsion and description of civilization, philosophy,
technology, customs, and artifacts there.

The UFO Annual Edited by M. K. Jessup
This is the only complete collection of all the important sightings of flying saucers and other unidentified flying objects throughout the world in 1955, written by the most influential UFO researcher of the 1950s, M.K. Jessup. Soon after writing this book, the controversial Jessup was found dead in Florida under mysterious circumstances.

The Strange Case of M. K. Jessup Edited by Gary Barker
The very first book ever published about the suspicious death of early UFO researcher M.K. Jessup, and his possible relationship to the Philadelphia Experiment.

The Flying Saucers Rolf Telano
During the dawn of the UFO age, three channelers or mediums significantly impacted ufology. Mark Probert, Ralph Holland (Rolf Telano), and Gerald Light (Dr. Kappa). One of the most influential contactees was Ralph Merridette Holland. On August 29, 1899, Holland was born and died on January 26, 1962), also known as Rolf Telano. He was an American contactee (particularly of a Venus Etherian priestess called Borealis Telano), medium, and ufo author. He designed a telepathic transmission device called Project Hermes (Resh-Mem-Heh) device that according to its creator is a "reproduction of an ancient communication instrument" (comparable to Richard Shaver's telaug) that could be used for mental communication with other living beings as well as "entities on other planes, if properly tuned.

The World of Flying Saucers Donald H. Menzel and Lyle G. Boyd
This book examines historical accounts and photographs of UFOs seen over the skies of the USA up to the 1960s. The author has examined a large amount of information and compared accounts with scientific explanations of the same events.

From Outer Space to You Howard Menger
From Outer Space to You, first published in 1959, is an account of encounters with aliens from other planets, alien abduction, space travel, UFOs, and teleportation.

Behind the Flying Saucers Frank Scully
"Are they real--or are they a hoax? Are they a hallucination--or mass hysteria? Are they a secret weapon of our army? Are they enemy missiles from Russia?Are they space ships from Venus? Is it true that little men three feet high were found inside them? These questions and many more that you never dreamed of are answered openly and forthrightly ..."-

Flying Saucers: Fact or Fiction? Max B. Miller
Max Miller edited a UFO magazine, "Saucers," in the 1950s. Flying Saucers was released in 1957 in a magazine format. It has many photographs and is very well written in a balanced manner. Miller held memberships in the British Planetary Society, the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, the Meteoritical Society, Civilian Saucer Intelligence of New Zealand, and the American Rocket Society.

Aids to Identification of Unidentified Flying Objects U.S. Air Force

UFO Warning John Stuart
The strange story of contactee John Stuart

We Want You Michael X.
THIS is the inside story of the Nazi UFO's.

The World Secret of Fatima Michael X.
In "The World Secret of Fatima," the mysterious New Age sage, Michael X, reveals the prophecies that were given at Fatima, one of which was kept secret by the Vatican. Michael X was one of the first Western researchers to discover these forbidden secrets, which only today have become more well known.

Flying Saucers and Three Men Albert K. Bender
In these pages, Bender tells the story of how he was "hushed-up" by the mysterious MIB, and then taken to another planet, Kazik, whose nude, bisexual inhabitants planted strange thoughts in his head, and massaged him with a strange ointment.
Were these MIB and spacemen from outer space, Inner Earth, or agents of some terrestrial government? Why did they have a secret base underneath the ice of the Antarctic?

Alan's Message to the Men of Earth Daniel W. Fry
Ever since the publication of the WHITE Sands INCIDENT we have been besieged by the public for further information from the same source. Finally we have prevailed upon Mr. Fry-who is a very busy man-to make written report of his subsequent contact with ALAN of the extra-terrestrial group. This he has done, and the content of Alan's Message to the People of Earth is so filled with information of vital significance to mankind, and particularly to the people of our time, that we have decided to release it to you just as we have received it, with no attempt to enlarge or embellish it in any way, and with but very little comment from Mr. Fry.
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