[BIBLE] A History of the Israelitish Nation, by Archibald Alexander-ag

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Post by InTheDesert »

A History of the Israelitish Nation, by Archibald Alexander (1772 - 1851)
The importance of the study of History as a branch of knowledge is universally admitted; and of all History, that contained in the Bible is the most ancient, the most authentic, and the most interesting. It gives us information of those events which we can learn no where else, and with which it is most necessary that we should be acquainted. (Summary by Archibald Alexander)
Source text (please read only from this text!): https://archive.org/details/historyofisraelitish00alex

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Post by InTheDesert »

Since Practical Sermons was well received and The Bible History is now full, I'm launching something that combines both and has short sections which people seem to like. I have done my best with the section titles but I'm sure a few typos have slipped through and I welcome corrections.

A DPL is desired (though I will do it if nobody wants to).
Projected total recording length: 1 day, 7 hours

  1. Creation — Garden of Eden — Endowments of Man (1542 words)
  2. Fall of our First Parents, and their Punishment (1542 words)
  3. Cain and Abel (1028 words)
  4. Seth and his Posterity.
  5. Great corruption of Manners, the consequence of intermarriage between the descendants of Seth and those of Cain
  6. The Deluge — The Ark (1028 words)
  7. Noah and his Family leave the Ark (514 words)
  8. The Earth peopled again from the three sons of Noah
  9. Babel — The Confusion of Tongues (1028 words)
  10. Posterity of Shem (514 words)
  11. History of Abraham (1028 words)
  12. Covenant of Circumcision — God visits Abram, and promises him a Son by Sarah — Destruction of Sodom — Escape of Lot (1028 words)
  13. Birth of Isaac — Command to Abraham to sacrifice his Son
  14. Death of Sarah — Purchase of a Burying Place (514 words)
  15. Abraham sends to his kindred for a wife for Isaac — Rebekah is sent — Death of Abraham (514 words)
  16. Esau and Jacob born — Esau deprived of the blessing of the first-born by the fraud of Rebekah and Jacob (1542 words)
  17. Jacob goes to Padan-aram, and is entertained by Laban — He is deceived by Laban, and receives Leah, instead of Rachel, to wife — Rachel also given to him for seven years’ service (514 words)
  18. Jacob's return — Pursued by Laban — Esau comes with a host to meet him, but God turns away his displeasure (2056 words)
  19. Jacob's residence in Canaan — Dinah's misfortune — The Destruction of the Shechemites — Jacob goes to Bethel — Deborah dies — God appears to him at Bethel, when he builds an altar to Jehovah (1028 words)
  20. Reuben's Incest — Death of Isaac — Joseph's Dreams — Jacob's fondness and partiality for Joseph — The envy of his brethren — lie is sold into Egypt (1542 words)
  21. Method taken to conceal the crime from their Father — His Grief— The Midianites sell him to Potiphar — His Temptation and Continence— Is cast into Prison (514 words)
  22. Dream of the Baker and Butler of Pharaoh in the Prison — Joseph's Interpretation — The Fulfilment — Dream of Pharaoh — Joseph sent for to interpret it — His counsel to Pharaoh, and exaltation (1028 words)
  23. Joseph's Administration. — The arrival of his Brothers — His treatment of them — He retains Simeon and sends for Benjamin (1028 words)
  24. Their money returned — Jacob refuses to let Benjamin go — But the famine presses, and he at length consents — Joseph, after bringing his brothers into trouble, makes himself known, and sends for his Father (2056 words)
  25. Jacob, after asking counsel of God, goes down to Egypt to his son (514 words)
  26. Jacob's interview with Pharaoh — Pressure of the Famine — Joseph's policy
  27. Jacob resides in Egypt seventeen years — His end draws nigh — His interview with Joseph, and benediction on his Sons
  28. Jacob's dying Prophecy respecting his Sons — His Decease (1028 words)
  29. Jacob is buried according to his request in Canaan — Mourning on account of the Patriarch
  30. Joseph's brethren suspicious of his friendship — Character of Joseph — Length of his Life — His injunction respecting his bones — His decease (514 words)
  31. The continuance of the Hebrews in the Land of Egypt—The cruel edicts of the Egyptians against the male Hebrew children—The birth, concealment, exposure, and adoption of Moses—Miserable bondage of the Hebrews—Moses kills an Egyptian, and flies to Arabia, where he enters into the family of Jethro, priest of Midian, whose daughter he marries (2570 words)
  32. Moses sojourns in Midian forty years—Receives his commission from God to go and deliver the People of Israel from their cruel bondage—The strong reluctance of Moses overcome—He is empowered to work Miracles—Aaron is associated with him in the Commission (1028 words)
  33. Moses takes leave of Jethro—Circumcision—Aaron, his brother, joins him, and receives a full account of the Message of Jehovah—They go to the Hebrews first, and then appear before Pharaoh, and exhibit the miracles which they were directed to perform—Pharaoh’s heart is hardened and the condition of the People is more wretched— God promises deliverance (1028 words)
  34. Aaron’s Rod becomes a Serpent—The Magicians of Pharaoh imitate the Miracle—Moses and Aaron turn the water into Blood—This also imitated by the Magicians—The Miracle of the Frogs—This also imitated by the Magicians—The Dust converted into Lice—Magicians confounded (514 words)
  35. The Miracle of Divers kinds of Flies—The Murrain—The Hail —Pharaoh affrighted by the Thunder which accompanied the Hail—But his heart remains obdurate—The Plague of the Locusts—Of the miraculous Darkness (1028 words)
  36. Institution of the Passover—The destruction of the first-born of all the Egyptians—The Exodus (514 words)
  37. Number of the Peeple—Time of sojourning—Change of the commencement of the Year—Redemption of the first-born—The way which they were led—Joseph’s bones—Succoth—Pillar of Fire and Cloud
  38. Pharaoh pursues the Israelites, and overtakes them at the edge of the Red Sea—Alarm of the People—Promise of Deliverance—The Sea divided by the Rod of Moses (514 words)
  39. Israel in the Wilderness—Want of Water—Marah—Elim—Want of Food—Manna promised—Sabbath—Quails—Description of the Manna—Regulations for collecting it—Pot of Manna to be laid up for a Memorial (514 words)
  40. Rebellion of the People at Rephidim for want of Water—The Rock smitten—The People assailed by the Amalekites—Joshua defeats them (514 words)
  41. Jethro’s visit to Moses—His wise counsel—Institution of Officers--Jethro returns home (514 words)
  42. Moses called up into the Mount—Communicates the words of Jehovah to the People—Tremendous exhibition on Mount Sinai—The Ten Commandments uttered in a voice of Thunder—Various other Laws (514 words)
  43. Laws respecting Murder—Lax Talionis—Mischief by an Ox—Opening a Pit—Penalty for stealing an Ox or a Sheep—The killing of a Thief—Goods in Trust—Animals borrowed—Seduction—Idolaters—Witches (514 words)
  44. Provision for the Poor, the Stranger, Widow, and Orphan—Loans to a Brother—Pledges—Speaking evil of Rulers—First-fruits— Animals torn by Wild Beasts—Slander Forbidden—Duties to Enemies—Sabbatical Year—Annual Festivals—The Passover—Feast of Tabernacles—And Feast of Harvest of Pentecost—Leaven forbidden in the Sacrifices—Other Laws (514 words)
  45. The Angel of God promised to go before the People
  46. Moses, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu called into the Mount—Glorious appearance of God—Tables of the Law (514 words)
  47. Offerings for the Tabernacle—Pattern—Curtains—Altar—Laver—Holy, and Most Holy Place, and their furniture
  48. Designation of Aaron and his Sons to the Priest’s office—Sacerdotal Garments—Materials offered freely—Wisdom given to execute the work—Amount of Gold and Silver contributed—Whence obtained (514 words)
  49. Erection of the Tabernacle—Laws respecting Sacrifices and Offerings—Siu-offerings—Unbloody Sacrifices—Drink-offerings—Flour-offerings (514 words)
  50. Consecration of the Priests and Levites—Holy Fire (514 words)
  51. The Sin and fearful Punishment of Aaron’s eldest Sons
  52. Clean and unclean animals—Leprosy, laws respecting it
  53. Laws of Purity and Health (514 words)
  54. The Vow of the Nazarite
  55. Great Day of Atonement
  56. Laws respecting the Priests and Levites—Sacerdotal Benediction (514 words)
  57. Laws respecting Incest
  58. Miscellaneous Laws
  59. Daily Service of the Tabernacle
  60. Tables of the Law (514 words)
  61. Departure from Mount Sinai—Order of march
  62. Moses’ Invitation to Hobab
  63. The People rebel against Moses—A Burning sent among them—The Lord puts his Spirit on the Elders (514 words)
  64. New Troubles arise from an unexpected quarter (514 words)
  65. Men sent to explore the Promised Land (514 words)
  66. The Peeple rebel against Moses again—God’s Displeasure— Declares with an oath that none but Caleb and Joshua of all that generation should ever possess the Promised Land (514 words)
  67. The Rebellion of Korah, Dathan, Abiram and On, with two hundred and fifty Princes of the Congregation (1028 words)
  68. Second murmuring on account of the want of Water
  69. Message to the King of Edom—Death of Aaron
  70. Fiery Serpents infest the People on account of their rebellion (514 words)
  71. Balak sends for Balaam to curse Israel (514 words)
  72. Balaam blesses Israel (1028 words)
  73. Seduction of the Israelites by the Daughters of Moab
  74. Punishment of the Israelites
  75. Second Census of the Peeple (514 words)
  76. Overthrow of the Midianites
  77. The tribes of Reuben and Gad ask permission to take their inheritance on the East of Jordan—Also the half tribe of Manasseh —Their request is granted
  78. A retrospect of the journeyings of Israel in the wilderness (514 words)
  79. Deuteronomy, or recapitulation of the Law (1028 words)
  80. The Law to be inscribed on plastered stones—The blessings from Mount Gerizim, and curses from Mount Ebal (1028 words)
  81. A Prophecy of the Destruction of Jerusalem, and Captivity of the Jews
  82. Covenant of Horeb renewed in the Plains of Moab
  83. Valedictory of Moses concluded (514 words)
  84. Inauguration of Joshua, and blessing of the Twelve Tribes (514 words)
  85. Death of Moses (514 words)
  86. Entrance of the Host of Israel into the Promised Land under the conduct of Joshua, the successor of Moses (2570 words)
  87. The Passage of the Israelites over the River Jordan (514 words)
  88. Circumcision of the Israelites at Gilgal — The Passover is observed — The Manna ceases — The Captain of the Host of the Lord appears to Joshua (514 words)
  89. The Conquest of Jericho — The curse denounced by Joshua against the man who should rebuild this city (514 words)
  90. The transgression of Achan — The Attack upon Ai, and the defeat of the Israelites — Joshua's Distress — The Lord's communication to him — Achan detected and punished with all his House — Righteousness of God in this transaction (1542 words)
  91. Ai again assaulted and taken by stratagem, and utterly destroyed — Joshua erects an Altar in Ebal and offers Sacrifices — Writes a Copy of the Law on Stones — From Mount Gerizim and Ebal pronounces the Blessings and the Curses (514 words)
  92. The Gibeonites deceive Joshua and the Princes, and obtain from them an oath that they should not be destroyed — The People would have had them to violate their engagement and destroy this People who had imposed on them — Joshua considers the oath obligatory — The general subject of the Obligation of Vows (514 words)
  93. Powerful combination of the Kings of Canaan to destroy the Gibeonites — Joshua is made acquainted with their danger, and hastens to their relief— Combined Kings defeated — Wonderful miracle of the Sun standing still — The execution of five Kings (1028 words)
  94. A new combination under Jabin — Joshua defeats him, and takes Hazor, his capitol — Conquest of the whole hill-country — Parts unconquered (514 words)
  95. Joshua divides the Land among the nine and a half Tribes — Caleb's Speech and Portion — Othniel conquers Kirjath-zepher, and receives Caleb's daughter Achsah as his reward — Lot of Judah — Of Ephraim — Half Tribe of Manasseh— The case of Zelophehad — Children of Joseph complain of the narrowness of their limits (1542 words)
  96. Shiloh the residence of the Ark — Seven tribes yet destitute of an inheritance — The lots of Benjamin — Of Simeon — Of Zebulon — Of Issachar — Of Asher — Of Naphtali — Of Dan — Joshua's inheritance (514 words)
  97. Cities of Refuge appointed — Cities for the Levites — Suburbs to the Cities also granted (514 words)
  98. The armed men of the two and a half Tribes have leave to return — Joshua's testimony and exhortation — They build an altar near Jordan — Impression of this event on Israel — Their deputation and solemn message — Their satisfactory answer — The People rejoiced at the successful issue (514 words)
  99. Prosperous condition of Israel — Joshua's solemn address to the Elders and People — His Valedictory — His proposal that they should now choose whom they would serve — Decease of Joshua and Eleazar (1542 words)
  100. Judah and Simeon directed to attack the Canaanites — Though successful they could not expel the Canaanites from every part of their Jot — Benjamin not able to expel the Jebusites — Manasseh very unsuccessful in reclaiming their Possession — Solemn message of the Angel of God — Character of the generation who first possessed Canaan — The People forsake God after the decease of this generation — God raises up Judges — When the Judges were dead they again grievously provoked God to anger (1028 words)
  101. Othniel delivers Israel — Ehud delivers them from Moab, and slays ten thousand Men
  102. Shamgar — Deborah judges Israel — Barak associated with her — The Tribes summoned to the help of the Lord against Jabin — Sisera defeated — His death by the hand of Jael — Song of Deborah and Barak (1542 words)
  103. Midian oppresses Israel — A nameless Prophet is sent with a message from God to Israel — The Angel of the Lord appears to Gideon, who sacrifices a kid to Jehovah, and the Angel, after delivering his message, ascends in the flame — Gideon throws down the altar of Baal by Divine direction — Joash, Gideon's father, refuses to give him up — A great host gathered against Israel — Gideon collects the People — Asks for a two-fold sign, which is granted (1028 words)
  104. Gideon collects his Forces — A mere handful in comparison of Midian, yet the Lord tells him there are too many — All are dismissed except three hundred — Gideon goes to the Midianitish host, and hears a dream which encourages him — The enemy are thrown into confusion, and slay one another — Two Princes of the Midianites are taken, Orel) and Zeeb — Their heads cut off (514 words)
  105. The Men of Ephraim complain of Gideon — The conduct of the Men of Succoth and Penuel — Zebah and Zalmunna, Kings of Midian, taken and slain — The People wish to make Gideon their permanent and hereditary ruler — He refuses — His idolatry — Midian subdued — The People enjoy a long repose (514 words)
  106. Ambition of Abimelech the son of Gideon — His cruelty — The Parable of Jotham — Transactions at Shechem — Contest of Gaal and Zebul — Abimelech suddenly comes and smites Gaal and his party — Abimelech killed by a Woman (1542 words)
  107. Tola judges Israel for Twenty Years — Is succeeded by Jair — The Israelites decline to Idolatry — Fall under the dominion of Ammon — A reformation commenced — Jephthah called to lead the army (514 words)
  108. Jephthah attempts to settle the dispute by negotiation — Claims of the King of Ammon — Jephthah's just view of the whole subject in his able answer (514 words)
  109. Jephthah's vow — His Daughter comes out to meet her Father — His distress — Her piety and submission — An inquiry whether Jephthah actually put his daughter to death — Lamentations for her by the daughters of Israel (1028 words)
  110. Ingratitude of the People towards Jephthah — His vindication of himself and brethren — The Men of Ephraim smitten at the lords of Jordan — Detected by their pronunciation of a word — Jephthah dies, after a government of only six years
  111. Ibzan of Beth-lehem — Nature of the Theocracy — Elon of Zebulon next judges Israel — Abdon of Ephraim — Great increase of population and the number in their armies (514 words)
  112. An Angel appears to the wife of Manoah — And again to her and her husband — Samson is born — A Nazarite from the womb — Israel under the yoke of the Philistines — Samson seeks a wife of this race at Timnath — Slays a lion on his way to visit her — His Marriage — His Riddle — Its meaning discovered by his Wife — His method of paying the forfeit — His Wife given to another (1028 words)
  113. Samson, not knowing what was done, comes to visit his Wife — Her younger sister is offered by the father — Samson declines all further connexion, and sets the grain of the Philistines on fire — Slays a thousand men in Lehi — A miraculous fountain opened in this place (514 words)
  114. Moral character of Samson — His love of Delilah — By tampering with her the Philistines learn wherein his great strength consisted— His head shorn and his eyes put out — Is put into the prison at Gaza and kept at hard labour (1028 words)
  115. Origin of idolatry in Israel in the house of Micah — The Danites send spies to seek a new habitation — Sis hundred men are sent out to seize a country visited by the spies — They carry off Micah's goes and the priest who officiated — These idols they set up and worshipped for a long time (514 words)
  116. History of the Levite and his concubine, and the war against Benjamin (1028 words)
  117. The Tribe of Benjamin refuse to give up the guilty perpetrators of the enormous wickedness — They defeat the other tribes with great slaughter in two successive battles — On the third day the men of Israel placed an ambush, and drew the men of Benjamin from Gibeon, by a pretended flight — The Tribe nearly extinguished — The Israelites repent of their exterminating severity (1028 words)
  118. Jabesh-Gilead severely punished for refusing aid — The young virgins of this place only preserved, for wives to the surviving Benjamites — The daughters of Shiloh seized and carried off for the same purpose (514 words)
  119. History of Ruth, and Naomi her mother-in-law (1542 words)
  120. Boaz marries Ruth — her son Obed was the father of Jesse, the father of David (2056 words)
  121. Birth of Samuel (514 words)
  122. Hannah's Divine Song
  123. Samuel is left at Shiloh — Eli's sons— God's message to Eli, by a nameless Prophet (1028 words)
  124. Jehovah speaks to the child Samuel, and reveals his purpose in regard to Eli's family — Eli's humble submission (514 words)
  125. The Israelites defeated by the Philistines — The two sons of Eli slain, and the Ark taken — The intelligence overcomes Eli, who falls back and breaks his neck — The wife of Phinehas also expires (514 words)
  126. The Ark carried to Ashdod and placed by Dagon— This idol falls on the floor, and is mutilated — The Philistines, afflicted with disease and mice, send back the Ark (1028 words)
  127. Samuel judges Israel — Appoints a day of public prayer at Mizpeh — Defeats the Philistines at Ebenezer (1028 words)
  128. Samuel in his old age associates his sons as judges with himself—Their bad character — The people demand a king — Samuel is displeased — But God directs him to comply, but to explain the nature of kingly government — By insisting on a king they rejected not Samuel, but God — The tendency of power to abuse (1028 words)
  129. Saul's election as King — His victory over Nahash and the renewed confirmation of his kingdom — Samuel's charge — Saul's first offence — Jonathan's exploit and defeat of the Philistines — Saul sent to destroy the Amalekites — His second offence, and rejection from the kingdom (3598 words)
  130. Anointing of David — His introduction to Saul — His battle with Goliath, and victory over the Philistines — The friendship of David and Jonathan — David's escape from Saul's anger, and his marriage — Saul threatens his life — David's flight to Samuel — His return to Jonathan, and final parting (3084 words)
  131. David's flight and first sojourn with the Philistines — He comes to the cave Adullam — Saul kills the priests — David delivers Keilah and is hunted by Saul — He spares Saul's life — Death of Samuel — David's adventure with Nabal — He spares Saul's life a second time — His second flight to the Philistines (3084 words)
  132. David's wars at Ziklag — Saul's interview with the Sorceress at Endor — His death at Gilboa, and the lamentation of David (1542 words)
  133. David made King at Hebron — The civil war between David and Abner, or Ish-bosheth the son of Saul — Abner's revolt and death — The murder of Ish-bosheth (1028 words)
  134. David made King over all Israel — He captures Jerusalem — Defeats the Philistines — The Ark brought to Jerusalem — David commanded not to build the Temple (2570 words)
  135. David's wars — The organization of the army — David's kindness to Mephibosheth — The war with the Ammonites (2056 words)
  136. David's sin in the affair of Bath-Sheba and Uriah — His domestic afflictions — Absalom's rebellion — David's restoration to the kingdom — Insurrection of Sheba (6682 words)
  137. Famine of Three Years — War with the Philistines — The Pestilence— The preparation for the Temple — Solomon made King — David's charge to the People and Solomon — David's death (4112 words)
  138. Solomon King — His sacrifice at Gibeon — Death of Adonijah and Joab — Solomon prepares to build the Temple — The Treaty with Tyre and Egypt (1542 words)
  139. The temple, its furniture, the Dedication — God appears a second time to Solomon (3084 words)
  140. Solomon's other buildings — The source of his wealth — Solomon's offence, the troubles of his latter days — His death (2056 words)
  141. Division of the kingdom — Rehoboam's reign and death — Jeroboam, the contemporary of Rehoboam and Abijam (3084 words)
  142. The' good reign of Asa — Contemporary kings of Israel — Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, (Omri and Tibni,) Omri alone, Ahab (2056 words)
  143. Ahab's reign continued — History of Elijah the Prophet — Ahab's war with Benhadad — The sin of Ahab — The reign of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah — The defeat of Rameth — Jehoshaphat's civil government— His commerce — His war with Moab and Ammon (4626 words)
  144. Ahaziah's reign — History of Elisha, and the reign of Jehoram — Naaman the leper — The Siege of Samaria and its miraculous deliverance— The anointing of Jehu and Hazael — The reign of Jehoram and Ahaziah king of Judah (4626 words)
  145. Jehu's conspiracy —and reign — Athalia usurps the throne of Judah — Joash the king of Judah — Joash king of Israel — The history of Amaziah and Jeroboam (II.) — The reigns of Uzziah and Jotham — The conspiracy against Zechariah king of Israel — The Civil War under Menahem, and the invasion from Assyria (3598 words)
  146. The reign of Ahaz — The fall of Samaria, and destruction of the kingdom of Israel — The good reign of Hezekiah — Manasseh reigns wickedly — The reign of Amon (3598 words)
  147. Josiah's reign — The finding of the copy of the Law — Josiah's reformation — Jehoahaz and Jehoiakim — The first removal of the people to Babylon — Jehoiakim — The second removal to Babylon — Zedekiah, the last king of Judah — The capture of Jerusalem (2056 words)
  148. Some account of the Jews in their captivity (514 words)
  149. From the edict of Cyrus, permitting their return to their own land, to the finishing of the Second Temple (3598 words)
  150. From the completion of the building of the Temple, to the Mission of Nehemiah (4626 words)
  151. From the arrival of Nehemiah to the invasion of Asia by Alexander the Great (6168 words)
  152. Reign of Alexander the Great — Invasion of Asia by Alexander — Conquest of the Persian empire — Siege and Capture of Tyre — Alexander's visit to Jerusalem — Is met by Jaddua and the other Priests — His strange behaviour — His kind treatment of the Jews — Conduct towards the Samaritans — Death of Darius — Invasion of India — Voyage of Nearchus — Capricious and violent character of Alexander — His death (2570 words)
  153. From the time of the immediate successors of Alexander the Great, to the death of Onias the High-Priest (2056 words)
  154. The accession of Simon the Just — Megasthenes, Historian of India— Building of Seleucia — Destruction and Desolation of Babylon — Death of Simon (1542 words)
  155. Retrospect of the succession of Kings and High-Priests who had authority over Judea, until the death of Simon the Just — Simon succeeded by Eleazar in the Priesthood — By Antigonus as President of the Sanhedrim — Mishnical Doctors — Sanhedrim — How conducted — Changes in the Jewish worship (514 words)
  156. The reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus — Tower of Pharos — Septuagint Version — Library of Alexandria (2570 words)
  157. Origin of the Sadducees — Berosus, the Chaldean Historian — Riches and Commerce of Tyre — Alexandria — Arsinoe, her death and monument— Character of Ptolemy (1028 words)
  158. Ptolemy Euergetes — Berenice — Prophecies fulfilled — The Arundelian Marbles (514 words)
  159. Ptolemy Euergetes an encourager of Learning — Seleucus defeated and taken prisoner — Origin of the Kingdom of the Parthians — Remarkable history of Joseph — Great earthquake in the East (1542 words)
  160. Accession of Ptolemy Philopater to the throne of Egypt — His contest with Antiochus — His cruelty — Visits Jerusalem and attempts to enter the Sanctuary — Resolves to exterminate the Jews — Their providential deliverance — He dies and leaves the Kingdom to his son Ptolemy Epiphanes, only five years of age — Antiochus endeavours to conquer Egypt — Engages in war with the Romans — Marches an army to the East, to collect Tribute — Robs the Temple of Belus of its treasures but is slain by the enraged populace — Remarkable story of Joseph and his son Hyrcanus (4112 words)
  161. Judea falls under the power of Antiochus — Predictions respecting Seleucus — Good character of Onias the High-Priest — Jason's wicked conduct — And the more wicked of Meneiaus — Death of Onias — Robbery of the Temple by Lysimachus — Strange sights seen at Jerusalem — Temple desecrated by Antiochus — Wretched end of Meneiaus — Antiochus invades Egypt, but is met by an embassy from Rome — Dreadful persecution of the Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes (3084 words)
  162. Asmonean family of Modin — Constancy of Mattathias — He and his friends take refuge in the Mountains — Martyrdom of Eleazar — Of the Mother and her Seven Sons — Assidcans — Antiochus aims to destroy all copies of the Law — Death of Mattathias — Judas Maccabeus — Books of the Maccabees — Victories of Judas — Antiochus resolves to destroy the whole Jewish Nation — Wonderful success of Judas — Occupies Jerusalem— Cleanses and dedicates anew the Temple — Prophecies respecting Antiochus Epiphanes (5140 words)
  163. History of Judas continued — Distressing condition of the Jews — Death of Eleazar, brother of Judas — Death of Antiochus — Miserable end of Meneiaus — Civil War between the two brothers in Egypt — Interposition of the Romans — Demetrius succeeds Antiochus — Alcimus appointed High-Priest — The quarrel of the two brothers, Ptolemy Philometor and Ptolemy Physcon, brought before the Roman Senate and decided (2570 words)
  164. The War renewed — Suicide of Razis — Victory of Judas and death of Nicanor — Bacchides is sent to succeed Nicanor — Death of Judas — Dreadful state of the Jews — Jonathan and Simon, brothers of Judas, make a successful stand — Death ofAlcimus — the Jews enjoy rest for two years — War between the two Ptolemies renewed — Demetrius abandons himself to dissipation — An impostor arises to claim his crown — Both court the aid of Jonathan — Jonathan assumes the office of High-Priest — Alexander Balas obtains the throne of Syria (2056 words)
  165. Onias obtain the favour of the King and Queen of Egypt — Builds there a temple similar to that at Jerusalem — Contentions between the Jews and Samaritans about the place of worship — Hipparchus the Astronomer — War between Alexander the Impostor and Demetrius — The former forsaken by his father-in-law is overthrown and slain (1028 words)
  166. Carthage and Corinth destroyed in the same year — History of Polybitis — Cleopatra marries Physcon, who murders her son by her former husband — Syria in a disturbed state — Tyrannical conduct of Demetrius — Tryphon conspires against him and overcomes him — Theos is made King, who grants great privileges to Jonathan and Simon (514 words)
  167. Jonathan renews his league with the Romans and Lacedemonians— He and Simon call a Great Council of the Nation — Tryphon treacherously murders Jonathan — Simon succeeds him — Erects a famous Monument for his brothers — Demolishes the strong fortress at Jerusalem— Demetrius goes against the Parthians, and falls into their Hands — His life is spared by Mithridates, who gives him his daughter in marriage — Cleopatra marries Antiochus Sidetes, who invades Syria, and overcomes and slays Tryphon — Simon sends an embassy to Rome to obtain their confirmation of his authority — Antiochus seeks the destruction of Simon — Beastly character of Ptolemy Physcon and Attalus — Simon treacherously murdered at Jericho (2056 words)
  168. Antiochus invades Judea — Besieges Hyrcanus in Jerusalem — Terms of Peace — Family of Josephus — Book of Ecclesiasticus — Antiochus Sidetes marches an army into the East, where he is attacked and slain by Phraates — Hyrcanus seizes the opportunity of delivering his country from subjection to the Syrian yoke — Demetrius restored to his Throne — Invades Egypt — Is called back by a revolt at Antioch — Ptolemy raises up a youth who pretends to be the son of Alexander Balas — He raises an army and defeats Demetrius, who is slain at Tyre — Alexander Zebina reigns over Syria — Vast swarm of Locusts — Zebina defeated and put to death (2056 words)
  169. Remarkable season — Cleopatra dies by a potion prepared for her Son — Disturbances in Syria — John Hyrcanus goes on prosperously — Is opposed by the Pharisees — Origin of this Hyrcanus joins the Sadducees — His death — The Castle of Baris (514 words)
  170. Hyrcanus succeeded by Aristobulus, his son, who forces the Itureans to embrace the Jewish religion, as his father had the Idumeans — Slays his brother Antigonus, but repents and dies in great agony — Story of Judas the Essene — Origin of this Alexander succeeds his brother, Aristobulus — Siege of Ptolemais — Defeat of Alexander by Lathyrus — Civil War — Anna the Prophetess — Death of Alexander Janneus (3598 words)
  171. Alexander bequeaths the kingdom of Judea to Alexandra his wife — counsels her to conciliate the Pharisees — Origin of the family of the Herods — Disputes about the Priesthood — Pompey comes into the East — His head-quarters at Damascus — The quarrel between Aristobulus and Hyrcanus brought before him — Imprudent conduct of Aristobulus — Pompey is received into Jerusalem — Enters the Sanctuary — Places Hyrcanus in the office of High-Priest — Orders the walls of Jerusalem to be demolished — Leaves a garrison in the city, and departs (2570 words)
  172. Octavius Cesar born — Diodorus Siculus — Alexander, son of Aristobulus, escapes from Rome — Seizes several strong places — Gabinius, Governor of Syria — Aristobulus himself escapes from Rome, and raises new disturbances in Judea — Crassus visits Jerusalem and robs the Temple of its treasures — The judgment of God overtakes him — Battle of Pharsalia — Cesar confirms Hyrcanus in the Priesthood —oo (1542 words)
  173. The Julian Year — Death of Cesar — Malichus, his influence and character — Death of Antipater — Battle of Philippi — Antigonus, youngest son of Aristobulus, claims the Kingdom — The Parlhians again cross the Euphrates — Are hired to invade Judea to make Antigonus, son of Aristobulus, King — His adherents are resisted by Herod and Phasael — Civil war within the city of Jerusalem — Flight of Herod and death of Phasael (1028 words)
  174. Herod obtains the favour of Antony, and is solemnly appointed King of Judea — Is successful against his enemies — Antony sends him two legions to reduce Jerusalem, still in the possession of Antigonus — Herod goes to Samosata to meet Antony — Returns to Judea with fresh forces — His brother Joseph slain in an expedition against Jericho — Herod lays siege to Jerusalem — Mariamne the wife of Herod — Jerusalem taken and given up to pillage — Abject spirit of Antigonus (1028 words)
  175. Herod established on the throne of Judea — Destroys the whole Sanhedrim except two — Hillel and Shammai — Their distinguished descendants — Simon — Gamaliel — Judah Hakkadosh — Scholars of Hillel — Chaldee Paraphrases — Their high estimation among the Jews — Jonathan Ben Uzziel and Onkelos (1542 words)
  176. Analeus made High-Priest — Hyrcanus a captive among the Parthians — His desire to return — Alexandra, the mother of Aristobulus and Mariamne his sister, dissatisfied that he was passed over when Ananeius was exalted to be High-Priest — Herod causes Aristobulus to be drowned — Cleopatra visits Jerusalem — Her manners so licentious that even Herod is disgusted — Great earthquake in Judea — Antony entirely defeated at Actium — Herod now seeks to conciliate the favour of the conqueror, and succeeds — Mariamne manifests the utmost hatred of Herod — Herod became furious with jealousy, and put both his uncle Joseph and Mariamne to death — Immediately he was seized with intolerable remorse, and fell sick — Becomes more severe — Is instigated to acts of cruelty by Alexandra and others — Conspiracy against his Life (2056 words)
  177. Divine judgments on the land — Herod erects a stately palace on Mount Zion — Erects another palace on a beautiful hill seven miles from Jerusalem — Aristobulus and Alexander, sons of Mariamne sent to Rome for education — Herod repairs to Mitylene, to visit Agrippa — Augustus himself visits the East — Is waited on by Herod — All accusations against him turn out to his benefit — Undertakes to rebuild the Temple — The work commenced just forty-six years before Christ's first passover (1542 words)
  178. Herod visits his sons at Rome — Attends the Olympic Games on his way — Is received with honour by Augustus — Brings his sons back to Jerusalem — The rebuilding of the Temple is driven on — Imprudent speeches of Herod's sons, Alexander and Aristobulus — Domestic troubles of Herod increase — Becomes more suspicious — The young men, his sons, continue to indulge in rash speeches — Archelaus, king of Cappadocia and father-in-law to Alexander, comes to Jerusalem — Herod's expedition to Arabia — Difierence between him and his sons increases — Augustus recommends a council — Herod accuses his sons, and the judges pronounce sentence of condemnation against them — Herod causes this sentence to be carried into execution at Sebaste, by strangulation (1542 words)
  179. Antipater conspires against the life of his Father — Pheroras displeases his brother by refusing one of his daughters and marrying a maid-servant — He joins the plot of Antipater — The Temple of Janus at Rome closed — The Angel Gabriel sent to Mary at Nazareth — Birth of Jesus Christ at Bethlehem — The registration which called them thither — Luke and Josephus reconciled — Visit of the Magians — Massacre of the Infants — Herod causes his son Antipater to be put to death — Gives orders to slay all the eminent men of the country, that there might be mourning at his own death, which he perceived was near — Death of Herod — His family and descendants — Division of the kingdom among his sonsS2 (2056 words)
  180. Joseph returns from Egypt — Vulgar Era — Archelaus goes to Rome and is deposed — Cyrenius governor of Syria — The Jews resist the taxation by the Romans — Annas appointed High-Priest by the Romans — Death of Augustus (514 words)
  181. Procuratorship of Valerius Gratus — Annas removed from the office of High-Priest and Ishmael substituted — Eleazar, son of Annas, is put in his place, and the next year Gratus removes him, and substitutes Simon son of Cannith — Caiaphas — Gratus recalled and succeeded by Pontius Pilate — Preaching of John the Baptist — Baptism of Christ — Death of John — Public ministry of Christ — Death of Christ — His Resurrection and Ascension — Pilate's account of Christ, sent to the emperor— Pilate removed by Vitellius, Governor of Syria, and sent to Rome, whence he was banished to Gaul — Tiberius dies, and is succeeded by Caius Caligula (1028 words)
  182. Preaching of the Apostles — Martyrdom of Stephen and ensuing persecution — Conversion of Paul — Caiaphas removed from the High Priesthood by Vitellius, and Ananas substituted — Agrippa acquires the supreme power of Judea — Herod Antipas banished to Gaul — Embassy from Alexandria to Rome — Philo Judcus — Caius succeeded by Claudius — Theophilus removed from the priesthood and Simon put in his place — Petronius, Governor of Syria, succeeded by Marsus — Agrippa zealous for the Jewish religion, but severe towards the Christians — Remarkable death of Agrippa — His character and successors (2056 words)
  183. Fadus made Procurator of Judea — Dearth in the reign of Claudius— Proselytes to Judaism — False Messiah — Fadus recalled, and succeeded by Tiberius Alexander — Herod, King of Chalcis, displaced Joseph the son of Camus from the High-Priesthood, and substituted Ananias the son of Nebedeus — Tiberius Alexander recalled, and Cunianus appointed to succeed him — Commotions at Jerusalem — Dispute between the Galileans and Samaritans — Cumanus recalled and Felix appointed Procurator — Tumultuous conduct of the Jews — Death of Claudius — Succeeded by Nero — Anarchical state of Judea during the Procuratorship of Felix — Is succeeded by Festus — Both reside at Cesarea — Festus dies — Is succeeded by Albinus — State of society more and more disordered— Ananus made High-Priest — Cestius Gallus visits Jerusalem (3084 words)
  184. Rome set on fire by Nero — Disturbances at Cesarea — Florus, the Procurator, excites insurrection — His cruelty — The Jews complain to Agrippa — Eleazar, son of the High-Priest, and Master of the Temple, persuades the priests to reject all Pagan sacrifices — Dreadful commotions in Judea, and massacres in the Temple — Cestius Gallus marches an army towards Jerusalem — The Jews assembled at the Feast of Tabernacles, furiously rush on the hostile army, and slay five hundred men — Agrippa interposes — Persuades the Jews to make peace, but in vain — Gallus brings back his army to the gates of Jerusalem — Retires again to Scopas — Is attacked in the defile of an ambuscade, and flies with a few hundred men — Josephus, the historian, appointed to the command of Galilee and Gamala — Nero sends Vespasian to Judea — He first subdues Galilee — Bands of robbers infest the country — The Zealots— Parties in Jerusalem — Cruelties perpetrated (3598 words)
  185. Vespasian's preparations for carrying on the war — State ot parties in Jerusalem — Titus marches his army to Jerusalem and commences the Siege — Great multitudes of people within the walls — External part of the city taken by Titus — Great efforts made to bring the Jews to terms, but in vain — Castle of Antonia demolished — A lady eats her own child in the famine — The Temple is set on fire and destroyed, contrary to the wishes and orders of Titus — The walls thrown down, and the site of the Temple ploughed over — Dreadful infatuation of the Jewish nation — Their restoration clearly predicted (4112 words)
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Post by alg1001 »

I'll MC this for you. The MW is up.
In the mind, or consciousness of the Earth this flower first lay latent as a dream. Perhaps, in her consciousness, it nested as that which in us corresponds to a little thought. -Algernon Blackwood🌱
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Post by InTheDesert »

alg1001 wrote: March 6th, 2024, 4:02 pm Hi,
I'll MC this for you. The MW is up.
Thankyou! The big MW is set up.
Saxby: a tale of old and new England by Emma Leslie 87% 3 left!
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Post by alg1001 »

Over to Readers Wanted. :)
In the mind, or consciousness of the Earth this flower first lay latent as a dream. Perhaps, in her consciousness, it nested as that which in us corresponds to a little thought. -Algernon Blackwood🌱
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Post by mleigh »

If you still need a DPL, I can do it for you.


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Post by InTheDesert »

mleigh wrote: March 7th, 2024, 7:11 am If you still need a DPL, I can do it for you.


Ever appreciated.
Saxby: a tale of old and new England by Emma Leslie 87% 3 left!
Letters to a German Princess Science/Math (Leonhard Euler)
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Post by alg1001 »

M is added as DPL.
Have a lovely day!
In the mind, or consciousness of the Earth this flower first lay latent as a dream. Perhaps, in her consciousness, it nested as that which in us corresponds to a little thought. -Algernon Blackwood🌱
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Post by Adassa »


I would like to claim the first three sections.

Thank you for the opportunity!
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Post by InTheDesert »

Adassa wrote: March 12th, 2024, 11:00 pm Hello,

I would like to claim the first three sections.

Thank you for the opportunity!
Welcome to Librivox (again), Adassa!
It would be great to have you record sections 1-3 for this project (History of the Israelitish Nation). It looks like you've just passed your 1 minute test recording which means you are ready to go. Don't forget in all future recordings to make any changes that were suggested when you did the test recording (eg: if you needed to amplify, you'll need to do that for every section you submit).

In order to assign a section to you in the Magic Window (MW) of this project, I've entered you into the database of readers. Your reader page is accessible here and a list of your assigned sections is here (you might want to bookmark it). It's great that you're eager to record but many new users have trouble with their first section so instead of assigning all the sections you requested, I've just done section 1. Once that has been uploaded successfully, I would be more than happy to assign you any other sections you would like.Your claim is confirmed - you have one month to submit section 1. Looking forward to hearing your section and have you help out with this project!

Some common questions that new readers ask:
  • Footnotes: They are optional. You can read all, some or none. An easy way to mark them is to say 'footnote' then read the footnote then say 'end footnote'.
  • Quotes: You can mark these by saying 'quote' then reading the quote and then saying 'end quote'. You can decide whether to say quote at all - sometimes it will be clear from context. I'd suggest saying it if the quotation spans multiple sentences.
  • Non-English phrases: We do have to read them. You could 1) pronounce it however you want 2) post in this thread and ask for someone to record it for you so you can either mimic it or splice it into your own recording 3) try Forvo for individual words or the sound icon on Google Translate for a text to speech version to copy.
  • Roman numerals: Read these as their corresponding number.
  • Abbreviations: You can choose to expand these or not to. You could say 'e.g' or 'for example'.
  • Heading numbering: Sometimes books use roman numerals and digits for two different levels of headings. I think a good solution to this is to say 'first, second' etc. for roman numeral headings (I, II etc.) and 'one, two' etc. for digit headings (1, 2 etc.).
Saxby: a tale of old and new England by Emma Leslie 87% 3 left!
Letters to a German Princess Science/Math (Leonhard Euler)
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Post by Adassa »


I have course corrected based on your suggestion for my one-minute recording and have increased the volume to 89.4 dB, and will adhere to your instructions for the current project.

I will give it a go.

Thanks again for the opportunity.
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Post by ej400 »

I am surprised to see only 1 claim here so far. I would like sections 2-5 to start, please :D
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Post by InTheDesert »

ej400 wrote: March 23rd, 2024, 5:22 pm I am surprised to see only 1 claim here so far. I would like sections 2-5 to start, please :D
Thankyou, Elijah! I too am surprised that interest is low on this one.
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Letters to a German Princess Science/Math (Leonhard Euler)
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Post by Adassa »

Please see below link to my uploaded file.

https://librivox.org/uploads/alg1001/historisraelitishnation_01_alexander_128kb.mp3 (14:22).

Thanks for the opportunity and feedback.
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Post by silverquill »

May I take Sections 179-182

~ Larry
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