[LAW] American State Trials, Volume 4, by John D. Lawson -jo

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Post by InTheDesert »

American State Trials, Volume 4, by John D. Lawson (1852 - 1921)
"A collection of the important and interesting criminal trials which have taken place in the United States from the beginning of our government to the present day". To the general public this series will certainly appeal as the most interesting and instructive work which has been published in this country for many years. The trial of judicial causes has even more charms than biography and history, for it is a drama of real life. We enter the halls of justice, the judges and jurors are before us, the criminal is brought in, we behold him surrounded by an eager and excited populace; the whole scene passing before the mind's eye as a living and moving picture. There is nothing in the Grecian drama that surpasses, in touching pathos, scenes in the trials and prosecutions of these men and women, sometimes innocent and sometimes guilty, but always awaiting with trembling the verdict of the jury which is to send them back to their families and friends or to the scaffold or prison. Here are the poor and ignorant confronted with their accusers but relying upon their advocates; there the rich and powerful surrounded by a host of counsel and braving even the power of the government to convict them. Sometimes the mere report of the evidence in the case and the verdict gives a complete picture of the crime and criminal but in most cases the full dramatic effect cannot be shown in a narrative, but stands out broadly and as vividly as the actual trial when the witnesses, the counsel, the judge and the prisoner are suffered to speak for themselves. in many cases the great points of interest are the eloquent arguments at the bar by the advocates, and in this collection will be included all the great forensic efforts which have been made in trials in all the States by the orators and leaders of the American Bar from the beginning of American Courts down to the present time. When it is considered how prone our people are to litigation, what a vast number of causes are decided every year, how eagerly the public attention is directed to many of them, what an amount of learning and talent are centered in the legal profession, greater perhaps than in any other, how fond American people are of attending courts, and especially the magnitude of many causes that are tried, it is extraordinary that there should not have appeared up to this time in the country a series of American State Trials. (Summary by Introduction)
Source text (please read only from this text!): https://archive.org/details/americanstatetr03lawsgoog

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Genres for the project: *Non-fiction/True Crime; *Non-fiction/Law

Keywords that describe the book: Crime, United States, american, John, webster, Law, grand jury, trials, prisoner, evidence, professor, chief justice, parkman, professor john, john kelly, professor webster, francis burke, major bonnet, thomas lafon, george parkman, charles kelly, trials -- united states, crime -- united states


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"Section # of American State Trials, Volume 4. This is a LibriVox recording. All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer, please visit librivox.org." [Optional: "Read by your name."] "American State Trials, Volume 4, by John D. Lawson. Section Title."
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If you are recording the final section of the book, add:
"End of American State Trials, Volume 4, by John D. Lawson."
Leave 5 seconds of silence at the end.

Filename: americanstatetrials4_##_lawson_128kb.mp3 where ## is the section number. (e.g. americanstatetrials4_01_lawson_128kb.mp3)

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Last edited by InTheDesert on April 28th, 2024, 6:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by InTheDesert »

Here is volume 4 of my most popular BC so far, since volume 3 is full.

I am looking for a DPL.
Projected total recording length: 1 day, 9 hours

  1. Trial of Francis Burke for the manslaughter of Benjamin M. Hazlip, Baltimore, Maryland, 1832 Part 1 (4000 words)
  2. Trial of Francis Burke for the manslaughter of Benjamin M. Hazlip, Baltimore, Maryland, 1832 Part 2 (3200 words)
  3. Trial of Francis Burke for the manslaughter of Benjamin M. Hazlip, Baltimore, Maryland, 1832 Part 3 (4000 words)
  4. Trial of Francis Burke for the manslaughter of Benjamin M. Hazlip, Baltimore, Maryland, 1832 Part 4 (2800 words)
  5. Trial of Francis Burke for the manslaughter of Benjamin M. Hazlip, Baltimore, Maryland, 1832 Part 5 (3200 words)
  6. Trial of Francis Burke for the manslaughter of Benjamin M. Hazlip, Baltimore, Maryland, 1832 Part 6 (7600 words)
  7. Trial of Francis Burke for the manslaughter of Benjamin M. Hazlip, Baltimore, Maryland, 1832 Part 7 (400 words)
  8. Trial of Francis Burke for the manslaughter of Benjamin M. Hazlip, Baltimore, Maryland, 1832 Part 8 (2000 words)
  9. Trial of Francis Burke for the manslaughter of Benjamin M. Hazlip, Baltimore, Maryland, 1832 Part 9 (4000 words)
  10. Trial of Charles Sprague for robbery, Brooklyn, New York, 1849 (1600 words)
  11. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 1 (2800 words)
  12. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 2 (4400 words)
  13. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 3 (4000 words)
  14. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 4 (2800 words)
  15. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 5 (4400 words)
  16. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 6 (2800 words)
  17. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 7 (4000 words)
  18. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 8 (3200 words)
  19. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 9 (4000 words)
  20. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 10 (3200 words)
  21. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 11 (5200 words)
  22. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 12 (2400 words)
  23. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 13 (3600 words)
  24. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 14 (3600 words)
  25. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 15 (4000 words)
  26. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 16 (3200 words)
  27. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 17 (4000 words)
  28. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 18 (3200 words)
  29. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 19 (3600 words)
  30. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 20 (3200 words)
  31. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 21 (4000 words)
  32. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 22 (3200 words)
  33. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 23 (3200 words)
  34. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 24 (3200 words)
  35. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 25 (4400 words)
  36. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 26 (4800 words)
  37. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 27 (2800 words)
  38. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 28 (3600 words)
  39. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 29 (3200 words)
  40. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 30 (4000 words)
  41. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 31 (2800 words)
  42. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 32 (4400 words)
  43. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 33 (4400 words)
  44. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 34 (2800 words)
  45. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 35 (3200 words)
  46. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 36 (4000 words)
  47. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Parkman, Boston, Massachusetts, 1850 Part 37 (800 words)
  48. Trial of Thomas Hoag for bigamy, New York City, 1804 (2800 words)
  49. Trial of Henry B. Allison, and others, for larceny, Richmond, Virginia, 1851 (3200 words)
  50. Trial of Thomas Lafon, Jr., for the killing of Joseph Hebring, Newark, New Jersey, 1869 Part 1 (3200 words)
  51. Trial of Thomas Lafon, Jr., for the killing of Joseph Hebring, Newark, New Jersey, 1869 Part 2 (2800 words)
  52. Trial of Thomas Lafon, Jr., for the killing of Joseph Hebring, Newark, New Jersey, 1869 Part 3 (3200 words)
  53. Trial of Thomas Lafon, Jr., for the killing of Joseph Hebring, Newark, New Jersey, 1869 Part 4 (4000 words)
  54. Trial of Thomas Lafon, Jr., for the killing of Joseph Hebring, Newark, New Jersey, 1869 Part 5 (2400 words)
  55. Trial of Thomas Lafon, Jr., for the killing of Joseph Hebring, Newark, New Jersey, 1869 Part 6 (4000 words)
  56. Trial of Thomas Lafon, Jr., for the killing of Joseph Hebring, Newark, New Jersey, 1869 Part 7 (2400 words)
  57. Trial of Thomas Lafon, Jr., for the killing of Joseph Hebring, Newark, New Jersey, 1869 Part 8 (3600 words)
  58. Trial of James W. Lent for assault and battery, New York City, 1819 (800 words)
  59. Action of John Trevett against John Wheeden for refusing paper money, Rhode Island, 1786 Part 1 (2800 words)
  60. Action of John Trevett against John Wheeden for refusing paper money, Rhode Island, 1786 Part 2 (4000 words)
  61. Action of John Trevett against John Wheeden for refusing paper money, Rhode Island, 1786 Part 3 (2400 words)
  62. Action of John Trevett against John Wheeden for refusing paper money, Rhode Island, 1786 Part 4 (3600 words)
  63. Proceedings of the General Assembly of Rhode Island against the judges of the Supreme Court for their judgment in the case of Trevett against Wheeden, Newport, Rhode Island, 1786 Part 1 (2800 words)
  64. Proceedings of the General Assembly of Rhode Island against the judges of the Supreme Court for their judgment in the case of Trevett against Wheeden, Newport, Rhode Island, 1786 Part 2 (2800 words)
  65. Case of breach of neutrality by citizens of the United States, Richmond, Virginia, 1793 Part 1 (2800 words)
  66. Case of breach of neutrality by citizens of the United States, Richmond, Virginia, 1793 Part 2 (2800 words)
  67. Trial of Gideon Henfield for enlisting in a French privateer, Philadelphia, 1793 Part 1 (2400 words)
  68. Trial of Gideon Henfield for enlisting in a French privateer, Philadelphia, 1793 Part 2 (2800 words)
  69. Trial of Gideon Henfield for enlisting in a French privateer, Philadelphia, 1793 Part 3 (2000 words)
  70. Trial of John Etienne Guinet for fitting out and arming a warship for a belligerent, Philadelphia, 1795 (4400 words)
  71. Trial of James Williamson for assault and battery, New York City, 1819 (800 words)
  72. Trials of Major Stede Bonnet and thirty-three others for piracy, Charleston, South Carolina, 1718 (4000 words)
  73. Trial of Tucker, Robinson, Paterson, Scot and Bayley for piracy, Charleston, South Caroline, 1718 (4000 words)
  74. Trial of Smith, Carman, Thomas, Morrison, Livers, Booth, Hewet and Levit for piracy, Charleston, South Carolina, 1718 (800 words)
  75. Trial of Eddy, Annand, Ross, Dunkin, Nichols, RIdge, King, Perry and Virgin for piracy, Charleston, South Caroline, 1718 (1600 words)
  76. Trial of Robbins, Mullet, Price, Lopez and Long for piracy, Charleston, South Carolina, 1718 (400 words)
  77. Trial of Robinson, Tucker, Scot, Bayley, Paterson, Smith, Carman and Thomas for piracy, South Carolina, 1718 (1600 words)
  78. Trial of Morrison, Livers, Booth, Hewet, Levit, Eddy, Annand, Ross, Dunkin and Nichols for piracy, South Carolina, 1718 (1600 words)
  79. Trial of Brierly, Boyd, Sharp, Clarke, and Gerrard for piracy, South Carolina, 1718 Part 1 (2800 words)
  80. Trial of Brierly, Boyd, Sharp, Clarke, and Gerrard for piracy, South Carolina, 1718 Part 2 (2800 words)
  81. Trial of Major Stede Bonnet for piracy, South Carolina, 1718 Part 1 (2400 words)
  82. Trial of Major Stede Bonnet for piracy, South Carolina, 1718 Part 2 (2000 words)
  83. Trial of John and Sarah Robinson for kidnapping, Boston, Massachusetts, 1837 Part 1 (2000 words)
  84. Trial of John and Sarah Robinson for kidnapping, Boston, Massachusetts, 1837 Part 2 (2400 words)
  85. Trial of John R. Kelly for the murder of David W. Oxford, Dawson, Georgia, 1871 Part 1 (3600 words)
  86. Trial of John R. Kelly for the murder of David W. Oxford, Dawson, Georgia, 1871 Part 2 (3600 words)
  87. Trial of John R. Kelly for the murder of David W. Oxford, Dawson, Georgia, 1871 Part 3 (3200 words)
  88. Trial of John R. Kelly for the murder of David W. Oxford, Dawson, Georgia, 1871 Part 4 (3600 words)
  89. Trial of John R. Kelly for the murder of David W. Oxford, Dawson, Georgia, 1871 Part 5 (4000 words)
  90. Trial of John R. Kelly for the murder of David W. Oxford, Dawson, Georgia, 1871 Part 6 (4400 words)
  91. Trial of John R. Kelly for the murder of David W. Oxford, Dawson, Georgia, 1871 Part 7 (3200 words)
  92. Trial of John R. Kelly for the murder of David W. Oxford, Dawson, Georgia, 1871 Part 8 (3600 words)
  93. Trial of John R. Kelly for the murder of David W. Oxford, Dawson, Georgia, 1871 Part 9 (2800 words)
  94. Trial of John R. Kelly for the murder of David W. Oxford, Dawson, Georgia, 1871 Part 10 (4400 words)
  95. Trial of John R. Kelly for the murder of David W. Oxford, Dawson, Georgia, 1871 Part 11 (4000 words)
  96. Trial of John R. Kelly for the murder of David W. Oxford, Dawson, Georgia, 1871 Part 12 (1600 words)
  97. Trial of Thomas Ward for the killing of Albert Robinson, New York City, 1823 Part 1 (800 words)
  98. Trial of Thomas Ward for the killing of Albert Robinson, New York City, 1823 Part 2 (2000 words)
Show these outofsightoutofmind projects some love this weekend!
Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke Vol. 2
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Post by knotyouraveragejo »

I can MC for you.
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Post by silverquill »

I would like to read Section 47

~ Larry
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Post by InTheDesert »

silverquill wrote: February 24th, 2024, 4:52 pm I would like to read Section 47
All yours!
Show these outofsightoutofmind projects some love this weekend!
Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke Vol. 2
PL pls: 28-40 DPL DPL 17
Posts: 8840
Joined: August 20th, 2019, 8:25 pm

Post by InTheDesert »

knotyouraveragejo wrote: February 24th, 2024, 3:42 pm I can MC for you.
Thanks Jo! The old team back together.
Show these outofsightoutofmind projects some love this weekend!
Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke Vol. 2
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Post by elsieselwyn »

I can DPL for you :)
Elsie :9:
Like Sweden and coming of age stories? Read for Pelle the Conqueror
Like travelogues and Anthony Trollope? Read for The West Indies and the Spanish Main
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Post by InTheDesert »

elsieselwyn wrote: February 25th, 2024, 8:37 am I can DPL for you :)
Show these outofsightoutofmind projects some love this weekend!
Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke Vol. 2
PL pls: 28-40 DPL DPL 17
Posts: 184
Joined: December 1st, 2023, 10:33 am

Post by PeeWeeVO007 »

I would like to start with section 10 if possible.

Posts: 8840
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Post by InTheDesert »

PeeWeeVO007 wrote: February 27th, 2024, 12:28 pm I would like to start with section 10 if possible.

All yours!
Show these outofsightoutofmind projects some love this weekend!
Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke Vol. 2
PL pls: 28-40 DPL DPL 17
Posts: 184
Joined: December 1st, 2023, 10:33 am

Post by PeeWeeVO007 »

I am submitting section 10 for approval with this question: Do you want the bibliography read and where?

duration 12:06


don warren
Posts: 8840
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Post by InTheDesert »

PeeWeeVO007 wrote: February 28th, 2024, 2:24 pm I am submitting section 10 for approval with this question: Do you want the bibliography read and where?

duration 12:06


don warren
The bibliography (like all footnotes) are optional. Some readers in previous volumes have chosen to read them and some have ignored them. Thanks for your reading! It will be PLed soon.
Show these outofsightoutofmind projects some love this weekend!
Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke Vol. 2
PL pls: 28-40 DPL DPL 17
Posts: 3642
Joined: March 28th, 2019, 8:37 pm
Location: Ohio, USA

Post by elsieselwyn »

PeeWeeVO007 wrote: February 28th, 2024, 2:24 pm I am submitting section 10 for approval with this question: Do you want the bibliography read and where?

duration 12:06


don warren
Great job! This section is PL OK :thumbs:

Optional: You have some persistent white noise in the background of the recording. Getting rid of some of it would improve the listening experience for the listener, but is not necessary. :)

You can get rid of the white noise in Audacity using the Noise Cleaning option. You can read more about how to do it here: https://wiki.librivox.org/index.php?title=Noise_Cleaning
Elsie :9:
Like Sweden and coming of age stories? Read for Pelle the Conqueror
Like travelogues and Anthony Trollope? Read for The West Indies and the Spanish Main
Good Words: January 1870: 4 roles left
Shadowland: November 1919: 7 roles left
Posts: 184
Joined: December 1st, 2023, 10:33 am

Post by PeeWeeVO007 »

Ran noise reduction. Please revisit for approval


Posts: 3642
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Post by elsieselwyn »

PeeWeeVO007 wrote: February 29th, 2024, 8:34 am Ran noise reduction. Please revisit for approval


Awesome! It's PL OK now :thumbs:
Elsie :9:
Like Sweden and coming of age stories? Read for Pelle the Conqueror
Like travelogues and Anthony Trollope? Read for The West Indies and the Spanish Main
Good Words: January 1870: 4 roles left
Shadowland: November 1919: 7 roles left
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