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Joined: June 4th, 2013, 9:09 am
Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Post by msfry »

LIBRIVERSARIES – December 2023

Librivox was born in August 2005 and since day 1, we have valued ALL our volunteers. Whether you participate daily, weekly, or just every now and then, you are part of our Librivox family and we are grateful for your contributions*.

This month we celebrate 95*active members*(defined below) who joined in December a year or more ago, and send a hearty round of applause for "job well done" and "thank you for still being here". As you run across these names in your projects, how about giving them a high five or pat on the back, and direct them to this page (which they may not even know about) to see who else shares their Libriversary month and year.

Active members celebrating a December Libriversary are:

17 years, joined 2006 (1)
Kristine Bekere (Kikisaulite)

16 years, joined 2007 (2)
Clive Catterall (CliveCatterall)
Roger Melin (Roger)

15 years, joined 2008 (1)
Alan Winterrowd (Boomcoach)

14 years, joined 2009 (3)
Algy Pug (Algy Pug)
Bill Mosley (Bill Mosley)
Jason Anderson (CBJason)

12 years, joined 2011 (5)
DaveC (craigdav1)
Jen Light (jenlight)
Nesanel Bechhofer (kirzses)
Nina Brown (NinaBrown)
Steve Gough (SteveGough)

11 years, joined 2012 (4)
Greg Giordano (GregGiordano)
Jmac698 (jmac698)
Lori Arsenault (Lorry)
Tom Merritt (TommyMer)

10 years, joined 2013 (1)
Victor Villarraza (phileasfogg)

9 years, joined 2014 (3)
Doug Fajardo (Doug42)
nzk13 (nzk13)
Renzo Clerico (rclerico)

8 years, joined 2015 (4)
David Purdy (Salvationist)
Jennifer Fournier (JenniferFour)
Robert Dipboye (dipboye)
yoricksskull (yoricksskull)

7 years, joined 2016 (5)
Ciufi Galeazzi (Ciufi)
Kerikerikeri1 (Kerikerikeri1)
Paula Messina (pmessina)
Rich Brown (loon)
Scotty Smith (iBeScotty)

6 years, joined 2017 (1)
MaybeCordelia (Bookworm360)

4 years, joined 2019 (4)
Atomic Dragons of Mars (AtomicDragonsofMars)
H Shell (caulkinsh)
Julie Burks (JulieB3)
Maxine (Maxineday)

3 years, joined 2020 (10)
Anthony Joseph (Tonytown)
Derek Trial (dltrial)
Dulcamara (Dulcamara)
Marcus Shera (smile0001)
P.J. Vander Kooij (MrLemurBoy)
Penelope (pvmg)
SoundsLikeJack (SoundsLikeJack)
T.Honcharyk (TanG)
Traceyann (Traceyann)
WendyKatzHiller (WendyKatzHiller)

2 years, joined 2021 (7)
Anna Sofia Andersson (AnnaSofia)
Brian Ó Broin (brianeanna)
Chris Greaves (ChrisGreaves)
Clifford Crego (jray)
HelenaD (HelenaD)
Rachel Costello (rachella)
Richard Vogel (Dick)

1 year, joined 2022 (44)
AdmYrrek (AdmYrrek)
afaulds (afaulds)
Alexander Grace (ResiotVO)
Alice Dodd (alicedodd)
aliyu (aliyu)
ArielStrike (ArielStrike)
artemisaro (artemisaro)
Ashley Jamieson (AshlynRose)
CDixon2022 (CDixon2022)
Charles Bolton (aquio)
Christian Culp (SnowyOwl)
Chuck Lavazzi (ChuckSTL)
Claudia Peri (periclaud)
Daniel Silverman (DanielSilverman)
David Onley (neurotony)
Ellliot (Ellliot)
fagancn (fagancn)
Glenn Carruthers (GlennCarruthers)
Gwilym Taylor (Idwal)
Hope (HopesUnicorn)
J. E. Holt (JEHolt)
Jaji Evans (Jaji87)
James Dixon (JimmyJames)
Jeff McGoldrick (miscreantinblack)
Jessica Castro-Rappl (casterapple)
Juan Castellanos (1998caste)
Katie Antlitz (ksantlitz)
LaBouna (LaBouna)
Lianne Joie (jigglypuff27)
markdamonbrooks (markdamonbrooks)
MNollora (MNollora)
NarratorOcci (NarratorOcci)
PaulW (PaulWelford)
PeterKing (PeterKing)
phooie8801 (phooie8801)
quartertone (quartertone)
Raphael Workman (RaphaelWorkman)
Redvers (richardgodden)
Richard Saunders (RichardSaunders)
Shawn Stutts (ShawnStutts)
Teller1986 (Teller1986)
Tiffany Wilson Lillard (twilsonlillard)
Timbray Shafer (timbrayshaf)
TwinLeaf (TwinLeaf)
*Contributions* include BC'ing and MC'ing projects, recording/completing files, proof-listening, cover making, plus editing, creating Wikipedia links, programming and other behind the scenes tasks that may be hard to notice active participation in (unless you speak up).

*Active member* is defined by some level of contribution to growing our catalog within the past 12 months. If you think your name has been left off this list, or misspelled, please PM msfry. Members who become active again after a long absence and are still in our Membership database, can make the list in future years.

The current Libriversary announcement is a Sticky at the top of the News Forum. Past Libriversaries don't disappear . . . they can be found in the forum as well, by date published or search for "Libriversaries-Month".

2023 Libriversaries In Review:
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November

Don't remember when you signed up? Check the right hand column of any post you make.
Posts: 1410
Joined: October 4th, 2008, 8:06 pm
Location: Arkansas

Post by MaryinArkansas »

Thanks for posting these, Michele. :thumbs:
“Reading one book is like eating one potato chip.”
―Diane Duane, So You Want to Be a Wizard.

Mary :)📚
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