FULL[DR, CHILDREN] The Box-Car Children, by Gertrude Chandler Warner (1924) - rap

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Post by norahnelson »

The Box-Car Children, by Gertrude Chandler Warner (1890 - 1979)

Volunteers outside the USA: Gertrude Chandler Warner died in 1979. This person's work may still be protected by copyright in countries where copyright duration is determined by the author's death date. In Europe this is 70 years; in Canada it is 70 years for authors who died after 1971; and in Australia it is 70 years for authors who died after 1955.
This is a story about four children who ran away from home after their parents died. They are trying to hide from their grandfather, and end up finding a box-car to live in. They have many adventures, and they always stay together no matter what.
Even though this version of The Boxcar Children is the very first Boxcar Children book ever written by Gertrude Chandler Warner, the 1942 edition is also a first edition! The 1942 edition had so many details that had been changed, left out, and added, that it went under an entirely new copyright. And so the both the 1924 and 1942 are true first editions of the original Boxcar Children book. The 1950 edition was only slightly different from the 1942 edition, which is why the 1950 copyright is a 2nd edition. (Summary by Norah Nelson)
Color-coded text (please read only from this text!): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b3Qen2zpNnILbTPjA7dmgGJy9dGtWsb-LzIba52waIY/edit?usp=sharing
Source text (please do final PLing using this text!): https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/42796

  • For lead roles please submit your recordings within 2-3 months of placing your claim.
  • For minor roles please submit your recording(s) within 1 month of placing your claim.
If you cannot complete the recording within this time, please post in the thread to relinquish your claim or to ask the BC for an extension. If your recording is not completed by the deadline, your claim may be reassigned at the BC's discretion.

Claiming roles: Look in the Magic Window below for the list of available roles. Post a reply in this thread asking for the role you would like to record. Please, no double-casting for lead roles, but if you'd like to claim more than one minor role that would be great (but do make sure that they don't appear in the same chapter.) I would also like this book to be pretty gender specific, but there are some characters that I will make exceptions with; just check the MW, I will have that information there.

Please note: All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain. When you submit your recording, you will be placing your recording in the public domain as well.

New to recording? Please see our Newbie Guide to Recording for further instructions. A quick guide to our required technical settings can be found here. When you post your file, please tell the BC what name you would like to use in our catalog.

Prooflistening level: Standard
Prospective PLs, please see the Guide for Proof-listeners.

BC: norahnelson
Parts-PL: thecountess, norahnelson
Narrator: JHedrick
Editor: BrianFullen
Final PL: ballethorse

Please don't download or listen to files belonging to projects in process unless you are the BC or PL. Our servers are not set up to handle the greater volume of traffic. Please wait until the project has been completed. Thanks!

Magic Window:

BC Admin
Genres for the project: Children's Fiction/Animals & Nature; Children's Fiction/Family
Keywords that describe the book: runaways; siblings; family

LibriVox recording settings: mono (1 channel), 44100 Hz sample rate, 128 kbps constant bit rate MP3. See the Tech Specs

For individual roles:
Submit one file per chapter. At the beginning of the first file, say:
"Character, read by your name."
(This will be added in the script)

Leave 3-5 seconds of space between your lines (room noise, not generated silence).

For narration/stage directions:
Leave 0.5 to 1 second of silence at the beginning.

"Chapter ## of The Box-Car Children, by Gertrude Chandler Warner. This is a LibriVox recording. All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer, please visit librivox.org."
At the end of each file say:
"End of chapter ##."
If you are recording the final section of the book, add:
"End of The Box-Car Children, by Gertrude Chandler Warner."
Leave 5 seconds of silence at the end.

For individual roles: boxcarchildren_role_##.mp3 where ## is the chapter number. (e.g. boxcarchildren_henry_01.mp3)
For final files: boxcarchildren_##_warner_128kb.mp3 where ## is the chapter number. (e.g. boxcarchildren_01_warner_128kb.mp3)

Upload to the LibriVox Uploader: https://librivox.org/login/uploader
(If you have trouble reading the image above, please contact an admin)

MC to select: Rapunzelina

Copy and paste the file link generated by the uploader into a new post in this thread along with the file duration (mm:ss). Watch this thread for prooflistening notes.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Just post in this thread. :)
Last edited by norahnelson on September 11th, 2024, 2:46 pm, edited 12 times in total.
~Norah Leigh ~
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14

[DR, Children]The Box-Car Children (Full)
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Post by norahnelson »

I have all essential parts filled (except for a MC.)
JHedrick will narrate, I will read Jess, VenusMau25 will read Watch’s Mistress, and Henry and Benny are both claimed as well, but neither of the people recording them have accounts yet.
Thecountess and I will both PL, BrianFullen will Final PL, and I will edit. :)
~Norah Leigh ~
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14

[DR, Children]The Box-Car Children (Full)
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Location: Texas

Post by norahnelson »

Thecountess also requested Mrs. McAllister and Victoria Bell asked for Violet.
~Norah Leigh ~
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14

[DR, Children]The Box-Car Children (Full)
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Post by JHedrick »

Narrator standing by ....
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Post by Bookworm360 »

This is such a great book! Commenting here just to remind me of its existence, so once the MW is up, I can offer assistance.
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Post by norahnelson »

Thank you both!
~Norah Leigh ~
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14

[DR, Children]The Box-Car Children (Full)
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Post by thecountess »

Parts-PL and Mrs. McAllister standing by! 8-)

~ The Countess
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Post by norahnelson »

Thank you! :thumbs:
~Norah Leigh ~
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14

[DR, Children]The Box-Car Children (Full)
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Post by ChuckW »

Can I claim Dr. McAllister?
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Post by norahnelson »

ChuckW wrote: February 14th, 2024, 2:44 pm Can I claim Dr. McAllister?
Of course! :thumbs:
~Norah Leigh ~
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14

[DR, Children]The Box-Car Children (Full)
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Post by Rapunzelina »

Hi Norah Leigh! You are nicely prepared here!
Let me MC, I'll go open the Magic Window!

When you get a chance, maybe write up a rough summary for readers who are not very familiar with the title. Then you can refine it later. :thumbs:
LibriVox Admin Team
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Post by Rapunzelina »

You have a Magic Window! Both TheCountess and Brian have MW access as proof-listeners.
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Post by norahnelson »

Thank you! I've updated the summery, but I'll add in the sections to the MW later, I don't have the time now.
~Norah Leigh ~
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14

[DR, Children]The Box-Car Children (Full)
Posts: 3173
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Location: NE Ohio, USA

Post by JHedrick »

Chapter 2, missed line for Violet: "Not many people pass this way, I guess"
Jim in Ohio

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Post by norahnelson »

JHedrick wrote: February 15th, 2024, 12:46 pm Chapter 2, missed line for Violet: "Not many people pass this way, I guess"
Fixed! :thumbs:
~Norah Leigh ~
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14

[DR, Children]The Box-Car Children (Full)
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