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Hello :)

Posted: January 3rd, 2024, 6:29 pm
by moguai
Hi, I'm new here. Only recently came across Librivox and am really excited to be a part of such a great mission.

I am currently in regional Australia and absolutely love books, animals and learning new things. I particularly love the wonderful use of language in the old non-fiction texts.

Re: Hello :)

Posted: January 4th, 2024, 9:30 am
by Cbteddy
Hi there!

In addition to all the links within each forum that provide tips and tricks, below you'll find a few that will help you get up and going as you are starting out.

For Proof Listening (PL) - Check out the Proof Listeners or Editors Wanted forum for links to more information about PL. The most common method is Standard, but some projects do have stricter guidelines.

Then check out the New Projects Launch Pad. This is where any readers post ideas for books they'd like to start as projects, either as a solo or group project. Any projects that have a tilde ~ in front of it means the project is in need of some one to PL. Being brand new, you may want to consider asking if you can start with a chapter or two, just to make sure you understand the process and that it's something you like. It may also be easier to start with PL for a solo project since it'll just be one reader you'll be listening to.

For recording

If not already submitted, be sure to complete your one minute recording test so we can make sure your audio specs are good to go. Once you get that approved, check out the Readers Wanted forums. There are two for English, and one for Readers of other languages.

There is one forum for poems and shorter works, as well as a forum for longer books. Click into a post to see a summary of the book/poem. If it's something that sounds interesting, scroll down a bit more and look at the Magic Window (MW). You'll see a list with chapters broken down into sections. If there is no name by a chapter, that means it's open and you can put a post in the thread to request that chapter. Once you've gotten the OK from the Book Coordinator (BC), you can then record the chapter.

A best practice that is recommended is to just sign up for a chapter or two to begin with so you can get a feel of the whole process and not be overwhelmed. Be sure to also read the information near the MW about how to access the text, the format the file needs to be saved as, and how to upload once it's ready for review.

When in doubt, don't hesitate to ask any questions. Someone will chime in and provide some assistance :)

Hope this helps, have fun, and welcome!