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Individual statistics

Posted: February 11th, 2024, 4:59 pm
by mycatmissesme
Hello, experts:

I don't think there's a way to find out if anyone has listened to one of your readings, is there? Unless it's so brilliant it makes the list in the monthly statistics, of course.

If there is, please point me to it.

If there isn't, is this something that could be introduced without huge expense and effort...?


PS Yes, I know this is a bit vain, but in a harmless way, I think.

Re: Individual statistics

Posted: February 11th, 2024, 5:10 pm
by annise
the short answer is no. Guess it is the long answer too. Unless someone bothers adding a review to another site that hosts our recordings, But they can be "highly intelligent praise" or completely ignorant :D . The stats you talk about are only what happens on 1 youtube channel and although I have no way of proving it I think more people listen on their mobile phones than any other way.
And they often use an app. So often we wouldn't know anything about it, the outside distributors download once and spread it to who knows how many people.

And it's harmless to wish to know, as long as you accept that is not a reason to stop reading - maybe the 1 person who listens has no other way of "reading" the book.

Another Anne

Re: Individual statistics

Posted: February 11th, 2024, 9:57 pm
by Winnifred
These aren't stats, but sometimes there are comments about readings on other sites. I've had them on the YouTube Librivox page, and on the Librivox Audio Books Catalog (search for your name, and then look on the right side of the page for your project). If you're on Facebook, there's a Librivox Readers and Listeners group where you can post notices about your own readings, and might get responses from listeners (I've had a few).

I find these at least as gratifying as statistics (it proves somebody's reading and liking my solos).


Re: Individual statistics

Posted: February 11th, 2024, 11:45 pm
by knotyouraveragejo
Here is a link to the LIbriVox Audiobook Collection at Internet Archive.

In the search box above the table, enter your LV catalog name and click on Search This Collection to bring up the list of projects where you are listed as a reader. This will include both solos and group projects. The symbols under each cover image are for views - favorites - reviews

Take the number of views with a grain of salt - they include all visits to the page and don't accurately represent the number of individual downloads or listeners.

The LibriVox Audio Books Catalog is associated with the app that a lot of listeners use. I generally find there are more reviews there than on the archive pages. If you decide to go looking for reviews be prepared for unasked for criticism along with nice comments... :wink:

There are views listed on the LibriVox You Tube pages as well, but I don't know that they represent someone actually listening to the recordings or just clicking the link.

Re: Individual statistics

Posted: February 11th, 2024, 11:51 pm
by annise
The views count seems to be not being updated for some time. Or else they have changed the way it works. Anne

Re: Individual statistics

Posted: February 12th, 2024, 7:23 am
by TriciaG
In the search box above the table, enter your LV catalog name and click on Search This Collection to bring up the list of projects where you are listed as a reader. This will include both solos and group projects. The symbols under each cover image are for views - favorites - reviews
But many group projects simply have "Read by LibriVox volunteers", so one's name won't pull up the project. :)

Re: Individual statistics

Posted: February 12th, 2024, 11:20 am
by knotyouraveragejo
That's true.

I don't put a lot of stock in the views count for the reason I noted above.

Re: Individual statistics

Posted: March 13th, 2024, 2:26 pm
by BengtW
If anyone wants details for a video or sets of videos from YouTube just let me know and I will extract them.